She Didn't Just Do that

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I'm slack jawed. I cannot believe this woman. Hell, I can't believe all the women in this room. You never side with the enemy. For all purpose Cassie is our enemy. She chose her family, the ones that were working with Kaydens family, over Martin. The supposed love of her life. Please!

"I don't fucking trust you in the slightest." I say on a growl. "Me neither." Tony pipes in from beside me. I forgot he was there. Normally I'm the only one standing against this wall. It's the furthest away and has a view from every angle in the room. Nope, this time even Tony is standing here with me, to get the furthest distance away from the liar standing before us.

"Think with your brains and not with your egos." Moyra barks in her obnoxious voice. "We get it she took off without a word in the middle of the night. She betrayed you all, but especially Martin. For he is the one in love with her." She turns her head to look Martin in the eyes. "She had no choice but to do what she had to."

Her eyes are begging for us all to listen. I don't want to listen to one more word of this. Tony must agree he begins to laugh like a hyena. He is laughing so hard, his body bends over with his hand on his stomach. The sound bouncing off the high ceilings.

"How in the fuck would you know anything huh?" He wipes the tears from his eyes and stands to his full height. "Not trying to be a total asshole here but we all know where you were when all this went down. Hell everyone thought you were dead." His eyes cut to slits as he pushes off from the wall and walks right up to Ellie's mother. Looking like a man with a purpose.

Once he is standing right in front of her, his front a hair breath away from hers he bends down so he's eye level with her. "So, I ask once again how would you know anything about her?" One arm is pointed to the side right in Cassie's direction.

Everyone in the room freezes, staring at the two of them in a stand off. If I didn't know any better I would think Moyra is about to jump our man's bones.

One of my eyebrows raise, as I lift my head to sniff the air. A small smile falls to my lips. A chuckle makes it's way out of my throat before I can stop it. Everyone but Moyra and Tony look in my direction. For the first time since she walked to the center of the room to stand by the other women my eyes make their way to Liz.

I can see confusion, anger, and arousal all in one. The latter is always there when we are in the same room. We just cannot help ourselves. Lifting both eyebrows at her I give a little nod at her. Silently asking if she is thinking what I am. Her eyes slant in the direction of Tony and Moyra.

I watch as her eyes grow to the size of saucers as she shoots her head back my way. I only chuckle once more. "What is so funny? Care to share with the rest of us?" Moyra folds her arms over her chest, and breaks the contact her and Tony have been sharing for the last few minutes by stepping back.

"Not in the slightest." I push myself away from the wall. "Look, I don't trust her. Never have and I'm sorry bit I don't see that changing anytime soon. It a up to you what you all want to do. I've had enough of this shit for one night." Without one more word I make my way out of the room.

As I walk up the stairs I hear light football's behind me. A smirk comes to my mouth. I would know her walk anywhere. She decided to follow me.

Once I'm in our bedroom I go to close the door but she stops it and follows me into the room. "Thats it? That's all you're going to say on this matter?" Her voice sounds flabbergasted. I don't have to look at her to know she's floored by my departing words. "Yup." I make sure to pop the p.

"I cannot believe you. This is important. We are about to go into battle yet again and it's like you don't even care." I can see out of the corner of mg eyes that she lift A her hands in frustration.

"Don't care?" I find myself laughing with no joy at all. "Don't fucking care!" I explode.

"Are you fucking kidding me. This is my father. Mine and Tony's, if anything believe me we know how serious this is." Somehow I have made my way around the bed to standing right in front of her. "This ain't a game. They will kill anyone in their way. Including their own sons. He'll if anything my father wants to punish me specifically. I broke the number one werewolf law."

I watch as she swallows down her panic. She stands a little taller, looking me straight in the eye. "And what prey tell would that be?" I can hear the trepidation sneak into her voice on her last word.

"I disobeyed orders. I went against my pack to stand up for what is right. For that in his eyes I will pay the ultimate price." I whisper against her lips.

Her eyes fall to my chest. I can see in her eyes that she already knows the answer to what she is going to ask next, but she still asks it. "What will be the ultimate punishment for your actions?"

I state down at her. Studying this beautiful creature I have made mine. "The death of my mate." I watch as her head lifts slowly, ever so slowly. She looks back at me with tears in her eyes. Every time one falls down her cheek it breaks my heart a little more.

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