It Begins

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I make I to the office in record time. Something about this has me filled with dread. It would be my luck to.finalky have something going with Liz just foe my father in some way to ruin it.

When I reach the office door I see it's partially open. I can hear Tony doing his usual, talking about some hot woman all over him at Kaydens club over the weekend. I hear Martin laughing his ass off when Kayden calls him in his shit. I can't help the smile that grows on my face listening to the men I have considered my brothers since birth.

"You going to come in here, or just stand out there listening like some woman?" Tony yells at me through the door.

I shove it the rest of the way open, make my way into the room. Martin is in his usual seat on the couch at the farthest wall. Laying down, looking aloof. Tony is in his favorite chair, sitting in front of Kaydens desk. Looking up I see Kayden, the leader of our group sitting behind his desk. Or as well call it his thrown.

He has his elbows on the arms of his office chair, his hands obtained together, and he has a knowing look on his face. I see his nostrils flare as he sniffs the air. Looking me in the eye, a smile grows on his face and and one of his eyebrows raise. "So, you had one hell of a night."

It wasn't a question, no the jackass knows exactly what I did last night. I say nothing. Not that I would have to, all of them can smell her all over my body. That intoxicating smell of hers that makes me hard remember how I took her. The amount of times she screamed my name.

Not being able to control it a devilish smirk grows along my lips. Kayden gives a slight nod of his head to acknowledge everything that smirk in conveying.

"We have news." Martin's voice cuts through the air, stopping everything. Including my breathing.

I tip my head to the side to give him my attention. "We may have a way of finding your father. We could put a stop to all of this if we can."

I stand there a moment, looking to each of my brothers. It's all I've ever dreamt of. Being free of the monster I call father. The one man that has haunted me in my nightmares.

"How?" That one word could be my salvation. The squeak of Kaydens chair has the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

I track his movements across the room to the window. He isn't saying a word, only puts his hands behind his back and looks at the front of the mansion. I know him better than anyone. He's contemplating something.

After a few minutes pass and there is still no answer I grow agitated. "What aren't you telling me?" My arms drop from my chest to my sides. My hands growing into fists.

"He has sent word about Liz. There are many supernatural's on their way now." Kayden turns from the window to look at me.

"We have a battle heading our way brother." His words hit me right in the heart.

The monster knows about Liz. He knows who she is to me and is going to do everything in his power to take her away from me. There is no telling what he will do to her if he succeeds.

As all these thoughts go through my head, I close my eyes, pulling my hair with my hands. I hadn't realized I was walking backwards until my back hit the wall.

"Brother..." I open my eyes to see all three of them standing close by. Each with a worried look upon their faces.

"We will not allow him to get her. You know we won't." Kayden steps up to me, places his hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. "We will protect our family at all costs just like we always have."

Taking a few deep breaths I know I need to get my thoughts in the right place. I have to be in the right mind set if I'm going to take on this beast and win in the end.

"How do we find this piece of shit?"

Martin and Tony come to my other side, placing a hand on my shoulder as well. "We have captured one of your father's most trusted men. He's down in the basement, chained to the wall as we speak." Tony has his usual devilish look in his eye.

"Which one?" I look to Kayden.

Tony steps back cracking his knuckles. Martin pats my shoulder a few times before whistling through his lips, a smile in his eye. Kayden moves his hand along my shoulder to capture my full attention. "Your father's beta, Clark in the flesh."

When those words hit my ears I feel my body respond. My blood boils as it runs through my veins. My heart has sped up with exhilaration. I have waited many years to get my hands on Clark. For everything he did to me as a child to "train" me to become as ruthless as him and my father.

There was always one flaw to the plan, I was born with my mother's heart. There was no chance of them to turn my heart to black ice such as theirs. No it still beats inside my chest. Doesn't mean Clark and my father hadn't enjoyed themselves. Doing all they could to try.

I snap my neck from left to right. Enjoying the feel of my bones snapping as much as loving the sound. Bringing my hands up I crack my knuckles, as a conniving smile forms on my face.

"What are we still standing here for? Let's get our asses down there smdnpay him a nice visit." My voice doesn't even sound like me. No in this moment I have lost my soul. It's time to let my own monster out to play.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now