All His Fears Come to Light

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That's what this has all been about. He has pushed me away all these months because he fears for my life. Knowing that his father will do everything within his power to make sure I die at his hands for what he feels his son has done. I lift my head to look into his eyes as a tear escapes mine. I can feel the path as it makes its way down my cheek.

I wipe it away with my hand before I place both along his chest. "If that is the price you must pay, I now understand." I bring my hands to his face to make sure he cannot look away. "I understand that you are afraid of losing me at the hands of the monster that abused you your entire childhood, but we cannot let him win."

He brings his forehead down to mine and closes his eyes. "If I go into hiding and do not help whose to say he won't find me anyway? You said it yourself he has eyes and ears everywhere. He will find a way to get me." His eyes pop open and they are now almost completely black.

"He will not find you. I will make sure of that. It's why you must go into hiding. So, you must remain safe. I know you want to fight along side your best friend and me, but I need to be sure you are safe over all else." He places his hands along my arms and slowly removes them from his face. He looks into my eyes for a few seconds before turning and walking to the closet.

He pulls out a duffle bag, bringing it to the bed he unzips it and walks to the dresser I stored all my clothes in. He opens one drawer and walks back to the bed with a hand full of me under garments. He places them in the bag and tells me to go into the ensuite bathroom and grab anything I may need.

"No," I finally snap out of my daze and find my voice. He pauses mid stride towards the dresser. His entire body is frozen, he isn't moving in the slightest. You would think he was a statue. "What do you mean no?" His voice is cold as ice.

"I mean no. I am going wherever you all go. I am going to fight your father with everything I have. I'm not going into hiding no matter how much it's what you truly want." He slowly turns to face me.

His hands are at his side, I see how angry he is. Not only by the look in his eyes, the pinch of his face, or the taught of his shoulders. Also, by the fact his hands are now fisted, and his knuckles are turning white. "You do not understand what I am saying. You don't have a choice. There is on way in Hell you are coming with me and the others."

With those words my understanding goes out the window. I can feel my cheeks turning red with anger. "Who in the world do you think you are telling me what I will and will not be doing?"

Before he can utter a word, I'm walking up to him. Face to face and toe to toe. I am no longer afraid to hurt his male pride. Fuck that! Now I am going to speak my mind whether he likes it or not. "I am a grown woman, if I feel I am needed somewhere especially with my family, and Ellie is my family, I am going to be there. I don't care what you or anyone else has to say." I poke his chest with the final words.

"Furthermore, I am not a helpless little girl. I am a witch, and I am well grown. I know what I am capable of. So, I will be going and helping and that is final!" I don't mean to, but I shout the last word in his face.

It's then I realize just how many emotions I am feeling in this moment. Sadness for all of us, anger for him trying to tell me what I will be doing without giving me a choice, and grief because in a way I feel like I am losing him the more and more this conversation goes on.

His laughter breaks me away from my thoughts. There's a chill that goes down my spine with the sound coming out of his mouth. There is no humor at all. Shaking my head, I focus on him. He has taken a few steps back from me, his chest is moving at a fast pace. I can see he's trying to calm himself down. "You will do as I say. I am your mate, and I am trying to protect you. This is the best way I know how." He says on a deadly whisper.

"Do you know what could happen if you come along. I won't be focused; I'll be worrying about you the entire time. Kayden and the others need me to be one hundred percent on my game, and with you there that will not happen."

Looking down, I take a deep breath trying to gather my thoughts. Doing what I can to make him see from my point of view. "I understand what you're saying but I am needed there as well." I look up at him begging him with my eyes to listen to me.

"And if my father gets his hands on you then what? Hmm..." He walks a little closer, "What will you do? You may be a witch, but you are no match for his pack and Tony's father. Not to mention we have no idea how many followers they have now. So, what will you be able to do?" By the end of his rant, he's standing right in front of me.

"I must have faith that he will not get ahold of me. That we will keep one another protected, and if he does, I know I can figure something out." I'm not so sure on the last part but I am willing to say just about anything to have him calm down and be okay with the idea of me coming along.

He looks at me for a moment. I can see a lot of anger held within his eyes, but I can also see and underlying of sadness. Dare I say he has tears welling in his eyes? I lift my hand to touch his face, but he pulls away from me. Without a word he marches to the bedroom door. "Do what ever the hell you want. I don't give a fuck, you're too stubborn to listen to reason anyway." He growls the last of his words before walking out and slamming the door.

I stand frozen in that spot for what feels like hours, but I know are only minutes. I cannot believe the way he had talked to me. His tone was something I have never heard pointed towards me before. It's then I feel the tears falling down my face, I wipe them away the best I can, but they continue to fall. Just as I'm about to give up and crawl into the bed I hear Ellie call my name.

"Liz quick come with me. You're not going to believe this." She says as she pushes the door open and walks into the room. "What is it?" Her eyes are wild, she's kind of scaring me. "It's Keith."

I run over to her and place my hand along her arms. "What about Keith?" My heartbeat is frantic with her next words. "He's alive." 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now