Vision of Red

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I don't know how I focus throughout the day. It feels like it drags on. I was expecting Joshua to come back up once they were done in Kaydens office, but that didn't happen. The told the maid to let Ellie and I know they would be busy the rest of the day and not to wait up.

So, not knowing what else to do we are breakfast, decided to watch a movie, and then Ellie grew tired. That's how it's been a lot lately with her pregnancy. She is lucky though, no morning sickness.

I told her to get some sleep and I went upstairs to my room. Once I got in the room I looked around at my surroundings. This room in its extravagance, has felt more like a prison. It doesn't feel like my own. Nothing has since I was torn from my small apartment and brought here. If I'm honest.

Not that I'm ungrateful. Everyone here has been kind and loving. They have grown to being my family. Not that I ever thought I would say that about any of them. No when Kayden first sent them to force Ellie to leave her apartment because she was "his". I wanted to kill them all.

Of course that sounded better than what I am capable of. For a witch I'm not that powerful. Besides basic spells all I can do is weave portals. Which is a very rare gift, but let's face it in the line of battle doesn't help much. Not unless they need a quick and easy escape route.

Shaking my head, I clear my mind from those thoughts. Standing from the bed, I make my way to the closet. I know I need to pack up my things and move them across the hall to Joshua's room. May as well get started. No telling how long it'll take me.

Two hours later....

The last of my things are placed neatly on top of the dresser. I have all my clothes hung up in the closet. My books are on the book shelf looking nice. I'm just getting ready to get in the shower after wiping the sweat from my brow for the tenth time, when the door to the room opens up.

Pausing mid step toward the bathroom I look at the now open door. My mouth drops to the floor with the sight in front of me. "What happened?" I finally get the words out of my mouth and walk over to Joshua.

He is standing at the threshold of the room, leaning against the door frame. His face looks stern, mouth pinched in aggrevation. His hands are folded into fists at his side, they are so tight his knuckles are turning white.

I get within an inch of his body and stop dead in my tracks. The amount of blood on his clothes is appaling. You cannot even make out his blue t-shirt, it's covered in red.

The blood is dripping off his knuckles to the floor. There s even blood splatter on his jeans. I peruse his body a moment, taking the time to think of what I should do. Do I go to him and try to help? Will he even allow me to touch him?

He hasn't said a word. No answer to my question. Not a single noise expells from his lips. "Joshua, please tell me what happened." I whisper to him. Keeping my voice light hoping not to frighten him out of what ever has him in this state. Who knows what he will do if I talk to loud or make a sudden movement.

Slowly, at a slugs pace I bring one hand to his cheek. The one that is clean from blood. Once I make contact with his skin his eyes make their way to me. He's breathing hard, but still says not one word.

Instead of trying to get him to talk, I bring my other hand to one of his. It takes me a moment but I finally get him to relax his hand from being in the fist. I entwine our fingers, and begin to walk backwards. My eyes not leaving his.

He follows me into the bathroom. Surprisingly, when I turn on the bathroom light he doesn't blink. I on the other hand have to a few times to get used to the glow of the light.

"Stand right here a second Okay? I'm just going to turn on the water to the shower." He gives me a barely there nod. Knowing that's all I'm going to get at the moment I turn and walk the couple steps to the shower.

Walking into there, I turn the knobs until the water temperature is just right. I turn around, take the couple steps back to him and study him a moment.

His eyes are on his hands. He keeps folding and unfolding his fingers. After a second, his eyes make their way to me once more. I give him a small smile before walking up to his body. Once standing right in front of him, I take the bottom of his shirt in my hands.

Without breaking eye contact I work the shirt up his body. Taking my time, feeling his abs along the way. Once his shirt is up and over his head I throw it behind him into the hamper. I move my hands to the top of his jeans.

I unbutton them and bring the zipper down. Finally, this wakes him from his thoughts. His hands land on mine stopping my movements. "I'll take it from here beautiful. You get out of those clothes of yours and show me what's nine." He whispers in my ear.

I know this isn't the time. Clearly he just went through something, the blood on his clothes and trailing along the floor shows that. But my libido didn't get the message. I'm growing wet with every word whispered in my ear.

When I look up, his eyes show me I haven't hid it very well. There is no longer anger in his eyes. No, just pure hunger looking back at me.

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