Intimacy to Forget

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I know this is wrong, we have so many important things happening right now, but I cannot find a care in the world at this very moment. I just need Joshua to touch me. Need him to caress me, to help me feel alive. He runs his lips down my neck, kissing along my pulse point before he sucks that part into his mouth. My hips gyrate of their own accord.

He lets out a painful laugh, "Patience baby. I'll take care of you." He whisper along my skin causing goosebumps to rise. "You are perfect in every way." He runs his tongue along my collarbone causing a shiver to run through my veins. The next instance I'm hearing clothing tear as the cool air hits my bare breasts.

"No bra on my little fire cracker?" A growl builds up his throat as he lavishes each breast with attention. He starts licking around my nipple before he sucks the globes into his mouth. As far as he can fit them. He lavishes my skin with his tongue giving me an intimate kiss. I love the feel of him touching me in any way I can get.

My hands make their way into his hair as I hold on for dear life. Without realizing I'm yanking on his hair to pull him in the direction I need him most. He bites my nipple and pulls back with me still in his mouth. Making me scream with pleasure as a zing shoots between my legs. His eyes are staring into mine as he soothes the hurt that felt so good.

"Lay back." He places a hand along my chest gradually pushing me back against the pillows. He stands from the bed while I lay flat on my back, my legs shaking with anticipation. I watch as he drags his shirt up and over his head. He takes his time, not breaking eye contact with me, as he unbuttons his pants and pulls the zipper down. He licks his bottom lip as he pulls them down his legs.

His hard cock springs forward, the leaking of the white fluid from the tip showing just how ready he is for me. My eyes make their way up his now naked body. I bite my bottom lip to hold in the moan that wishes to break from my lips. "Looks like I wasn't the only one that didn't wear a thing underneath my clothing." I raise my eyebrow at him.

He throws me a genuine devilish smile. One that promises all kinds of glorious things. He says not one word as he prowls back on the bed and climbs above my body. His face is only an inch away from my sweet spot. I hold my breath awaiting to see what he does.

He kisses my hips from left to right and makes his way down to my center. He scoots down further and places his shoulders between my legs. Spreading me wider for is assault. Once he has me the way he wants he takes one hand and opens my petals. He looks up at me, gives me a wink and begins to devour me. Just the way I love.

I want to move my hips against him but his other arm is holding them down. He tells me the more I hold still the most sensations I can get out of it. My hands bunch the blanket below us in my fists as I ride the waves of pleasure. "I'm going to..." I don't get the chance to finish my sentence. I break apart. The sensations so overpowering I scream at the top of my lungs.

He doesn't stop his feast, if anything this makes him attack me vigorously. He's eating me out with his tongue, licking into my body as he enjoys the feel of me pulsing in his mouth. "Perfection." He mutters between slurps.

Once I come down from my high, my eyes pop open to the sight of him prowling up my body. I see him fisting himself with one hand, as he brings it to my opening. He looks at me and I can see him working his throat as he swallows the rest of my essence. "I'm not going to last long baby girl. This is going to be fast and hard." He feels the need to warn me as though I don't already know what we both need.

I wrap my legs around his hips, and bring one hand to the back of his head. "Shut up and fuck me already." I whisper along his lips before I crash mine against his.

He doesn't wait any longer, he slams into my awaiting body in one hard thrust. Causing the bedframe to hit the wall behind us. He pulls back so just the tip is out of me and slams back in. He does this over and over, never breaking his rhythm. He places his sweat slicked forehead against mine and looks deep into my eyes. I can see he wants to finish but he needs me to first.

My hands make their way down his back, as I dig my nails into his skin he screams out with pleasure. Once I make my way to his ass I grab on tight and angle my hips just right so my clit rubs along his length with every thrust. Within seconds I'm convulsing against him once more. With the shivering of my body, and the feel of muscles gripping his length his lips lift up on one side. Showing me his cocky side as he picks up his speed.

The bed is moving over and over as his body chases it's relief. I know when he gets there because he hollers as he floods my unprotected body with his essence. He and I take a moment in one another's arms. Slicked in sweat and breathing heavily.

"I needed that." He whispers along my neck. "Me too." I barely get out I'm so out of breath from our recent activity. "I know." He says as he pulls back to look at me. He fixes my messy hair as best he can and gives me a genuine full-blown smile.

"We need to shower and get our things ready to go." I nod at him to show I heard what he said. My high is now debilitated, and I am once more feeling anxious and afraid. "Hey, firecracker. Get out of those thoughts of yours. I am going to be with you the entire time."

Nodding my head, I fight the tears that want to fall. "Give me your words baby girl." A whimper breaks free from my lips. "I'm just..." I'm not sure what to say. How can I explain what I am feeling? He never seems afraid of anything.

"Just what?" He places both hands along my face forcing me to look into his eyes. "I'm afraid of what is to come. What if we lose this war?" He shakes his head at me. "We won't." He simply says as he stands from the bed pulling me up with him. He walks us to the bathroom and closes the door behind us.

He starts up the shower while I stand there awkwardly lost in my negative thoughts. I look at myself in the mirror and want to smile at the reflection looking back at me with what just transpired but I cannot bring myself to do it. The nauseous feeling is back in my stomach.

As the bathroom fills with steam from the hot water, he steps behind me and looks at me in the mirror. He kisses the side of my head and I lean back against his shoulder. Closing my eyes, I listen to him breathing and feel the beat of his heart against me from his chest. "I know because Kayden, Martin, Tony and I will make sure this is finished once and for all." His words cause my eyes to pop open.

The look in his eyes tells me he means it. There is a determination on his face, one I haven't seen in a while. I know he is right; we have the power on our side. Together our family will prevail. I must believe that there is no other option.

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