Let Us Talk

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I don't think my little witch quite knew what she was doing pushing my buttons. Judging by the shock on her face, and how her eyes are wide open, watching me as I slowly make my way to her. Once I'm standing in front of her, she looks down to the floor. Fuck no!

Placing my hand below her chin I bring her face up to mine. So, she has to look me straight in the eyes. "Repeat those words to me, my little firecracker." I purr.

She swallows, pushes he shoulders back, making her chest stick out even more so it's touching mine completely now. She looks me in my eyes and says, "I don't think you'll do a damn thing about it."

I give her my most salacious smile, doing nothing more other than moving my body so it's flushed against hers. I stare at her, into her. Seeing her entire soul. This girl has no idea the things I want to do to her.

Her breathing is picking up speed, and the arousal growing between her legs makes me groan. "I need to focus. There is a reason I came into this room to talk to you. I cannot get distracted with your enticing body." I whisper against her lips.

"I'm not doing anything." She tells me in that angelic voice of hers. Looking like a virginal sacrifice just for me. She's wearing a black dress that reaches just above her knees right now. It would be so easy to lift it up to her hips, pull her underwear aside and slide right into her in one thrust.

Knowing it's not the best idea just yet, I step away from her. Creating distance between us. She doesn't like it, not one bit if the fire in her eyes is anything to go by. "See I told you. I was right, you won't do a damn thing about it."

She crosses her arms over her chest and looks away from me. With her standing there looking like that, I have to make sure I don't touch her. I place my hands in my pockets, lean against the bookshelf to her side, so she has to look at me and study her.

Her hair has grown a few inches, reaching just below her shoulders. She has very little make up on, and her lips are in a pout right now. Making her already luscious lips more enticing. She's a picture of perfection, and she's all mine.

"I will have you soon." Her eyes shoot to mine, she's no longer ignoring me. The fire in her eyes is still there, but it's dialing down to a simmer.

"You think I'll let you have an inch of me with the way you have treated me these last few months?" She sticks out her chin, giving me the spunk, I crave from her.

"I know you'll give me anything I want. Any time I want it. Because you're mine." Her mouth falls open with my words.

"How dare you! You haven't wanted me all this time, and now you barge in here while I'm spending time with my best friend to tell me I'm yours. No, just no." She waves her hand in the air.

I give off a little laugh, which seems to piss her off even more. I can't help myself though. Her little tantrum is cute as hell. "Believe me Ellie didn't mind one bit. I'm sure she is riding Kayden in his office chair as we speak." She sticks out her tongue and shakes her head.

"TMI, I don't need to be thinking about my sister riding her husband."

"She is pregnant, I mean come on you have to know how she got that way." I of course know she does, I just like to toy with her. Pushing her buttons has become one of my favorite things to do.

"Of course, I do, I may not have...." She covers her mouth with her hands.

Now I'm intrigued, "you've not what?" I ask, as I stand from the bookshelf and make my way slowly to her.

"It's nothing." She whispers.

I know she's full of shit. She refuses to look at me, looking every which direction. Looking at anything but me in this room right now. Her entire neck is red, making its way to her cheeks.

I step closer to her, making her move her body back. We continue this charade until her ass hits the table that's in the middle of the room. Without a second thought, I pick her up by her ass, and place her down on there.

A noise that sounds more like a moan comes out of her mouth. She's looking up at me with wide eyes. Her hands are now holding onto my arms as though she's afraid to fall. "I won't let you fall; I'll always catch you." I whisper to her.

I mean that in more than one way. I think she understands, completely. She nods her head at me and loosens her hold. She doesn't let go of me completely though. Which makes me smile.

"Now that I have your attention." I say as I place my arms on either side of her, caging her in. I move so our mouths are an inch apart. I can smell her breath every time her mouth opens. As though she wants to say something, but she closes it only seconds later. Second guessing herself.

"What were you saying little witch. You haven't what?" She looks up at me with a mix of fear and interest in her eyes.

Giving her a minute to clear her thoughts, I bring my face to her hair and breath her in. My cock already wanted to come out and play, but with one whiff of her scent It's oozing from the tip.

"I haven't ever had." She pauses and tries to look down.

I don't let her. I move my hand to her face holding it up, so I can see straight into her eyes. "Tell me."

I'm almost positive I know what she's going to say in this very moment. I know she feels mortified and self-conscious. Tears are welling in her eyes. She doesn't have to feel this way with me. Whatever she says, I will never judge her. If anything, I'm going to help her rectify the situation.

There are no second thoughts in my mind. I am going to have this woman beneath me, on top of me, and every place in my bedroom tonight. She just doesn't know it yet. 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now