His Heart Calls to Me

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I stand here in the shower. Steaming water pelting on the both of us, cold tile along my back, and the man I love kneeling in front of me. I tighten my hold along his shoulders with my arms.

Placing my head on top of his, I close my eyes and breath him in. I know he's working through something. Understanding he needs a moment, needs to just feel me here with him; I remain silent. Waiting until he's ready to talk.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I can feel the water turning colder on my arm. Opening my eyes I look at the knob of the shower, willing it with my mind to turn. Hoping for it to grow warmer.

"Turn it over more to get it heated more." His voice mumbles along my stomach. His head leans back, looking up at me he takes a moment to study me. I can feel his fingers rubing circles on my back.

Without breaking eye contact, I step out from his hold, taking two steps to the shower head. Turning the knob to the left I make the water hotter so we aren't cold anymore.

I watch as he stands up to his full height in one swoop. He glides in my direction, his eyes filled with lust. He's lurking towards his prey. To me.

Without realizing I step back further into the water until my back hits the wall. My head falls back with every step He takes closer to me. He traps me in with both arms on each side of me. I can see his nostrils flare with each deep breath he takes.

"You couldn't handle me telling you what happened." He whispers so close to my lips I can feel them move with each word.

My tongue makes it's way out to lick the water along my lips. I taste a small portion of his as well in my endeavour. "Why? What happened?" I can feel his arms tighten beside me, his fingers curling into fists beside my head.

"I am not going to tell you." He must see that I am about to argue because one hand is placed along my mouth. Covering it completely, cutting off my words.

"What I will tell you is we know a little bit more about what my father has planned. After this shower, I need you to once more pack your things. You, Ellie and her mother are going to the safe house." That's the end of this, my hand lands on his and I shove it away.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on." I cross my arms over my chest. Doing my best to look intimidating. Judging by the look on his face I'm failing miserably.

Of course it doesn't help that I have water pelting over my head, so my eyes keep closing. I have to take one hand and wipe the remnants away. I feel the touch of his hands on my arms, as he pulls me into his body, away from the water. I land with an oomph.

I don't want to feel anything other than anger. But being this close to him makes that difficult. I place both hands on his chest and look up at him. "You really want to know?" A growl works it's way up his throat and out of his mouth along with his words.

I take a moment to think about it. With the amount of blood I saw on him, I know it's bad. I'm not entirely naive. The real question is can I handle what he will say?

Taking a deep breath I know I need to hear it. I am in this with him one hundred percent. Which means I have to know, possibly at some point see the evil. See the fighting and the blood. With these thoughts I know I need him to tell me.

"Yes I do." I say it firmly. Making sure he knows I mean business. His eyes are looking between mine. Trying to come to terms with what he knows he is going to say.

"The boys and I made our way to the basement of the house. Tony calls it the slaughter room. We had captured my father's right hand man. Took us hours upon hours of our form of interrogation but we were able to get all the information we needed." He spits the last words out at me.

His face looks to me, expecting me to be in horror, step away from him, or to look at him like he's a monster. To be afraid of the man standing in front of me.

I don't do any if that. No I step up to him. I place my hands on both sides of his face and bring his lips to mine. I kiss him with everything I have. This kiss is a promise, that no matter what we go through during this war I will not ever see him as a monster for doing everything he can to protect me.

Once I pull my head back I look deep into his eyes, without a word I convey to him everything I feel. Placing his forehead against mine we stand there for a moment soaking one another in.

"I'll go if it's what you need me to do. I won't fight you on it." I whisper. I expect him to thank me, but instead his hands make their way behind me. He lifts me from the ground, slamming me against the wall he kisses me like his life depends on it. Maybe it does.

The water is turning ice cold as it beats down on us but neither of us care in the least. We are nothing but lips, tongue and teeth. Fighting one another for dominance.

One of his hands releases me and I feel him doing something behind my back. He must have been turning the faucet off because the water stops suddenly. Bringing his hand back he grabs a handful of my ass as he walks backwards. Without breaking our kiss he opens the shower door and steps out. Still holding and kissing me he makes his way out of the bathroom and into our bathroom.

Within a second I am thrown away from him. Flying in the air I land on our bed with a bounce. His look is filled with hunger as he studies me from the top of my head to the very tips of my toes.

When his eyes turn the color of night I know I'm in for a rough ride. That thought has me licking my lips in anticipation. His devilish smirk tells me he's in the mood for a hunt. I just happen to be his favorite prey.

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