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Ellie walks out of Kaydens arms to move me out of the line of fire. At the moment I'm standing in between this newcomer and Martin. Judging by the look on his face and the fury radiating his body I'm thankful to her. I look her way briefly and give her a smile with a nod. She returns the gesture. Then, our heads swing back to the two people in a stand off.

"I called her." In walks Moyra with her head held high. "My daughter is pregnant and although I have seen with my own eyes how much that grandbaby already protects her from inside the womb we need more help. Who better than the ascendant of the most powerful witches in this world?" She places her hands along her hips staring Martin down.

He moved so fast all I can see is a blur just before we hear the door to his room slam shut. It makes such a loud noise the walls of the living room shake with the ferocity of it. I'm almost certain he's splintered the door.

"Well that wasn't dramatic." Moyra says with an eye roll.

"Can you blame him with what she did to him." Joshua growls in the woman's direction causing her shoulders to fold into herself.

"I'm not proud of what I did. Please believe me when I say it was necessary." The woman says on a whisper.

"I'm sure. After all your family is the most important thing in your life. You have to please them right?" Tony snides in her direction as he stands from his spot on the couch to stand with Joshua on the further wall. Almost as though he's getting as far away from her as he can.

"You wish for me to go against my family at that time? You know what they are capable of, and that they were working along side Kaydens father and brothers. I did what was right by breaking things off and staying away." She pushes off the wall to stand at her full height.

"She's not wrong there. It was for the best." Kayden speaks from behind Ellie. He walks closer to her body, wraps her in a hug, places his head on top of hers and asks "so now you want to help?"

"That so hard to believe?" She rolls her own eyes before walking further into the room. "Look I've made my fair share of mistakes but believe me when I say I can help. Not only am I very powerful, but I know a lot of the enemies plans." She lifts an eyebrow challenging anyone in the room to dare call her a liar in that fact.

No one says anything for a few seconds. We all just stand there letting her words sink in. Looking around the room I see Tony is slack jawed, Joshua has somehow made his way to stand beside me without me noticing, and Ellie and Kayden both stand there staring her down. Almost as though they are studying her in some unknown way to look for any sign of a lie.

They both must believe her because seconds later they both relax their bodies and not their heads. Kayden opens his mouth to speak, but before he can utter a word a blur comes into the room yet again and right before our eyes Martin is back in the room.

He's standing behind her, his body molded behind her, and his hand is wrapped around her throat. "And what prey tell is it that Joshua and Tony's father have planned?" He whispers into her ear. I haven't ever seen him like this. His body is taught with anger and his eyes are completely red, no sign of his usually beautiful green eyes.

The new woman doesn't seem afraid in the slightest. If anything it looks as though she backs her body even closer into his. Causing Martin to growl along her neck. "Do not tempt me Cassie. You know I cannot control myself around you."

My mouth shoots open. So this is The famous Cassie. The one Martin had fallen head over heels in love with only for her to leave without an explanation. Basically, choosing her family over the man she loved.

"I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm not an idiot Martin. Have you ever thought it's what I want more than my next breath?" Her voice was so low I believe her words were meant for only him. However, all others in the room are Supernaturals so of course we all heard what she said.

He tightens his hold on her a little more, I know it's only for affect. His eyes are slowly losing the red and turning to his more natural color. "Don't treat me like a fucking moron. If you wanted it as much as you say you wouldn't have left me without a word. You would have allowed me to bite this mouth watering neck of yours and Mark you as mine for all to see." He pushes her away from his body.

She looks as though she is going to call to her knees but at the last second she does a flip on the air and pants on her feet in a pose. Standing up she blows her bangs out of her hair and looks to the rest in the room.

" We Will discuss that matter later. For now, how about I tell you what I know and you can all decide if what I have to say is enough for you to let me stay to help." She folds her arms over her chest once more eyeing everyone individually in the room.

"We need this information and we absolutely need her. So my vote before she even explains is that she stays to help." Moyra says out loud as she walks to stand beside Cassie in the middle of the room.

"I second that." Ellie says as she too walks to the other side of Cassie. "I mean come on Martin it's clear to me she loves you, she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you and that perhaps she can help us fight the evil in our lives and this can finally be over." Ellie places her hands on her belly looking at Martin, and finally Kayden. Begging him with her eyes to understand.

"I agree too. We need all the help we can get, and if the past has taught me anything the more power we have the better off we all are." I walk to the other women in the room. Dreading the moment I turn around to look at Joshua.

Werewolves Surrender: Possessive Alpha's Book 2Where stories live. Discover now