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Kurogiri looked around. Only a handful of League Memebers were able to be teleported out, however it was the main bunch.

Spinner was sitting on the ground with Twice leaning on him. He had just calmed the masked man down after a horrid panic attack. Compress was pacing about the small living room, mumbling under his breath.

Dabi was leaning in the corner of the room, watching the room intently while also staring off into space. He was both there and not there.

Kurogiri felt like he failed Master. He only retrieved four memebers--not including the main leader under All for One; Shigaraki. He remembered the limp form of All for One, yet he felt as if he was indifferent to the villain's gory death.

Good riddance, that douche is finally six feet down at this point. Oboro felt no remorse for wishing the Number One Villain dead. Afterall, he was the one who forced Oboro's body to become a vessel for more quirks. Oboro could never become a hero after he was pushed to the back of his own mind as a new identity popped to the front. Kurogiri was simply a puppet in the hands of All for One.

Oboro was still a hero in training. His childlike youth was not killed.

His excitement was dimmed, however he was still as outgoing as normal.

As outspoken as normal.

That's why Kurogiri kept pushing Oboro back when the latter attempted to front.

Oboro felt stronger than ever after feeling the death of All for One. In contrast, Kurogiri felt weaker than ever. He felt sick.

Kurogiri's mist flickered from purple to black do dark blue and back to purple. He felt his quirks stirring restlessly--waiting, hoping, praying to be let out.

The other villains took notice of Kurogiri's withering state. Dabi slowly pushed off the wall, eyes caught on the flickering warp user. Compress had stopped pacing the floor in circles, instead opting to slowly approach the unsteady nomu. Even Spinner was looking at the bartender.

This lack of control was unusual. Not even quirk overusage causes this reaction.

Eventually, Kurogiri stumbled forward, using his arms to weakly catch himself on the couch's corner. He blinked a few times before turning bluer than before. His body took a slightly more human shape before flickering between mist and human.

The leftover League held their breaths as they maintained a safe distance from the struggling bartender.

They could sense something had changed. And somehow this change seemed more natural than before.

Suddenly, Kurogiri shook his head. His form stayed in a more human shape as his colored turned more navy.

"I'm out! Whoo! Three times in one day, leggo!!" Obroro yelled, jumping slightly to show his excitement. He stumbled forward after a second off the ground. He was still weak in this form too. Gradually, he made his way to sit on the couch, legs splayed out, and almost reaching the couch's opposite arm rest. His legs were simply too long.

Or this was an old couch made for "fun sized" people.

A small cough was heard from a few feet away. Oboro jumped and he turned his head to see Dabi staring at him with wide eyes.

"Okay, what the hell was that?"

"So you are the original host and director of the show but eventually you were forced to stop directing and simply become a stagnat audience member?" Compress asked. Oboro had took it upon himself to explain the whole "Well I was kinda turned into a nomu against my will and so my consciousness split into two, which led to this situation" concept.

"Ehh, more like I was practicing my part for debate team individually and then someone kicked open the door and stole my position, speech, and adversary. But yeah, whatever rows your boat." Oboro shrugged.

Over the course of the long explanation, Dabi had sat furthest from him, on the floor. Compress was seated on the couch's far left side with Twice in the middle. Oboro was sitting on the far right, legs situated over Twice's lap. Twice was clingy, always needing skinship.

Oboro, missing his friends and family more than ever, also craved the skinship he was declined since his "death."

" Kurogiri coming back anytime soon?" Asked Spinner. The reptile was on the floor a couple feet away from Oboro and the blessed couch.

"Um, well he definatly isn't leaving anytime soon. But right now he is kinda..."

Oboro took a quick check of the back of his headspace. Kurogiri was sleeping on a bed in the corner of his mind.

Snoring extremely loudly.

"Snoring louder than humanly possible. You all should be grateful you have me at the moment." Oboro yawned, angling himself to be closer to Twice, who didn't mind in the slightest.

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