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"--Three bodies recovered from the Hero Raid that occurred merely days ago. The bodies of Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi Shinso, and former leader of the League of Villains, Tenko Shimura, also known as Tomura Shigaraki–" 

Kurogiri's head snapped towards the other room. He threw his towel down and abandoned the glass he had been polishing, instead quickly making his way to the front room. 

Dabi, Twice, and Spinner were already within the room. Dabi behind the couch, leaning on the back rest. Twice and Spinner were on the sides, the former with his legs propped up on the coffee table. 

"--reviously, the UA staff had decided to install cameras on the hero suits that would begin recording when the unusual environment and vital levels of the students begin changing. UA has released the following audio from Izuku Midoriya's suit camera. Warning: this audio might contain upsetting themes to some viewers…" 

Spinner sucked in a breath. Dabi leaned forward, further pushing his elbows into the couch. 

The audio began playing. It had clearly been cut to leave out some of the more gory details, but the commentary of each individual talking about the discrimination and quirk-related hatred bestowed upon their heads at such a young age was prominent. 

Kurogiri had known Shigaraki had had a harsh childhood…however watching his family turn to dust not knowing what was happening…as a child…must have been traumatizing. 

Not to mention the heroes in training and what they suffered from as well. Shinso had been abused by everyone except his father because his quirk was Brainwashing. 

None of the three ever flat out said it but some of the dialogue had led up to Kurogiri picking together Midoriya had previously hurt himself. 

Compress had walked in on the group at one point and joined the group as they watched the news and listened to the audio. 

Twice began to cry and laugh all in one. His emotions battled one another. 

The audio ended with Midoriya and Shinso apologizing to Shigaraki. 

"I'm sor-ry…we were…forced…to be…enemies… I wish…things were…different…You're 'mazing...Tenko...'nd Toshi" Came the pitiful, scratchy and raw voice of a dying Izuku Midoriya. It was weird hearing such a powerful kid--one that had kicked butt whenever the League had attacked Class 1A–seem so small and sickly. 

A thick, sad silence wafted through the scene before another voice spoke up. 

"I wish…we got to know you sooner.... You're really cool." An equally exhausted and dry voice whispered. Shinso's last breaths echoed through the thin air. 

Then after a few more seconds of comversation turned tosilence, Tomura's last words rang through the screen. 

"Your heroes…have failed you…"

Twice and Oboro flinched back. Oboro felt as if he had been slapped across the cheek. The last few words spoken by each individual held such raw emotions. The teen's hope had almost been snuffed out, but they had persevered through the pain of dying slowly. 

"Wow…that was–" The news reporter's voice cracked, she felt a sense of unsteadiness after hearing the audio. She cleared her throat. "That was--can we each have a min-minute of silence for these three individuals who have gone--who have experienced so much in their lives? Please?" She almost begged the person slightly behind the screen. Having allegedly gotten the signal to continue, a minute of silence hung thickly through the air. The television was silent, nature was silent outside the base. The villains were silent. 


Now that All for One was dead, they had no reason to continue being villains. They had either been forced to become part of the League or too scared to leave--All for One had threatened to turn anyone who questioned his authority into mindless nomus. No one wanted to risk that, so they played along. 

They had been previously looking for Shigaraki, slowly searching the areas and other safehouses for the disgruntled young adult. However no one had caught wind of a decaying, light blue haired man. Now that the reporter had data proving not only was their leader buried under the rubble, but also quite dead, they felt dread seep into their guts.

All that searching was for nothing.

They weren't unused to death and casualties as villains, however someone so prominent in their lives… it still hurt to be abandoned like that. 

Death forced them to become who they are now. Metaphorical or physical death was the question after that. 

Twice, who was hyperventilating at the news, had begun to be comforted by Compress. Spinner was staring at the wall beside the television. And Dabi was glaring through his eyelashes at the reporter across the screen. 

An inhale was heard from the other end. 

The reporter began looking back down at her papers. "An open funeral for four individuals who have sadly passed away will be held within UA gates–" 

"Four?" Dabi breathed out. "There was only three." He looked at Oboro, who had begun co-fronting with Kurogiri. They shrugged, not understanding who the fourth person was either. 

A hero? Another student? Maybe a stray civilian?

"--e procession will be open to the public Friday starting at two PM. A private one will take place afterwards for people who are family members and close friends of the deceased…" 

Spinner turned off the television. 

Compress, who had now moved Twice so the latter was hugging him, looked at Kurogiri expectantly. Dabi gripped the back of the couch, knuckles turning white under the pressure. He refused to look at any of the other villains. 

Spinner slowly shook out of his daze and put the remote down, turning to take in everyone around them.

What would they do now?

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