Important Discussion

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I stand here, along the wall of Kaydens office, my arms folded, quiet listening to them all talk. Thoughts of the little witch in my head, playing repeatedly how I could have taken her. Had my way with her two nights ago, when she followed me to the training room. How it would be entirely too easy to lay her down and sink myself deep into her delectable body. Lord knows I could use the release.

"Earth to Josh you there?" Kayden asks from his seat at the desk.

Shaking those thoughts from my head, I look to my best friend. He has a devilish smile on his lips, and his head is tilted to the side. I know for a fact he was in my head just now. He knows all the dirty thoughts I've been having of the annoying little witch that is his wife's best friend.

"What did you say?" I ask, hoping he'll give me a reprieve and let the situation go.

"How about you and Martin go look that information up, give Joshua and I a moment to talk." His words let me know there is no such luck.

"Not a problem, I'm starving anyway." Tony says as he lifts himself from the chair, stretching his arms over his head.

"I may go to the training room, get some of my frustration out of my system." Martin says as he makes his way to the door.

We are all a little strung tight. The search for my father, and Tony's father is giving us all a headache. The fact they are both able to lose us every time we get a lead, is frustrating as hell. We all have our ways to deal. For Tony it's been food, the man can eat and not gain a pound. For Martin and me it's a lot of time in the training room. Although, I really want to do something else, or should I say someone else to help me with my aggression.

"Why don't you?" Kayden asks, that smile of his still on his lips.

I growl in aggravation, "you know why, and get the hell out of my head."

He raises his hands as if to surrender. "Just saying, it would help you a lot. Plus, we all know how you both feel about one another." Amusement is held in his eyes while he speaks.

Silence surrounds us for a minute, both of us staring at one another, neither looking away. He's studying me, my bodies reaction to his words. I know how he works. Finally, having enough I move my eyes to a place on the opposite wall.

"What are you afraid of?" He asks me.

Kayden knows me better than anyone in this world. Both our fathers were hard on us, they never loved us or showed an ounce of caring. We were produced for one thing. For them to gain power in this world.

"You're not your father." His words have my eyes cutting back to him.

"I know that." I growl.

"Do you?"

His questions are pushing my buttons. He knows if it was anyone else, I would flip my shit. I would have them by the throat right now, ready to rip into them. But it's Kayden, he's, my brothers. The only person in this world that can push me beyond means and get away with it. Well, now there are two people that can do that.

With that thought, I give in a make my way to the chair in front of his desk. I slide into it, placing my elbows on top of my legs. Steepling my hands together, I place my head on top and look at him. The entire time he sits in silence waiting for me to get the words I want to say right.

"I don't want to hurt her."

"How so?"

I let out a long breath, sit back in the chair and rub my face with my hands. "You know how."

He looks at me, in that intense way of his. "There isn't a mean bone in your body when it comes to that woman. You could never hurt her, and who knows she may like it a little rough." He smiles at me with a devilish glee in his eyes.

I laugh, "yeah we all know Ellie does. They are a lot alike." I think out loud.

I grow serious with my next words, "but that's not the only way I am afraid of hurting her."

His eyebrows furrow above his eyes. "As I have already mentioned you are not your father. You could never harm her in such a way."

"If I have an ounce of my father in me yes I can." I state.

He nods his head in deep thought, "have I once hurt Ellie. Lord knows I do have similarities with my father, but one thing I know without a doubt I would never harm her like he did his women."

He leans forward, "and neither will you." He stares me right in the eye.

Showing me how much he believes his words. I know he's right, I'm not my father, but my one fear in this world is if I could lose it around her and take it out on her in a way I shouldn't.

"Give yourself a chance Josh, you owe yourself that." He says to me.

"Yeah, I do." I whisper.

"Don't just give her up because of your fears."

He stands from his desk and walks to the front. He leans against it, crossing his ankles and crossing his arms over his chest. "I mean it, try with her. She is in love with you we all see it. She craves you as much as you crave her. And let's be real here, you and I both know what she is to you."

"I know, but that's why she really needs to stay away. He knows about her. Somehow, he has found out, and he will go after her, If I show any feelings towards her at all."

I stand from my chair and walk over to the window. I lean my arms on the glass and look outside of the estate. "If he finds out what she is to me what then?" I take a moment to gather myself before I turn facing him again.

"We do with her what I have done with Ellie. We protect them with our lives." He walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen to me, the process between you two has already begun. It's only a matter of time before your wolf half cannot take it anymore and needs to mark her. So, have a discussion with her, explain who she is to you and go from there."

I nod my head, knowing he's right. I make my way to the door of the office, once my hands on the knob I turn back to him, "You think we can all protect her from him?"

"I know with everything I am we protect our family. Protect our own. She's your other half, your everything. So yes, we will all protect her with our lives."

I can see the truth in his eyes. Not only will I protect her with everything I am, but my family will too. With that knowledge I know he's right. I must talk with Liz, tell her who she is to me. I need to get my woman, get her beneath me screaming my name, so I can mark her for all to see. That she's mine!

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now