Back From the Dead

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She takes my hand and we go running through the estate. Once we reach the living room area once again Ellie stops abruptly. Causing me to quickly catch myself before I run into her back.

"What's wrong Ellie?" I whisper into her hair. After a long pause I maneuver my body, being closer to her side so I can see her face.

She is silent, her body is taught with tension, and I can see fear etched onto her face. Taking her hand in mine I slowly bring it to where my heart is. The best of my heart against her skin causes her to get out of her still state.

Looking over at me, I can see her face clearly in the low light coming from the living room. The first tear slides down her cheek. She bites her bottom lip with her top teeth.

She looks so vulnerable standing here looking at me this way. It reminds me when we got the news about her adoptive parents.

The phone rang, interrupting our movie night. It was only Ellie, my younger sister Clara and I home. Our parents had gone out to the casino to play the slot machines and left us pizza money for dinner.

"I'll get it." Clara huffed from her spot on the floor. She unwrapped herself from her bundle of blankets and ran to get the phone.

"Hello..." Ellie and I turned around to look at my sister. Her cheeks were rosey and her voice has grown high. " Oh hi, yea she's here we are just watching a movie."

Ellie and I look at one another. "Must be my brother." We both roll our eyes and give off a giggle. My sister is only a year younger than me but already she has a thing for a much older boy.

"Ellie," I jump as my sister's voice comes from right beside me. I hadn't realized she moved. "Its keith." Her voice sounds strange. I look over at her and see tears  building in her eyes.

Ellie jumps up from her spot on the bed grabbing the phone. "Hey bro." Her voice dies off as Keith talks to her from the other end. "What? No
..I don't understand. How?" Her voice dies off with a sob.

This causes me to jump up off the bed, and run to her side. "What is it? Ellie?..." I place my hand on her shoulder turning her to face me. She looks up with a lone tear rolling down her cheek. She bites her bottom lip with her top teeth. Then she says the words no teenager wants to hear "my parents are dead."

Shaking that memory away i do what I did then. I grab a hold of her and bring her into my body, wrapping my arms around her. "Everything is going to be okay. We are in this together." I feel her nod her head against my shoulder.

She stands back wiping tears from her eyes. I clean the remnants of the ones on her cheeks with my thumbs. Taking a deep breath she stands tall. With her head held high she looks at me, "Let's figure this out." I give her a nod and place my hand in hers as we walk into the room together.

All the noise from everyone talking all at once dies down as we enter the now quiet room. Tony and Martin are standing off to the side. Both have their arms crossed over their chests. Martin is staring daggers at Cassie.

Kaydens eyes instantly reach Ellie and don't leave her face. Cassie is standing sort of in the center of the room standing beside Moyra. Dead in the center of the room stands a man, with his back facing us.

When he turns to face us all the air leaves my lungs in a whoosh. Standing there, tall with a sense of strength I've never seen him posses is Keith smiling at the two of us.

"There you are sis. Oh you got Liz that's great." He walks up to where we both stand frozen in our spots. "Wow, you look good pregnant sis. What are you four or five months along?"

Ellie stands there nodding her head beside me. She shakes her head before she answers him, "four months, three weeks and two days now." I see her swallow from the corner of my eye.

He lets out a low laugh, " You haven't changed. Know it right down to the exact day." He shakes his head. "That is wonderful. You always wanted to be a mother." He beams at his little sister with pride.

"How is this possible?" I whisper more to myself than anyone else. Keith's eyes make their way to me. He smiles at me, showing all his straight white teeth. "I'm not very good at explaining it. As you know I'm not very powerful in the Fae world, but Cassie is an extremely powerful witch." His cheeks blossom red as he scratches the top of his head.

"It's easy really." Cassie speaks up from behind him, causing Keith to turn towards her and my eyes to find her. "I am excellent at bringing those innocent souls back from the dead. As long as I can tether their soul to another living person they can live a relatively normal life." She shrugs her shoulders as though this is no big deal.

"Innocent. He turned on his own sister and their best friend to clear his debt. Doesn't sound so innocent to me." Martin spats from his spot where he's leaning against the back wall. I can see Cassie roll her eyes before she turns to face him.

Bringing one hand to her hip, she sticks it out to the side and talks with the other. "Innocent doesn't mean he didn't make mistakes, but he has no blood on his hands. He isn't a murderer or rapist. Did he make mistakes yes. Just like everyone in this room has, but because he is not a bad person in his soul I am able to give him a second chance at life." She sticks out her chin at him in the last word.

Martin opens his mouth, to spit more venomous cruelty at her I'm sure, but before he can say anything I ask the question that is nagging me. "Whose soul is Keith's soul tethered to?"

All eyes shoot my way. The look in their eyes has my stomach plummeting. I study them one by one. From Kayden, to Martin and Tony. Look to Cassie and Moyra; who immediately looks down to her feet.

My eyes slowly look at Keith's and he is nibbling on his bottom lip. Something he has always done when nervous. I see Ellie look to the opposite side so she doesn't have to look at me so I don't bother turning in her direction. What am I missing?

A large hand makes it's way into mine from behind me stunning me a moment. When the scent of the forest hits my nostrils I calm down. I know it's Joshua. Once his chest hits my back I lay my head back onto his shoulder. Looking back I make eye contact with him. He looks worried. My brows furrow in confusion.

Then I hear it, the voice I haven't heard in months. "I volunteered." My heart skips a beat as I whip my head in the direction of the entrance. There she is standing there in the doorway of the other side of the room. She looks so different yet the same. More grown up. She steps further into the room a huge smile on her face.
"Hello sis." "Cara..."

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