My Eyes Decieve Me

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She is just as I remember. Right down to the blonde hair, blue eyes, and long legs. She was the one that got our fathers height. She may be the younger sister but she's definitely the taller of us two. "Carla? Is it really you?" My hand slowly reaches out in front of me as she walks up to me.

She grabs my hand and brings it to her cheek. The smallest of smiles forming on her lips. "It's me sis. In the flesh." She giggles as she releases my hand. I'm in stunned silence it falls right down at my side like dead weight.

"I know it's been a while sis but you may want to shut that mouth of yours before you catch some bugs." With her words my mouth closes of its own accord. I swallow the knot in my throat. The movement making me wake up from my daze.

"I told you, mom and dad to hide away until this whole mess is over. I specifically remember telling you on the phone the day these Neanderthals swooped into our lives." My hand shakes in the direction of Kayden, Martin, Tony, and Joshua. I may be in love with the Werewolf but doesn't mean my statement isn't any less true.

He folds his arms in front of his chest from beside me; turns his body completely in my direction, and raises his eyebrow. Giving me a look that conveys I'll be paying for that little comment later. I do just the same to him. Instead of backing down I face him head on, cross my arms and stick out my chin. Showing him I'm not intimidated in the least by him in this moment. We stand like this for what feels like forever, but mere seconds.

He looks my body up and down. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes. As he brings his eyes back to mine the bastard nods his head;turns his head to the side and smirks. Causing me to glower in his direction.

"Well, as much as I would hate to interrupt what ever this seems to be," my sister waves her hand in front of my face gaining my attention. "Can we get back on track and discuss what we know?"

"That's a good idea." I hear Moyra and Cassie say at once. I blink a few times coming back to focus. My sister has walked away from me and made her way to them. "Tell them what you over heard your parents talking about."

I shake my head st this situation. Is she really just going to ignore my question all together? I open my mouth to say something, feeling indulgent towards her, but a hand the size of my face wraps around my mouth. My eyes turn to the side looking into the deep chocolate of Joshua's. "Shh.." he place a a finger over his lips.

"As you know my parents feel the exact same way as your father's do. There should be no intermingling between different supernatural's of our world." Her words break off as she sends a sad look Martin's way.

"So I heard them talking to your father Tony. They were saying something along the lines of meeting in the place where Witches have the most power. There they will be able to use their powers as one and take on the Hybrids and their followers. " She takes a deep breath in and looks at Kayden and Ellie. "They want to bring you down. Except this time since your father is no longer alive they don't care if you live or if you die. From what I could tell they are planning on killing you and.." she breaks off looking down at her hands.

"And what?" Kayden has walked up to her. His body is so close to her she has to take a step back. When she looks up at him I can see her clearly swallow and her eyes are as big as saucers.

I hear Joshua take a deep breath of the smells in the air. "She needs to watch what she says next. If he doesn't like it he will likely kill her where she stands." I hear him whisper in my ear.

My eyes shoot back to the visual in front of me. I don't know this woman but I really don't want to watch anyone's life being taken in front of me. My body goes to move but I stop in my tracks as both Ellie and Martin walk up to the two.

Ellie's hand comes to Kaydens arm. Causing his body to instantly relax under her hold. His eyes I can see are returning to the sky blue color. They must share a private conversation because he grabs her hand with his and walks to the couch. They sit there, Ellie in his lap, his thumb rubbing circles on her thigh. His body is still tight with tension but it's better.

Martin has taken his spot in front of Cassie. Instead of cowering she walks right up to him. Looking at him intently. "You were saying?" He growls at her. It's absolutely difficult to ignore the sexual tension between the two. Especially, when his eyes roam her body, and he must be smelling her pheromones because even from this distance I can see his nostrils move. He's breathing her in and judging by the change in color of his eyes. He likes what he smells.

She ever so slowly moves her hand out to touch his cheek. I can see his jaw tense and lock up under her touch, but surprisingly he doesn't move. They stand like that for a moment and I know she is trying to convey something to him. Something he doesn't like because he scoffs and steps away.

I can see the hurt grow in her eyes a moment before she shakes her head and the determination returns. She doesn't want to let him get to her even though he clearly does. I can relate to that. Hell I think every woman in this room can. I think as I look around to us all.

"They plan to keep Ellie alive until the baby is born. Your father Tony wants to raise it as his own. To teach him the way he views the world. To become the most powerful weapon at his disposal." With her words my head turns her way and I feel as though I'm falling.

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