Losing Patience

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I've been good, for three fucking months. I haven't touched her. I have been keeping my distance. It's been extremely difficult, but I knew it was for the best. However, having her follow me tonight, standing here looking like a virgin sacrifice. It both turns me on and pisses me off.

Doesn't she know we need to stay away from one another? That the closer it gets to the full moon the more my control slips? That if I take her in the many ways I am dying to, I will ruin her forever?

"Go back to bed little witch, before I change my mind." I tell her as I turn away giving her my back.

Every time my fist punches the bag, I'm picturing my fathers face. I have tried for months to track him, and just when I think we are getting close he escapes my clutches every time. This last time I thought I had him. I could have sworn I was correct in my assumption.

Like the old saying goes, don't ever assume anything. You'll make an ass out of yourself. Man, did I ever tonight. Punch, punch, punch. Each pound of my hand, every feeling of pain helps me. It lets me know I'm alive.

"Why the fuck are you still standing there?" My voice is laced with annoyance.

"I'm sorry, but I feel like you really need someone right now." She speaks.

There's a moment of silence. All you can hear is my fists touching the bag. "Do you want to talk about it?" Her voice comes out in a whisper.

I know she's treading lightly. She's not sure what kind of mood I'm in. Whether I'll want to hurt her or take her here on the mat below our feet. With how I'm feeling now, I could really use a good fuck, but that's not what Liz is to me. She's so much more, and with the mood I am in I'm afraid if I did take her, I would hurt her.

She deserves our first time to be special. To be meaningful. Not here in a room with exercise equipment and the smell of sweat. "You mean talk about how I'm a failure."

"How cannot I find the man that threatens us all?"

"The man that is the vein to my existence." I say with each punch of my fist.

"You're not a failure." She argues.

I laugh, I cannot help it. I laugh at the ridiculousness that is coming out of her mouth. "You have no idea what I've been through these last few months little witch. Not a fucking clue." I tell her.

"Then, tell me." She says as she walks over to me.

Once she's in my view on the other side of the punching bag, she places her hands on her hips. "Come on great and powerful one fill me in." She rolls her eyes as she spouts her sarcasm.

I stop punching the bag and walk right up to her. I must give the girl credit she doesn't cower in my presence. She never has. She stays firmly in that spot until I am toed to toe with her. I can see the weariness in her eyes, and I hate it.

I know I've put that that. I've made her doubt herself these last few months. Been a complete asshole to her, but I'm doing it for a reason. She just doesn't understand that. "Listen to me carefully little witch. The full moon is two nights away. I have had a bad day, and I need to blow off steam. You do not want to be around me right now."

I know my nostrils are flaring, she's working on my patience. My last nerve is about to break, and I will devour this girl. Consume her until there is nothing left if she does not leave this room.

"Now take your ass back to your bedroom, go to sleep like a good little witch, and we will forget this ever happened." My face is so close to hers; I can breathe in her air.

I think she's going to cave; she looks down at her feet. I feel like I won this small battle, but then she surprises me. She lifts her head, and her eyes hold so much promise, so much determination within them.

"Fuck you." She doesn't scream it; she just whispers it to me.

"Fuck you and you're telling me what to do. Fuck you in keeping me in the dark." Now her voice is raising with each sentence she speaks.

"Fuck you with ignoring me. Fuck you with all your self-righteous bullshit. Most of all fucks you and your stupid nickname for me!" She yells right into my face.

We glare at one another. Neither saying another word. Just staring into each other's eyes. Each breathing hard. The feel of her chest hitting mine with each breath she takes is driving me mad. I'm so close to losing my control.

"Stop calling me little witch. I'm not a child. I am a woman, and I demand you start treating me as such."

With that my control snaps. My hands make their way into her hair, as I pull her head back and take her mouth with mine. It's not a sweet kiss. No this is passion and anger. The both of us have so much anger at one another it conveys in our kiss, as our lips conquer each other's.

I kiss, and bite at her lips. When her mouth opens on a gasp from my bite, I take advantage and dive my tongue into her mouth. The kiss is what makes life amazing. I can taste a hint of spearmint and her. I never want this to end, but I know it must. She's not safe with someone like me.

With that thought I place my hands onto her shoulders and shove her back away from me. "Don't you do it. Don't you push me away again?" She cries. The sound of her whimpering words breaks my heart.

"You asshole, one of these days I'm going to move on to another, and completely forget about you." She yells into my face before she turns and runs away.

Her words ring true, and I know she means them. What she doesn't know is that we cannot be together right now. There's too much at stake. I must find my father and extinguish him so it's safe. So, she is safe. Then, and only then can I have her.

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