My Choices

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I jolt awake from a dead sleep. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness surrounding the room. After a moment, everything comes floating back, the way Joshua looked at me with such hunger. How he made love to me for hours until I agreed to all of his terms. That’s why my body is so sore. Moving my legs is a chore. A smile grows along my lips. It was worth it.

I let out a little giggle, then I remember it’s the middle of the night and I don’t want to wake Joshua up. That’s when it hits me, why I jolted awake so suddenly. When there is normally so much heat from his body along my back, I don’t need blankets, I had awoken wrapped in the blankets. My body was unusually cold.

Looking over to my left, there is nothing there. Only marks along the silk sheet where Joshua’s body normally lays. I sit there and stare at the empty space beside me for mere seconds, that feel like hours, judging by the fast pace of my heart, before I jump out of the bed. I run around the bed, to the other side, straight to the bedroom door.

Opening the door, I am hit with a dim light. Pausing there for a second I allow my eyes to adjust to the new glow of he room. Once they have, I turn right and make my way down the hall. I have no clue where he could be, my guess is one of two places. Either in the training room or Kayden’s office. Since the training room is on this same floor I make my way there first.

Once outside of the room, I look into the door window. There’s not sign of anyone being in there. In fact the room is pitch black. Deciding he isn’t here nor has he been tonight from the looks of things, I turn and run to the stairs.

Feels like it takes me forever to make it to the first floor of the house. I start in the direction of Kayden’s office. After all, that’s kind of the man cave of the house. It’s where the men of this house spend a lot of their time. However, I get a few steps that way, but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear what sounds like Ellie yelling at someone.

Back tracking my steps, I make my way towards the living room. Getting closer the conversation between everyone becomes more clear. Apparently, everyone is up at the moment. I was the last person asleep.

“You cannot expect us to just hide out again. It’s not going to happen. I mean come on I have been training, I’m getting more powerful everyday.” I hide behind a wall, and look around the corner.

I see Ellie standing in front of Kayden with her arms folded across her chest. Her hip is sticking out and she has a pissed off look along her face. Telling me they have been in a heated discussion for a while. Martin and Tony are both sitting on the couch. Tony has his eyes closed, with his arms behind his head. I know he isn’t sleeping. I can see his sinister smile from here. Martin is looking down at his phone, whether it’s looking at important information or just trying to ignore the heated discussion taking place. I’m not entirely sure.

Where is Joshua? He didn’t already leave did he? I shake my head at that thought. Knowing he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye. “You’re pregnant, I’m not having my pregnant wife out there in a battle field.” Kayden moves up to her face, trying to intimidation. His hand is pointing outside for emphasis.

“Please,” Ellie spats her words at him, “I am indestructible with this baby in my body. You and I know this. We have seen it with our own eyes. There is a protective force field that the baby places the minute danger is around to protect me, and if anything gets past that the baby heals my body. I cannot get hurt nor die, our child is more powerful than anyone has ever seen, and it’s still in the womb.” Her hands are flailing about in front of her.

Kayden steps back from her, his eyes close, head falls forward as he pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers. I know he’s asking for patience. Can see it written all over his face. I almost feel for the man. I know how stubborn my best friend can really be, especially when she puts her mind to something.

“What about Liz?” I hear Joshua’s voice speak up from somewhere I cannot see. I want to take a look further to see where he is but then they will all see me for sure and know I’m awake.

“What about Liz? She is more capable than you all give her credit for.” Ellie turns towards I can only guess where Joshua stands.

“I know that. What you fail to realize is what my father is capable of. He is calculated and a manipulative bastard.” Joshua growls the last of his words out.

“Not to mention my father is working with him as well.” Tony opens his eyes and sits up. He places his elbows along top of his knees. I cannot recall a time he looks as serious as he does now. “Don’t get me wrong my father isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but he packs some major powers. I know the man. He will do what he’s told. It’s what he has known his entire life.”

“Unlike you right now Ellie, your best friend, my woman,” Joshua says woman with so much possession it makes me weak in the knees. “Isn’t pregnant with one of the most powerful beings this world is going to see in a matter of months.” He steps into my view. I can only guess he was leaning against the far wall, out of sight, his usual place to be.

“She can get hurt, and the alternative is not an option.” The growl echo’s along the living room walls. “Easy,” Kayden steps up behind her and wraps his arms around Ellie, in a protective stance. Joshua shakes his head, I see remorse flash along his face, before he bows his head. Kayden giving him a nod with his.

“I apologize. I got a little worked up thinking about the outcomes.” He explains.

Ellie gives him a sympathetic smile, “it’s okay I understand. I would get worked up as well. She’s my sister, perhaps not by blood, but in every other aspect. I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of us, but you have to let her make her own decisions when it comes to this. If she decides she would like to go, as do I than all we can do is protect one another.”

I have heard enough. I will not let any of them dictate what I can and cannot do. “Ellie has a point.” I stand from my hiding place behind the wall. All eyes swing in my direction. “She’s right, we both know how dangerous this is, but I agree. I think you men have to stop treating us like we are made of porcelain. Trust us as your women that choose to stand beside you in all of this, and deal with the fact we are coming along.”

Looking around, because I cannot bring myself to look in Joshua’s direction just yet, I can see a smirk along Martin’s lips. Tony is looking up at me from the place he sits on the couch with a look of awe on his face. Ellie has a look of damn straight written all over her face. I see a small smile forming on Kayden’s face, although I can see he is trying to fight it. That’s when I finally stand tall, and bring my eyes to Joshua.

He looks like he’s lost for words. I can see pride in his eyes at my words, but there is worry along his lips. He doesn’t know what to say, so we just stand there looking at one another across the room for a while.

“They both make valid points.” Martin’s head whips up, his brows furrowed, eyes are blood red. The rest of us swing in the direction of the voice. There stands a woman leaning against the door frame to the living room. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and I can see the look of trepidation on her face.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Martin stands to his full height, his phone long forgotten. I look between him and this new woman in the room. Wondering who this woman is and why the one that is normally as cool as a cucumber is pissed beyond belief.

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