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Wow, this man has me falling to my knees. Or at least I would be if I wasn't already laid out on his bed. No wait, our bed. That's right this is now our room. That has me feeling overjoyed. The sound of his belt coming loose and hitting the floor has me out of my thoughts and looking at the God in front of me.

I don't care what anyone says or thinks. This man, this beast is a God in his own way. With every piece of clothing that comes off his body, and hits the floor, I squirm with anticipation.

I must swallow; my throat feels so dry. "I'm not sure what to say to that." I tell him honestly.

If I'm going to tell the truth, I'm not sure what to say about any of it. I haven't ever done anything like this before. So instead of words I just look at the now very naked man standing in front of me. His hair has grown these last few months. It's now just below his ears, his arms are at his sides, taunt with tension.

This beast of a man has an eight pack, I kid you not. I am counting eight in my head over and over. My mouth falls open, once I hit his manhood. It's as big as a snake. "Holy shit," I say as I look back up to his eyes.

"I don't think you'll fit in my body with that thing." I blurt out.

He smiles and gives me a little chuckle. "Oh firecracker, I'll fit in you perfectly."

He bends his body down, and crawls onto the bed. Bringing one arm beneath my back, he lifts me in the air, and throws me lightly up the bed, my head landing on the pillows. Once his entire body is on the bed, he scoots me to the middle, and lays on top of me. His arms holding majority of his weight.

He brings a hand to my face and rubs my cheek, "so beautiful." He whispers as his eyes look at me.

Once he's had his fill, his eyes stare into mine, "you ready my little firecracker."

I'm not sure what to say. I have wanted this man for so long, but now that the time is here, I'm a little nervous. He must sense it because he brings his mouth down on mine. He kisses me with earnest. I open up for him, and our tongues battle, while his hand makes its way to my breasts.

I can feel him rubbing them. Giving them the attention, I crave. He's pinching my nipples, making me moan with need. He breaks away from me, looking down at me he says, "don't worry baby. We will take this slow. I got you." I smile at him and nod my head. Showing I trust him to take care of me.

Take his time he does. He starts with kissing every inch of my face, then makes his way down to my sweet spot on my neck. He kisses, licks and sucks me there. My hands have found their way into his hair, holding him close to me. I can feel him smile along my skin.

He kisses my collar bone, before making his way to my very sensitive breasts. He worships them like he's at church on a Sunday. Missing no spot on them where his mouth and tongues hasn't reached.

There's a time he sucks it completely into his mouth and swirls his tongue around my nipple. He sucks so hard; my hips start to rub on him.

"That's its baby." He whispers, when he releases my nipple from his mouth with a pop.

"Get what you need, as I worship your body the way it was made for." I do just that, my hands make their way from his hair to his back. I can feel every hard ridge of muscle.

I drink my fill with the palms of my hands, until he makes his way down my body. Kissing me along my stomach, to my hips. He kisses me from one side to the other. Once I feel him back away my head whips up, and my eyes open. I look down at him, seeing him studying me.

"Watch me firecracker. Watch as I eat the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen." His words make me gush down below.

He can be so filthy, making me crave him even more. I swear with his words alone I can come. I do as he says, I watch as he bends his head. He looks at my pussy like it's something special. I don't know for how long, but eventually he looks up at me, smirks and sticks out his tongue.

With it he licks the entire length of my pussy. Making me scream with joy. "Oh yes." I shout as he does it over and over again.

Eating my pussy like it's his next meal. He takes my clit between his teeth as he sucks it into his mouth. He devours me for an unknown amount of time. Then, just when I think it can't get any better. His fingers join in on the fun.

"Got to open you up more. Get you lose, for my cock. So, I can slide right in." He says as he plays with my pussy.

He starts with one finger, then two. I can feel him scissoring them inside of me. Making my walls loosen up from the tension I had earlier with my nervousness. Then a third joins in.

"Oh, god's yes. Right there." I slam my head back into the pillow.

One of my hands goes to the headboard. Looking for anything to hang on to. When that doesn't work, I go for his hair. Tugging onto it, pulling it with my fingers. He doesn't seem to mind. If anything, it spurs him on more.

He is doing something with both his fingers and his mouth, making me so close to exploding. I think I tell him so out loud, I'm not really sure. I don't even know if I know which way is up or down at this point.

"Give it to me firecracker. You know you want to." He releases my pussy with one last lick before making eye contact with me once more.

"You know you want to flood my hand and mouth with your delicious nectar. You're going to give it to me. When I say come, you are going to let go." He demands.

There is no asking me. Hell, no he's gone straight to telling me. He gives me one final look, before dropping his mouth down on my pussy. He attacks it with everything he has. My hips have lifted from the bed, my pussy seeking release. He devours me for a short time, before I hear him tell me "Come, come now."

And I do. I explode into his mouth. My juices covering his fingers. It's an amazing feeling. Pure ecstasy.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now