Breaking Through Her Barrier

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Holy shit! This woman unmans me. Her juices coat my fingers. While her sweet nectar fills my mouth. God's she is delicious. The most beautiful pussy I have ever seen, and the most delectable I have ever tasted. The best part is she's all mine.

I wipe my mouth along the inside of her thigh, and kiss my way up her body. Dipping my tongue into her belly button, she squirms below me. I know I have her hot and bothered, and she is more than ready for my cock, but I cannot help myself. I love toying with her just as much as I love tasting her delectable body.

Once I have my body lined up with hers, I kiss the hell out of her mouth. She moans into my mouth as our tongues twirl around one another's. "Taste that baby, that's all you. That is my destiny, coated in deliciousness. All for me." I whisper along her lips.

Making her wrap her arms around my neck, she claws her fingers into my skin. Making my hips gyrate with the pain. It feels so good. Almost as good as I know her pussy will feel.

"Please, I need you." She begs along my neck, just before she bites me there.

"You sure you're ready my little firecracker?" I know she is.

She's wetter than a tsunami, I just need to hear her say it. "You know I am, more than ready." She groans before taking my face into her hands and looking me in my eyes.

"Now fuck me good and hard, just the way I know you're dying to." She licks the outside of my lips, to seal her words.

I cannot hold on any longer I need to be inside this woman more than I need my next breath. I lift my body up slightly, grab ahold of my cock, and rub it along her pussy lips. Coating it with her juices. I know this will hurt, but if I can make it easier to slide right in, it'll be better for her in the long run.

"This is going to hurt at first." I tell her.

I know she isn't dumb. She may be a bit naïve and a whole lot of innocent, but she knows the basics of sex. She understands a woman's first time is a little painful for her. I just feel the need to say the words aloud so she knows that I understand what this means for her.

What this will mean for us in the long run. The most perfect gift she is giving me. I look into her eyes, and can see the war waging within her. There's a big part of her that wants me to plow on through, and another smaller part that is a little afraid of the possibility of the pain.

"I'll do my best to go slow. To make it so it won't hurt you too much." I promise her.

She nods her head, but brings her fingers to my lips. She rubs the outside of my mouth, making me bite her fingers playfully. "I want you to slam into me."

I go to interrupt her, but she covers my mouth with her entire hand. "I need you to break the last barrier that is between us. I know it'll hurt, but I am willing to feel the pain."

I take a second to look at her. Really study her. I see the truth in her eyes. She means what she says. Doesn't mean I'm too happy with it. I hate the idea of giving her any kind of pain.

"I can go slow. I'll still break that barrier, don't you worry. It'll just be a slow pace so minimal pain." I tell her as I pop the tip just slightly into her body.

My eyes close in euphoria. I'm barely inside, but I cannot help myself. This woman is everything to me, and the feel of her walls pulling my most prize part of my body into hers has me feeling amazing.

I open my eyes to study her. She's glorious. She has her eyes closed, and her head tilted back. I take the opportunity to lick up the side of her neck. Before taking her lips. I'm trying to take it slow, be gentle. Which is not an easy task for me, but she won't let me.

Her arms wrap around my shoulders and she bites my lips. Making me open my mouth for her onslaught. I push in further and can feel how snug it is. How tight her pussy really is. She fits me like a glove.

She releases my shoulder with her arms, making me use mine to hold up my weight on either side of her head. I'm enjoying her exploration of my body. I stay completely still allowing her to go at her own pace. Her hips are gyrating up and down along my cock.

Little moans are coming out of her mouth, as she licks into mine. Her hands are going down my back, she's feeling each crevice, each muscle with her hands. When she reaches my ass, she grabs ahold of each cheek, with both her hands.

She pulls back to look into my eyes. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. She smiles at me, which makes my heart stop beating all together. "I'm yours, and you are mine." She says just before she pulls my ass, and lifts her hips, slamming me entirely into her body.

She screams with what sounds like a mixture of pain and euphoria. My eyes close of their own accord. She made me break through her barrier in one push of my hips. I can't help myself, I open my eyes, and see she's biting her lip. With a sexy look in her eyes.

That look is my undoing. Out the window goes slow and graceful for her. I begin to pound my hips against hers. It must be what she wants, she throws her head back with a smile along her face. I'm going to fuck her so hard, she will feel me for days.

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