Negotiation My Way

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She knows I'm in the mood for a hunt. My body is sparked with anticipation. I can feel the adrenalin pumping through my veins. Looking at me she licks her lips. Making my cock harden against my leg.

Her eyes make their way down my body. She's drinking me in. Biting her lip she sits up with her arms beneath her. Without breaking eye contact she bends her legs bringing her heels to her ass.

Water droplets are still running along her skin. I watch as they fall down her perfect legs to her feet. As my eyes make their way there, she slowly opens her legs. Giving me a glorious view of her sweet spot.

My mouth waters with need. The petals along her sweet spot are pink and I can tell it's more than just the water from the shower along her skin. From the glistening of her skin she's soaked for me.

A growl makes it's way up my throat and out of my mouth before I can stop it. Before I know what's happening she brings her hand into view.

Unable to hold myself back I walk closer to our bed. Studying her ministrations, she moans with each finger she places there. "Please." Her voice comes out breathy.

"I need you baby." She's begging me with her eyes. Those words coming from her pouty lips are my undoing.

My hand lands on hers, causing her eyes to open wide as she looks at me. "What did I tell you the other day?" My voice sounds hoarse even to my own ears.

She knows the answer to my question. Her eyes say it all. Instead of answering me, my firecracker has the audacity to begin moving her fingers beneath mine. As I squint my eyes in her direction a smirk forms on her lips.

Without stopping, she lifts up to get closer to my face. He licks my lips with her tongue before saying " remind me." Then, she kisses me full on filling my mouth with her tongue.

As much as I love her mouth on mine, her tongue in my mouth, I refuse to let her get away with her smart mouth. I wrap my hand around her wrist, lifting her hand from between her legs, and take hold of her other hand with my free one.

Slowly, I bring one of her arms above her head, as I take the hand that was between her legs and bring it in front of my face. My eyes look from her eyes to her fingers. They are glistening with her arousal.

Bringing my nose to her hand I take a deep breath in. The smell of her could bring me to my knees swear to the Gods. Closing my eyes I take this moment to breath her in over and over again.

With each breath I take, her chest rises and falls faster. Opening my eyes, I look deep into hers. I can read arousal and a sense of wonder held in her eyes. Without breaking eye contact I bring her fingers to my lips and suck them into my mouth.

Her taste explodes in my mouth. I lick her fingers with my tongue, enjoying the flavor. She moans aloud causing me to leak for her. My hips have a mind of their own moving along her outer folds.

"Yes. Yes baby, inside. I need you inside." She says on a groan.

She doesn't have to ask me twice, I take her hand and bring it above her head with the other one. I gather both in one hand, as I make my way down her body with the other.

I caress every part of her body I can along the way. Her breasts have been calling to me, so I oblige by bringing my mouth to one. Sucking her nipple in my mouth, I feel her lower extremities begin to move.

She's trying with all her might to get my cock inside of her body. What she doesn't know is I run the show. She's about to find out.

"No, no, no baby. Not yet." I say as I move my hips back. Basking in the whimpers coming out of her mouth. "I control the fun. Hadn't I told you this before? Hmm.." I lift my brows at her as I kiss my way to her other breast.

Her lips pout at me causing a devilish smirk to form along my lips. "You told me to remind you. So, allow me." I wink at her. She opens her mouth to tell me off, I know it. Can see it all over her face, but a moan comes out instead when I suck her other breast into my mouth. Her head falls back, giving up and allowing herself to bask on the feelings I'm giving her.

With her eyes closed, I know she's distracted enough for me to take my hand the rest of the way down her body to her sweet spot. Once my fingers touch her clit her eyes pop open and make their way to me.

She knows what I am about to do. She knows I'm going to bring her to the brink of orgasm over and over again. Without the precious extent of a release. Her eyes plead with me not to do this to her. Not to torture her in this way.

I don't say a word. I softly shake my head at her. Before twirling my fingers on her clit. Her hips jumps with the contact as she shouts the word yes repeatedly. Biting her bottom lip she brings her eyes to me once more trying to beg for me to let her come.

"Sorry baby girl, you disobeyed. I told you this body is mine to do with as I please. This past is mine to make feel good. I told you not to play unless I give you permission correct?" The last word comes out with some bite.

"I'm...Oh God's I'm so sorry." She's having problems speaking. I laugh not in a funny way. There is cruelty to it. "You will be. I'm not in a forgiving mood. Let's see how many times this will take until you understand what I say is final. So you will obey."

On the last word I take my hand away and she whimpers. Bringing my hand up I take her hands and bring them to our bed post. I take the rope I have there, that I've placed there the second she became mine just for this situation.

Tying each wrist with the rope on either side. I make sure they are good and tight. Once I feel it's enough I crawl down her body without looking her in the eyes. I know she is pissed off beyond belief that I restrained her. What she doesn't know is it'll make the sensations that much better.

"Whose body is this?" I ask her while outlining the outside of her folds. Finally, I take my eyes away from the glory between her legs and make my way up her body to her eyes. She's biting her bottom lip with a look of trepidation along her face. 

Good! It's time for me to play. Especially, since this could be the last time for a while. Let the games begin.

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