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I know she was feeling insecure about how well she would please me with a blow job. I can honestly say my woman had no reason to. She was magnificent. I didn't know it could be that good. Normally it's hard and fast, and done within seconds. Just something I participate in to get out frustration.

Not with Liz though, no she's special in every way. I knew it would be different with her. I knew I wouldn't want her to stop once that mouth of hers was wrapped around my cock. Just like I knew it would be hard to stop fucking it once I was in her sweet, delectable body.

Now it's her turn. Judging by the stunned look on her face she hasn't ever had anyone go down on her before. Just to see if I'm right I ask, "have you never had a man reciprocate?"

She must feel too awkward to answer because she just shakes her head no. That shouldn't please me as much as it does. But it feels great knowing I am the only man that will ever do this with her as well. I give her a reassuring smile.

"Lay down on the bed baby." I know if I keep my voice calm it will help keep her calm.

She does as I ask and I enjoy the view from my kneeled position on the floor. I can see everything, every crevice of her body, every curve, it's making me want to tell her to stop so I can drink my fill. I hold off, I know she's nervous enough. But just barely.

Once she's laying down on her back, she looks up at the ceiling. As though she's afraid of this act. "Liz," I say her name softly until her eyes meet mine. There is something in her eyes I can't quite decipher, and it makes my heart break.

"What's wrong baby? Talk to me." I whisper the last words as I bring my hands to her legs. I gently run my fingers across her skin, mesmerized at the goosebumps forming there.

The sound of her throat clearing brings all my attention back to her. "I just..." She pauses and closes her eyes.

If this were anyone else I would demand she tell me what is the issue. I would use my alpha tone to get the answer, but she's not just anyone. She's my mate, my woman. I need to take care of her in every way.

"I promise it won't hurt baby." I whisper along her skin.

Without me realizing I have moved my face to her inner thigh. Looking up I can see her beautiful flower, glistening, begging me to give it a lick. "I know that, I just, I've heard most men don't like to do this. They start to resent their sex partner because they find it appalling."

Once I process her words, I stand up and take a knee beside her legs. I crawl up her body. Leaving no part of her skin untouched by me. Once we are face to face, I take both of her hands in mine, and stretch them over her head.

I can feel the beat of her heart pick up. Her nipples are so hard they could cut glass. Her chest is hitting mine with every breath she takes. It takes all my self control not to spread her legs wide open and slide my cock into her.

"Lets get something straight right now my little fire cracker." I start to say, but pause mid sentence when a small smile forms on her lips. She loves the nickname I gave her.

My eyes leave her lips and stare into her eyes. "You are not just some sex partner to me. You are everything and so much more. Do you understand?"

Her eyes are bouncing between mine, searching for what I don't know, but she must find what ever it is because she gets a full blown smile before nodding her head. Those gorgeous baby blues of hers are shiny with so much love, if I wasn't laying down, I'm positive I would fall to my knees.

"And baby it's true it's not always our favorite part. Usually, I don't give a flying fuck about making the woman feel good. Just as long as I finish, and she has her one orgasm, I pick myself up off the bed, get dressed and leave without a word."

The description of my past actions have her appalled. Her eyes are showing the anger she feels for any woman I have ever been with, as her mouth opens to tell me off, I remove one hand and place my finger along her lips. Quieting her words.

"I'm not saying it was right in any way. It's just the way my life has always been. It's always been too dangerous to get too close to anyone. Every woman before you knew that, and understood it was just a fun time."

Her chest is slowing down with her breathing. Her heart has calmed. She licks my finger with her tongue before fully closing her mouth, and I see her playful side is coming back.

"You however, are nothing like them. You mean something to me. Hell you mean everything to me."

Before I can finish my thoughts she asks, "is that why you pushed me away for so long?" I can tell by her tone, and the fact that her words broke towards the end just how much I have been hurting her.

"Yes, my father is a very powerful werewolf. If he finds out just who you are to me, there's a good chance he will come after you. I couldn't take that chance."

"What changed your mind?"

"Honestly, Kayden set me straight. Told me to basically quit being a prick, that my family will always be here to back me up, and help keep you safe."

"He and Ellie are both good at doing that."

We share a little laugh, "that they are."

The room grows quiet for a moment. We just take the time to look into one another's eyes. "You really want to taste me?" Liz looks down almost as though she is ashamed to ask me that.

I bring my finger under her chin and lift her head until she's looking me in the eyes. "More than anything in the world in this moment beautiful." 

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now