The Truth

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I am mortified, how do I tell the hottest man I have ever seen. One I'm sure has had many women in his bed, that I have never gone all the way. I haven't so much as had a kiss, I'm that innocent.

"I haven't ever, done, well, you know." I look at him with pleading eyes.

He doesn't say a thing just continues to look at me. The bastard is going to make me say it, I know he is. The look in his eyes tells me so. Giving off huff, I try to push him away from me. He doesn't budge, not instead, he moves his body even closer to me.

Making it more difficult to breath. There isn't any space between us now. I can feel every hard ridge, every muscle along his body. "What's you know?" He says with a smirk across his lips.

That's it, I am at my wits end. "What did you come in here to talk about?" I do what I can to change the subject. Hoping he'll let me pass.

His finger makes its way to my face. I go to say something, but he brings it down across my lips. "Shh." He whispers.

You cannot hear a thing in the room. It is that quiet. Of course, my heart is beating so fast I probably wouldn't hear anything anyway. His finger moves from my lips to my chin, then down my neck. He's looking at my pressure point, I know he can already feel my heart, but there is no doubt in my mind that he can see it beating there as well.

"You are so beautiful." His eyes are looking right into mine now. Making my knees feel weak.

His fingers make their way down my body, between my breasts, to my belly. He stops just below them, not moving an inch, neither of us looking away. "I came to tell you that I'm sorry for how I have been these past few months. My father is getting under my skin, and he knows my biggest weakness now. Which is making me crazy, I need to take him down so he cannot harm..."

He pauses, I can see the turmoil in his eyes. "Harm who?" Moments pass and still not a word.

"What is your biggest weakness?" I ask barely above a whisper.

I don't know how long we stand there staring at one another. The heat in the room has risen exponentially. I have sweat drops rolling down my back, making me squirm.

The bastard smiles his most devilish smile. He knows what he is doing to me. The feel of his body so close to mine, the feel of every crevice along my body, the suspense of his words, the smell of him. It's making me crave things. Things I don't quite understand.

I open my mouth to ask him once again, but he has other plans. His mouth comes crashing down on mine. His tongue enters my mouth, playing with mine, making me moan. His hands come to both sides of my face; he holds me there for good measure.

"You taste so good." He groans into my mouth.

Before I know what is happening, his hands make their way down to my ass. He lifts me up, without breaking our connection, he walks us over to the table. He places me on top, and with one arm swings the books that are there along the floor.

He breaks our kiss off, to lay my back along the tabletop. I feel nervous, we have been in this predicament before. So close, yet it always ends up so far away. While looking at me, he brings his hand to my shirt, he undoes one button, then another.

"I would think it would be completely obvious." He looks up at me once my shirt is completely undone.

"My biggest weakness. It's this infuriating, mouthy, little witch." He smirks at me before dropping his face down to my belly. He breaths along my skin, making me squirm.

"Patience baby, I'm going to make you feel so good. You'll forget your own name."

His words make me breathless. "How am I your biggest weakness?" I have to ask. I know my question could ruin this moment, but I just have to know.

"Because you're mine." He kisses just below my belly button, making me moan with need.

"Gods I love that sound coming out of your lips." He groans, as he makes his way slowly up my body. Kissing me everywhere he can reach.

"You've said that multiple times now, but just because you say I am yours, doesn't mean I am." I want to say more, but when he kisses the top of my breast, the part that is just barely outside of my camise, I forget what I was saying.

"You are to me what Ellie is to Kayden." His words cut into me like a freight train.

I sit up a little so I can see him more clearly. "You mean, the reason we both feel this way is we are mates so to speak?"

He doesn't say anything just nods his head once, before removing my camise, and sucking my breast into his mouth. "Oh goodness." I scream, as my head falls back to the table.

It hurt, but the pain only adds to the pleasure. This man is amazing with his mouth. He's doing something with his tongue along my nipple. Making my hips grind against him. He hums with enjoyment along my skin, making gooseflesh rise along mine.

He releases my breast from his mouth with a pop. "That's its baby. Lose yourself to what you're feeling. Show me how much you want my hard cock." He says, just as he attacks my other breast.

Hard cock he has, I can feel the length along my center. Every time I rub my clit over it, I get closer and closer to coming. I have never had an orgasm with another person involved. Not even foreplay, or oral sex. I hope that is about to change tonight.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now