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He called me beautiful. Just hearing that word come out of his mouth when he speaks to me makes my heart melt. I thought he only wanted to do this activity with me because he felt obligated after I gave him a blow job. But looking into his eyes I can see he really wants to do this with me. To make me feel good.

"Josh," I breathe his name along his lips.

"Yeah firecracker?"

"I want you to taste me now."

He gives me a devilish smile, before he kisses my lips. What I'm sure was going to be a simple kiss turns into one hot and heavy one. We are all lips, teeth, and tongue. I can feel my arousal growing between my legs once again as I rub my center against his leg.

He pulls back with a grunt. "That smell is going to be my undoing." I blush scarlet red at his words.

"Hold onto the headboard baby and enjoy the ride." He says before kissing my lips and making his way slowly down my body.

He licks and nips my skin in every crevice of my body as he makes his way down to my very wet center. He pauses at my breasts to give them some love. He licks around the nipple before sucking the entire thing into his mouth. My hips rise of their own accord.

His hands go to my hips and hold them down, while his thumbs rub slow circles along my skin there. He releases my breast with a pop. He gives one final lick before making eye contact with me. I see so much hunger in his eyes it almost frightens me.

My knees on instinct start to close, but his body falls between my legs forcing them to stay open. He doesn't say a word, but his eyes have taken on a sweet look. As though to tell me it's okay. Without breaking eye contact with me he kisses his way down my stomach and stops just as he makes it above my center.

He kisses the entire area around me, making it hard for me to not squirm with anticipation. My breaths are coming more erratically, and the jerk knows just what he's doing to me if his devilish smile that makes its way along his lips has anything to say about it.

I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but he gives me a wink, sticks out his tongue and licks my center top to bottom. Pausing any coherent words that were going to spewing out of my mouth. He does it repeatedly, just barely feeling me down there. I glare at him, and he must see my annoyance because he blows me a kiss before opening my pussy lips and covering me with his entire mouth.

"Oh, God's." It's the only thing I can get to come out of my mouth. The sensations feel so good.

His tongue is doing amazing things to my body. I feel him twirling it around me, like he does when it's placed in my mouth. My hips are gyrating with need, but his hands hold my body down. "Just feel baby. Close your eyes." He whispers along my sex.

I do as he tells me, closing my eyes and relaxing my body. That's when he really attacks me. He is so good at doing things with his mouth I come within seconds of closing my eyes. He doesn't stop, he keeps going, making my orgasms draw out. The sensations making me weak.

He doesn't stop there, his hands go to my bottom, and he lifts me up, so the bottom half of my body is in the air, and his tongue is jabbing into my sex repeatedly. My hands go to the comforter, as he continues doing these amazing things to my body.

I dig my hands into the blankets and hold on for dear life. I scream with everything in me. As I come once again. I think I feel him licking up my juices from below, but I'm too much in a daze to really pay attention.

There's a moment of silence, my eyes are still shut tight. I feel him crawling up my body, lightly kissing my skin. When he makes it to my mouth, he kisses me. I open my mouth for his assault, and when his tongue enters my mouth, I can taste a mix of myself and him.

My hands move to the back of his head as I hold him to me. Giving as much as I get. I open my eyes, and he's looking deep into mine. We stay like that for a moment, studying one another.

"So beautiful." He whispers aloud as his hand makes its way to my hair, brushing it away from my sweat slicked face.

I give him a smile and go to open my mouth to say something to him but get interrupted with a knock at the door.

I freeze with mortification as I hear a giggle and Ellies' voice. "Um, Joshua. Kayden needs you in his office." 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now