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The hand reached forward at an alarming rate. It pushes through the darkness and straight towards the unsuspecting student.

Feeling the air shift, the student twirled around only to see a hand impossibly close to their face. Their eyes widen into saucers, heart rate picking up dramatically.


Another hand pulled their wrist from behind. The student tried wrenching their hand from the grip of said stranger. Yet it was futile. Another hand gripped their free shoulder, further holding them in place.

"--is how--"

The student's chest starts to convulse as they flinch at all the hands holding them in place. The hands were now wrapped around their legs, neck and arms.

"--you die."

Their breathing became labored, chest feeling as if it was caving in. They felt their eyes roll back in their heads as their body finally gives in.

Aoyama jerked awake, head pounding to the beat of his heart. He leaned forward and pulled his legs closer, hand to his chest. He waited for a few minutes, attempting to catch his breath.

It took a while to calm his breathing to the point of being able to at least talk, but he eventually did it. Slowly, he slid out of bed and onto shaking legs. He needed comfort and being alone was not necessarily comforting to the blonde.

Slowly, he put his sweaty palm on the wall, letting it hold some of his weight. He inched around his sparkly room, making his way to the door. He continued down the hall and slowly made his way to one of his closest friend's room.

He didn't have to knock on the door to Sero's room, as it was already cracked open slightly. But he did stumble inside. He was still shivering at the dark nightmare.

Sero immediately snapped his head up to look at the intruder. Afterall, it was an ungodly hour of the night and no one usually visits this early.

Sero patted Momo's hair and she obediently lifted her head off of his lap.

No words were said until Sero unfolded his legs and got his feet firmly on the carpet. He slowly walked over to Aoyama, who was still trembling. "Are you...what happened?"

"I am not..." Aoyama's voice cracked as it strained itself. He tried again. "I am not feeling fabulous."

Humming, Sero pulled Aoyama into his arms for a hug. No one had to talk, even as Sero led the blonde over to the carpet he was previously sitting on with Momo.

"Was it the nightmare too?" Momo sniveled, creating a tissue to blow her nose with.

Aoyama merely nodded from Sero's shoulder.

"We had it too, you're not alone." Sero comforted, rubbing his hand through Aoyama's hair. Momo leaned back against Sero's bed.

"I had went down to grab a drink and was startled by Sero coming down to grab a cup of ice. Pure ice." Momo talked.

She understood the pain of this specific nightmare. Her body shuddered at the thought of feeling trapped. Talking was the best way to calm down the shortest teen.

Aoyama slightly chuckled through his tears.

"Hey, my cup of ice was freaking dope, okay?" Sero drawled, playfully glaring at Momo. She sighed, smiling and waving her hand, dismissing the ravenette.

Aoyama chuckled once mlte, tears slowly ceasing.

After a few more minutes, everyone's eyes were relatively dry and a movie was playing from Sero's iPad.  He didn't have a television because he didn't necessarily love the big screen. Plus it took up his precious space. The iPad was leaning against his textbooks and sitting on the coffee table in front of the three. Aoyama was finally sitting up, though slightly leaning on Sero still. Momo had her legs crossed with a pillow on them as she played with the corners. She hadn't seen many movies growing up, but now that they were all practically having a sleepover, she was very interested.

Suddenly a small thump came from the door. Momo hesitantly leaned forward and paused the iPad.

Slowly, Sero's door opened up to show a disheveled Tsu. "Nightmare as well?" Sero asked gently. Tsu looked around the room vacantly before returning her gaze to her friends. She nodded.

Momo patted the carpet next to her and then lifted her arms. "Come here, Tsu." In a daze, Tsu walked across the room and next to Momo.

Sero and Aoyama looked away politely as the two embraced. All of them understood how some nightmares make weaknesses apparent. That's why they flocked to Sero's room. He was by far one of the calmest kids in the class.

Sero was often checking in on everyone yet making jokes. His commentary was golden when he got bored and he hardly sensors his words. What he says, he means.

Tsu had come to Momo's room first, feeling as if Momo would best understand her nightmare, however she wasn't there. She then had walked to Sero's room and entered.

Now, Momo was whispering comforting sayings in her ear. When everyone was finally able to calm down once more, the movie was restarted and they sat in a comfortable silence, each one maintaining contact with each other.

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