Girl Talk

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Stupid, stupid girl, that's me. I knew he would do it again. Knew he would push me away, and yet I crave that man like no other. I let him get to me, he's under my skin, so I just cannot help myself. I know it's the age-old story, the bad boy drags along the stupid naïve girl. I don't mean to be that girl, but here I am. Allowing him to make me wetter than I have ever been in my life, only to leave me hanging.

"Stupid, stupid..." I chant repeatedly while making my way through the mansion to my room.

"I don't think you're stupid at all." I stop dead in my tracks.

I should have known I'd find Ellie here in the kitchen. She's once again helping herself to late night snack. Her pregnancy has made her have food cravings at all hours of the day. Poor girl I know she doesn't get much sleep as it is with all her worrying. Now the baby keeps her up all hours too. Wanting food.

"You do remember I have picked up on my listening to what people are thinking abilities right?" She says to me with one eyebrow raised.

I squint my eyes in mortification. I really need to be careful; she's learning more and more of her growing powers. "Sorry, it's just habit."

"Habit to think what you want. Geesh, who could have thought that." She says on a laugh.

She touches my arm with her hand, "I'm only joking around Liz." She says while looking at me. She's looking so deep into my eyes I feel she can see my soul.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why do you have tears building in your eyes?" She asks as she puts the pickle jar down onto the counter. I have her full attention now.

"It's nothing." I wave my hand in the air, trying to brush off her worry. I don't want her to know everything that I'm going through right now. Not only does she have enough gone on, but she also doesn't need to know about my humiliation on top of it all.

"Oh no, don't you dare try to make it just seem like you're tired and nothing more. I know you better than anyone. Hell, pry even more then you know yourself. Talk to me." Her head is tilted to the side and she's looking at me with her sad eyes.

I just stand there, looking down at the pickle jar on the counter. Trying to hold back my tears that are building more and more by the second. "Come on Liz, we tell each other everything. What's going on?"

I bite down on my lip, trying to keep the words in. How do I tell my best friend, the one that has a man that loves her so fiercely about my problems?? How do I tell her that I'm undesirable to the one man I want more than anyone else? With that final thought the tears fall. I can feel them make their way down my cheek to my chin.

She raises her hand and wipes at my face, "he wants you just as much if not more than you want him you know." My eyes shoot to her.

She smiles at me with knowledge held in her eyes. "Did you think I, and everyone else doesn't know? Come on Liz, Joshua holds a torch for you. That wolf is so in love with you it drives him mad." She laughs.

"How do you know? I mean he could have fooled me." I tell her as I make my way to the table.

I pull out a chair and sit, with my arms folded on top of the table, my head laying within them. She grabs her pickle jar, and cookies, eww, and joins me at the table. "Honey, he has so much gone on right now." She pauses, looking around the room.

"I'm not supposed to know this, but he came close to finding his father. It's got him really rattled the fact he cannot catch him."

"I already know all this El."

"Yeah, what you don't know is his father knows." Her words have me lifting my head and looking at her.

"Knows what?"

"About you. What you mean to him. How he feels about you." She looks down at her hands on top of the table.

"Why do you think he's been searching high and low for him. Spending all his time going on hunts. He's trying to eliminate the problem before he can somehow get to you." She says in a whisper.

"His father is trying to get to me?" My words come out almost silent. They are so quiet that I'm not sure if Ellie heard me for a moment.

When her eyes look up at me, I can see tears building within her eyes. She nods, "he's already threatened you. I don't know the gruesome details of which he sent here for Joshua and Kayden and them to find, but I do know it's nothing good." She snatches a pickle out of the jar and takes her time eating it.

"When he received the message, he was furious." She looks back up to me, "remember the day we heard him scream, and he tore up Kayden's office before storming out. We came running down the stairs and seen the after effect."

"Martin and Tony were standing by the windows with their arms folded over their chests just looking at the wreckage. As my husband was sitting behind his desk as though nothing was wrong."

I nod my head, "yeah. We were so confused why they all just sat and stood around while he tore the place up. Why he had stormed out, and no one went after him. Hell, they didn't even bat an eyelash over the wreckage of the room." I smile back at her.

"Yeah, well it was because he got his father's message about you. Being that it was about you, and with what it said, they all just let him go. They knew why he did it, and Kayden being how he feels with me understood. That's why he just ordered for the maids to clean it up, and we all left the room." She shrugs her shoulders.

"It all makes so much sense now. Why he keeps pushing me away."

"Exactly!" She exclaims with joy.

"How can you sound so excited about this?" I look at my best friend, my sister with confusion. I tell you these pregnancy hormones have her acting weird.

"Because now that you know how he really feels, and why he's pushing you away you can put a stop to it." She gives me a full-blown smile.

"How do you suppose I do that hmmm?" I tilt my head as I look at her.

"Easy, you give him something that he cannot say no to." She wags her eyebrows making us both fall into a fit of laughter.

"It's that easy huh?" I say wiping away tears out of the corner of my eye.

"Precisely, he's a guy. Give him a reason to fold his cards speak. A reason to lose his stubborn control. Make him putty in your hands." She winks at me, as she stuffs an entire pickle in her mouth.

"Boy, Kayden is one lucky guy. You can almost fit an entire pickle in your mouth, can only imagine all the things you can do to his."

She laughs so hard I am afraid I'm going to make her choke. "Yeah, you'd be surprised the things you just know and enjoy doing. Sometime, hopefully soon you and I can compare notes." She winks at me as she stands up from her chair.

"Well, I would love to chat more, but I'm pooped. I can only stay up for so long. Long enough to stuff my face that is." She bends down giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight sister of mine." She holds one side of my face in her hands.

"Try and get some sleep for me please okay. I know it's difficult, but you need your sleep." She gives me a sincere smile.

"I will as soon as I get a drink." I tell her as I watch her walk away down the hall.

I sit at the table for a moment, contemplating what my next move should be. He does feel strongly for me. That thought makes me smile. I make my way around the kitchen getting some water. As I walk to my room, I pause, outside the door, looking to his.

I can take Ellie's advice. I can do something that will make it so he cannot say no. With that thought I make my way into my room, to form my plan. I will make sure I get what I want. The stubborn wolf that haunts my dreams at night, which makes my body ache for his touch.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now