Serious Moment

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One minute it's like any other afternoon, I'm sitting in the library laughing about a book with Ellie, the next the door is open, slamming against the wall. We both shoot up off the couch and chair we were sitting on, wondering what the hell was happening. In the doorway, there stands Joshua looking pissed off.

He makes his way into the room, and heads right for me. Not understanding what kind of mood he's in I back up with a bit of fear in my bones. Unfortunately, the bookshelf hits my back, stopping any progress I had of creating distance between the two of us.

Once he's in front of me, I hear a light, "I'll just leave you two alone."

I want to tell Ellie not to go, not to leave me alone with this beast, but it's too late. The sound of the door closing seals me in my fate. I look around us and feel like I have a small window to escape. Just when I'm about to dive to the side, both his arms shoot out and cage me in between his body and the shelf.

He's breathing heavily, his eyes are that wild yellow color. The only time I ever seen his eyes change like that is when he's around me, or when he's extremely pissed off. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

Deep down I know he won't hurt me, but just the way he came into this room, surprising me has me on edge. He must sense it in my behavior and smell. He leans back only a little, giving me a little more room to breathe. I'm thankful for that small mercy he just granted me.

I close my eyes, taking a couple deep breaths. Trying but failing miserably to calm my beating heart. When I hear snide laugh come out of the intimidating male standing in front of me, my eyes pop open. I immediately forget my fear and am now mad as hell all my own.

"Such a little firecracker." He whispers along my hair, while he gives me a sniff.

This isn't the first time he's called me this. It's his little nickname for me. I should be appalled and angry every time he calls me it. Unfortunately, it has the opposite effect. Find myself, rubbing my thighs together, trying to work out the tension building down below.

Only this man, this werewolf can get me wetter than a tsunami. All it ever takes is his presence in the same room as me, and I wind up having to change my underwear. The bastard!

"I am not a firecracker." My voice comes out breathier than I'd like, but at least this time I got the words out.

"Oh, my little witch, you are that and so much more." He bends down to whisper in my ear.

I don't mean to. I really wish I hadn't at all, but I cannot fight my body. I tilt my neck to the side, causing some of my hair to move, and giving him a better angle of my throat. For some reason, whenever we wind up in this position, I find myself doing this. Being submissive, when usually there isn't a submissive bone in my body.

Under any normal day, this is about the time his lips will be on mine, turning my blood to overheated in a nanosecond, only to rip away a few minutes later, and walk away from me. Leaving me alone once again. Feeling cold, used, and empty. I brace myself for it, but when a few moments pass, and he still just stands there, I bring my eyes to him.

He looks me straight in the eyes, and I can see there is something serious going on behind them. He wants to talk to me, but his body wants something more. A hell of a lot more if his large, hard, member is telling me anything. Deciding this is my chance, to get through to him, ask him why he always pushes me away, I raise my head, showing him this time, I'm not backing down.

"Step away from me right now." It takes all my effort to be stern. I need him to know I will not let him use me this time. Not today.

To my utter surprise he does as I ask, not giving me too much space, but enough so I feel like I can breathe. "We need to talk." He says to me in what sounds more like a groan. Like his body is telling him no to the talking and just get to the action.

As much as I really, really want to jump his bones, and allow him to ravish me. I'm certain that's exactly what my first time with him would be like, there would be no making love. Taking things slow. No, it would be all out-animal fucking.

"Then talk." I bring my hand to his chest and try to push him back from my body.

It's a fight within himself, but he allows me to push him back. He does more by taking a couple steps back, not breaking eye contact with me he makes his way to the chair I just vacated and sits down.

He looks to the couch across from him, nodding in its direction. I would love to sit down; my legs are begging me to. They feel like jelly right now. Like any moment I'll fall on the floor, but I can't get them to move. Instead, I lean back against the bookshelf, crossing my arms over my chest, I shake my head no.

He rubs his tongue behind his lips along his teeth, making him look even hotter. I know he wants to force me to sit down. He wants to demand me to come sit on the couch across from him this very moment, but he knows that won't work on me. It'll only make me mad, and I'll walk away from him. I don't do that alpha bullshit. He cannot get away with that with me.

"I'm fine here, now you say you want to talk, so talk." I wave my hand in front of me.

I know I'm pushing his buttons, normally I'm not this much of a bitch, but I love doing this with him. When I'm this way, it's like he feels the need to punish me. The fact that his hands are twitching shows me just how much I'm correct.

"I know you're pissed off at me, and you have every right to be." He starts.

His words make me roll my eyes at him. Causing him to growl in my direction. "I didn't say it was right, but you do not have to be that way."

"Whatever you say."

He leans forward in the chair. Balancing his arms on top of his knees he folds his hands, placing his chin atop them. "You sure you want to keep this attitude up? Because you're making me crave things, I don't think you're quite ready for." There's a certain gleam in his eyes.

"I don't think you'll do a damn thing." I practically shout. I cannot help it this man pushes my buttons.

His eyes turn a dark shade of yellow once more. He openly licks his canines before he begins to laugh. It's not a friendly laugh, no this is a man that is pissed off, a man that means business.

Judging by how he slowly, ever so calmly stands from the chair, and begins to make his way over to me. I am said business. I swallow back the apology that is stuck in my throat. I will not let him intimidate me. He wants a fight; I'll give him one.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now