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Aizawa, Toshinori, Tsukauchi, and Nezu were in the chimera's office at UA.

Nezu was typing at his computer, paws working a mile a minute. Tsukauchi and Aizawa were sitting down next to Nezu so they could see. Toshinori was forced to sit on a stool behind Nezu's short chair, since the hero was approximately seven feet tall.

Finally, Nezu let out a sigh of relief and his shoulders fell slightly. "I'm in..." He mumbled, beginning to pull up the camera's current feeds.

Slowly, he felt his heart begin to drop down into his chest. "No...." he whispered, paw to his maw as he tried to spot an error. His mind was running speedily, attempting to analyze what facts weren't there.

The three humans stiffened at the sound of Nezu's comment.

"Wait--" Toshinori cleared his throat as his voice had cracked.

Tsukauchi put a hand on his friend's shoulder and began speaking. "What is it, Nezu?"

All eyes turned to the UA Principle as he kept refreshing the screen that showed the camera's current status. The current data regarding the occupant of the camera's and suits.

After a few more tense seconds, Nezu's frantic attempts slowed to a hault. It was an odd feeling for the chimera to show emotions, much less a restless and devastated one. But he knew what a loss this was--how painful this was.

He sighed, turning to meet Aizawa's slightly wide eyes. Since it was his idea to install the cameras, he would be the first to understand. "The cameras are currently off." Aizawa stiffened, as if feeling the looming presence the next few sentences would hold. "The cameras were programmed to turn off a couple hours after the...heart stops...."

A sharp inhale was heard as Tsukauchi took in the information, eyes wide.

"No, that--that can't be r-ight." Toshinori supplied, an empty hopefulness overtaking his mind. "Surely the cameras are glitching. Young Midoirya and young Shinso--clearly they cannot have...." He trailed off, refusing to even thinking about the rest of the sentence.

Nezu turned to Toshinori, "There is a log of the past few days leading up to their turning off. The memories on that log have imported to my computer the second Powerloader turned off the compound's device...we can look at those to see if they're--if the cameras have glitches."

The room was silent as an unsaid comment hung through the air.

Hopefully the kids are still alive and the cameras simply glitched.

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