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Bakugo was annoyed, moreso than usual. Nezu had made him livid when he blatantly told the class that neither student had left the room.

He knew the whole ordeal had taken place within less than a few hours tops but still. He felt a dam of emotions break through his exterior.

He was angry at the building for collapsing. He was annoyed at the class's tears and sounds of sobbing. He was miffed at Nezu's analytical bluntness and Hound-Dog's sad attempts at soothing the crying class.

So he had left. He couldn't deal with those extras while their brains were clouded with crappy emotions.

So after an hour or so of staying in his room to calm his annoyed mind, he eventually exited his den. He found out Nezu had left to formulate a plan to find the missing students in his office.

This left a small section of the class still in the common room with Hound-Dog and a random teacher from the third year General Education dorms. Rolling, his eyes, Bakugo pulled out his headphones and started playing his music. He turned the volume up as high as it would take to drown out his classmates' cries.

As he reached the door, he yelled out to one of the teachers. "Bakugo Katsuki. Gym Beta." To get his point across, he used as little words as possible.

He pushed open the door, sauntering out to the gym.

The teachers knew where he was at. He screamed at them, so there was no way they didn't hear from the close proximity. No one was stopping him either.

Not that they could.

He was on a mission to beat a punching bag into a pulp. He needed this.

Uraraka was in her room with Momo and Tsu. Momo sat on the bed, criss cross applesauce and with a pillow laid in her lap. Uraraka was on the other end of the bed, huddled next to Tsu who was painting her nails green.

Momo had brought her nail polish and a computer to get their minds off of the raid.

Momo watched as Tsu moved on from her left foot to her right.

"I'm going to play a movie. Do you have any preferences?" Momo asked politely, turning her computer so it angled itself towards her as she signed in.

Uraraka sniffed, mumbling that she didn't care.

Momo smiled softly and turned to look at Tsu.

"Princess and the Frog, kero." She didn't even look up from her nails.

Momo opened a new tab and signed into Disney Plus.

Kirishima and Sero were still in the Common Room. They had seen Bakugo walk out and yell that he was going to the gym, but stayed put. Bakugo probably wanted to get out his pent up feelings.

Kirishima felt he would be of no assistance in that regard. Besides, he had a job. Mina was still crying her eyes out. She had been close with Jiro, Kaminari and Hagakure, so to hear that they got out was a relief. However the news of her other classmates not being found made her stressed and scared.

Kirishima was rubbing her shoulders and back as she leaned on him. He had tried to whisper positive narratives in her ears, but that was futile so he stopped.

Next to him, Sero was comforting Aoyama and Todoroki. Aoyama was in shock, mouth slightly agape as his eyes were blown wide. Todoroki simply seemed out of it, not crying or freaking out externally. He was just staring into space, brows furrowed.

Everyone winced as they heard Dark Shadow belt out an ear piercing screech once more. Hound-Dog's voice raised a couple octaves so both Tokoyami and Dark Shadow could hear him trying to soothe them. So far, it wasn't working the greatest, but it was calming them down slowly.

No one knew why Dark Shadow was acting this way, and it had frightened Tokoyami into accidentally losing control.  But now he was in a separate room, Hound-Dog attempting to subdue both.

Mineta, having a sensory overload due to the mass amounts of sound rochcheting around the dorms, was folded in on himself in the corner. Loud noises bugged him. Somedays worse than others. Currenrly, the Gen Ed teacher for the third years was attempting to comfort the sobbing teen.

Ojiro was with Koda and Sato. All three boys were in Sato's room as he baked a few pastries. Shoji was also invited, yet he had opted to calm down in his own room.

Koda had brought his bunny and was petting it gently as they sat on the floor.

"I'm glad Hagakure, Kaminari and Jiro are safe. I wish Midoriya and Shinso were safe too." Ojiro began, picking at his hands.

Koda nodded.

"Well they said Midoriya and Shinso were M.I.A. so it could mean they just got lost." Sato piped in, clicking the stove light on to check if the pastries were cooked.

"...but Nezu said no one saw them leave." Ojiro looked up only to see a slumped over Koda. The mute teen looked thoroughly upset and downtrodden.

Ojiro turned his gaze to Sato. He was on the balls of his feet, squatting in front of the oven as he angled himself to watch the puff pastries rise. His left arm was holding the side of the oven to aid in maintaining balance.

"Let me dream." Sato whispered.

A sniff was heard from between both boys, Koda had begun to cry.

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