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I catch Liz in my arms before her body has a chance to hit the ground. I'm not surprised that was her reaction to what Cassie had to say. I lift her into my arms, so her head is laying against my chest. I hear voices growing louder, when I look up I see Ellie standing there face to face with Cassie. She's daring her to repeat what she just said. Kayden is holding her arm, desperately trying to hold her back, as Martin is trying to step between them.

Looking at Tony I can see nothing but pure hatred in his eyes. He has always been like me when it comes to the male alpha of the family. Our fathers are heartless bastards. He looks to me, I convey to him with my eyes to go to the gym and work out his aggression. He gives me a small nod before walking out the doorway that leads to the hall.

I give all my attention back to the drama happening before me. If I'm honest I cannot handle all this yelling. I wait for Kayden to look at me and give me the okay to leave the room. Once he stares at me from across the room and I see his brief nod before focusing back on his wife and the trouble at hand I turn away from them all. I walk down the hall and go up the stairs. I'll feel better once the both of us are in our bedroom.

Once I stand outside our bedroom door, I simply kick it in with my foot and walk right in. I close the door as thoroughly as I can with the minor damage I did. I pay it no mind, as I walk Liz to our bed and lay her body down against the pillows. She looks like an angel laying there with her eyes closed. Not being able to help myself my hand reaches out to play with a strand of her hair.

"I'm sorry you have to go through any of this." I whisper to her as I watch her chest move up and then down with each breath she takes. I must have been locked away in my own thoughts as I feel like I'm being looked at. Sure enough looking up at Liz I see her beautiful blue eyes are wide open on full display. She studies me with a calculated look upon her face.

"It's not your fault. I was going to be dragged into this one way or another." She simply says as she sits up and leans against the headboard. She doesn't look at me as she grabs a pillow from beside her and bring it to her lap. She hugs it to her chest as she mindlessly plays with the corner with her delicate fingers.

I sit beside her on the side of the bed. "What is it?" I place my hand against hers stopping all motion. She looks to me and I can see so many emotions running through her eyes. Tears build in her irises making them look as blue as the ocean. I hate to see her cry, but I know it's what she needs to do. To let go of all this hurt she is feeling.

"It's just a lot to take in. I mean Keith was dead and now he's back. Your father and Tony's father are starting a war between the races. Trying to make sure the witches and warlocks as well as werewolves come out on top. They wish to destroy my best friend and the love of her life." She pauses a moment to swallow down the pain. "To make matters worse they wish to take Ellie and Kayden's child when it is born and turn it into a deadly weapon. What kind of life is that for a child?" She looks away from me. I know it's to hide her unshed tears.

I won't have it though; I grab her chin with my hand and force her face up to look at me. "Never look away from me firecracker. I want to always see you." I bring my forehead in contact with hers not breaking eye contact. "Please don't hide from me." I whisper along her skin. I'm hoping she can see just how much this pains me.

I do not like when she tries to hide what she feels from me. When she looks away. Tearing her beautiful blue eyes away from me. I want so badly to close my eyes so she cannot see how much hurt I, myself, am feeling. I don't do it. No, I look directly into her eyes so she can see everything.

She pulls her head away from me to look deeper into my eyes. Before I can say anything, her hands make their way to both sides of my face, and she brings my lips to hers. The kiss is electric the second our lips touch. My body shivers with the impact it holds on to me. I bring one hand to the back of her head and pick up the pace of the kiss. I convey everything to her. With just the use of my lips, tongue and eventually my teeth. I bite her bottom lip and pull it with a little force. Giving her the pain, she desperately needs.

"Make me forget about the last hour if only for tonight." She pulls away from me to look into my eyes once more. "Help me feel something besides the pain and hurt." She looks timid in her request. She doesn't need to feel ashamed with wanting to forget about it all. To get lost in passion.

I could tell her this. I could say so many things to her, but I decide to let my body do the talking. I bring her unruly hair behind her ears, as I move my face closer to hers. Her eyes close, what for I'm not entirely sure. "Open them firecracker." She responds to my demand just the way I like. Her blue orbs look directly into my deep brown eyes. "Eyes always open when we are together." I stare at her awaiting for her to acknowledge what I mean.

With a slight nod of her head, I wait another few seconds before I kiss right beside her eye. I drag my lips along her delicate skin. All around her face, touching every pale part of her. I kiss her forehead from left to right, down one cheek, over her chin and up the other. I move along her nose and make my way to her eyes. I allow her to close them so I can kiss each one.

Once I make my way back to her lips, she opens them once more. I kiss her deeply, running my tongue along hers. When I feel her body quiver, I know it's time to move on to my next target. I pull her head back with a little force by her hair. She moans aloud causing my manhood to leak in preparation for what's to come. 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now