Time Goes On

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It's been three months since the war began. The time in my life that it changed forever. First, I get a strange call from someone I have never heard from before. When he said he worked for Kayden Monroe, I knew there was a bunch of heaping trouble coming my way. When the voice on the other side of the phone said it has to do with my best friend Ellie, my ears peeked up to listen.

I rushed to our apartment building, and skipped my apartment door, walking straight to Ellie's. I wasn't prepared for what I saw once I opened the door. Keith was on their couch, laying down, a hand over his face. His clothes were a bloody mess, and he was bruised everywhere.

The most troubling of all, was the two big men standing in Ellie's living room. One vampire, and an infuriating werewolf. Well, if they thought I was going to cower before them they had another thing coming. I walked right into the room, slamming the door behind me. With my hands on my hips, I gave them a piece of my mind.

Walking right up to the vampire, I poked his chest with my finger for emphasis, but the second the werewolf stood from the chair, and walked my way my body over heated. I looked down at my feet, as he gave attitude

right back.

The man was a force to be reckoned with, with his muscular arms, penetrating brown eyes, and his voice. Oh, that voice could bring me to my knees without any effort from him. When he touched me, I became as wet as a tsunami. Even with all that, I refused to be bullied. I didn't care who they were, or who their friend was. They were trying to take my best friend, against her will, I wasn't having it.

Luckily for them, Ellie came out and rescued both from my wrath. I didn't want to do it, but I let her go with them. She assured me there would be no point in me fighting them on it, and that she would be well protected. Kayden is lucky that when he sent his goons to get us and bring us to Ellie that she was right. He had kept his word and she was healthy and dare I say happy.

That within itself made it easier for me to trust him. When Ellie was taken, I was frantic with worry. The overgrown hybrid attacked me in his haste to find her, but Joshua that infuriating werewolf wouldn't let him get away with his actions. He told his friend off and attended to helping me. I didn't want to admit it, but I was grateful.

In the end of those devastating few days, Kayden's evil father was defeated. My best friend was returned to us without a scratch on her, and we found out days later that she was pregnant with her first child. My first niece or nephew. We all couldn't be happier with the news, but it made it that much more important to find Joshua and Tony's fathers. Who knows what the two have been up to since their escape?

It's been three months since that horrid night, and we are no closer now to finding them. Ellie is now five months along in her pregnancy, and she is driving everyone a little crazy with her mood swings. She's lucky I love her. That's for sure.

All the men have spent most of their time hidden within Kayden's office. Trying every spell, all their contacts to find Bernard and Leonard. They think Bernard, Tony's father, has put a protection and hidden spell over them. There's not even a sign of the rest of their followers that got away with them. Being a powerful warlock, we can only guess all the things of which he is capable.

Joshua has tried to find his father the werewolf way. If you share blood or a werewolf bond with another, you can track them. However, every time he goes away for a few days he comes back empty handed. Then, he spends the next few days in the training room taking out his frustrations.

Last night when he returned after a week of being away was no different. He walked into Kayden's office, him and the others were in there for a few hours. Snooping around, once I heard his return, I overheard a lot of yelling and growling from him on the other side of the door.

When Kayden suggested he blow off steam, he was so infuriated with the situation I could hear his foot falls. I ran to the end of the corridor, and hid around the corner, just in time to see the office door flung open. It hit the wall with a bang and off went Joshua in the other direction.

"This is taking a toll on him." I could hear Martin say.

"That it has. On all of us." I could hear Kayden say on a sigh.

Then they two along with Tony made their way out of the office. I watched as Kayden locked the door, they said goodnight, and he walked off to join my best friend in their bed. The smile on his face told me just what he was off to do, and I had to shake my head to get those nasty thoughts out of my head.

I love Ellie with all my heart, she's like a sister to me, but I really don't want to think about her and her husband doing the naughty. Once everyone is down the other end of the hall, around the corner, and out of sight, I move from my hiding spot and slowly make my way to the training room.

When I get outside of the room, I investigate the window on the door, and watch as Joshua is punching the bag in front of him. I watch his arms move with speed and so much force, I'm almost afraid he'll punch it so hard that it will shoot off the ceiling where it's attached.

He pauses a moment, lifts his head up and sniffs the air. "I know you're there little witch. I can smell you." He says aloud letting me know I've been found out.

Huffing and puffing, I decide since he knows I'm here I may as well go in there. Opening the door, my heart rate speeds up. I don't know why this man makes me so nervous. Probably because every time I'm in the same room as him I want to jump his bones.

"You shouldn't be here right now." He says as he throws another punch.

Wrapping my arms around my middle, I cower into myself. Hoping if I make myself smaller, I'll be almost invisible in a way. "I just needed to make sure you were okay." I say honestly.

He laughs dryly, "yeah little witch I'm just fine." He answers sarcastically.

"Sure, you are, that's why you're here punching a bag at three thirty in the morning." I don't know why but when he talks to me this way it makes my bitch come out.

He stops mid motion, drops his arm, and turns my way. His eyes are so fierce and filled with anger they are more black than brown. His breathing picks up, he must get a hint of something because he tilts his head to the side and gives me his devilish smile.

"I'm open to other ways to help with my frustration." Once the words are out, I know he smelled my arousal.

I take a step back, as much as I would love to climb this man like a tree. Would love to ride him like a bull, I cannot slip and allow him to touch me in that way. Not ever again, not that we've had sex. Came close the night we found out Ellie and Kayden were expecting.

Everyone was drinking to celebrate, and in such a good mood. Emotions were flying all around, and excitement was in the air. Somehow, I ended up in front of his bedroom door before the night was over. I knocked and when he opened it his eyes were wide with surprise at seeing me there.

Before he could utter a word, I was on him. My lips were fused to his, and my arms were around his neck. It didn't take him long to participate in my assault. He gradually placed both hands on my ass and lifted me in the air. Kissing me back, it was the hottest kiss I've ever had in my life.

At some point we ended up on his bed. Me laying on my back, with him on top. Moments later, my shirt was off, I wasn't wearing a bra, so he kissed, licked, and sucked on my breasts. Teasing my nipples and making me squirm with need. Once my hands reached for his strings on his pants, it was like a bucket of ice-cold water was splashed on him.

He opened his eyes, stopped all his actions, and placed his hands on top of mine. Stopping me from untying the strings. He lifted off me and moved away from me. When I asked what was wrong, he simply told me to leave. I tried to walk over to him, and touch his face, but he wouldn't allow it. He growled at me to leave and told me he didn't want this with me. I walked out in tears.

I cried myself to sleep that night. I know he could hear me. Hell, he probably smelled the salt from my tears. My room that I'm staying in is right across the hall from his. After that night I made a promise to myself I wouldn't ever be that vulnerable around him again. No matter how hot he makes me. I have stuck to that promise, but the way he's looking at me I'm afraid I may break it in this moment.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now