Should've been me

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You click the door of your apartment closed, making sure you've locked it behind you before taking your shoes off. "I'm home." You speak out loud in the empty apartment. Your eyes travel up to the photo frame of Suguru, your lips pursing together in response to his smiling face.

If you had died today, maybe you'd find peace. The peace you've ached for.

You shake your head at your dark thoughts. Dying would be taking the easy way out if you were to resort to it. Suguru would definitely be disappointed of you for thinking of such a thing. You tear your eyes away from the photo, the corner of your eyes stinging with tears.

You quickly bat your eyelashes to avoid feeling such a weak emotion. You swore to yourself that you'd never cry again. That crying is a sign of weakness and it does nothing to benefit you.

You reach in your pockets, taking out your keys and pistols, and laying them on the island table. As you walk past the marble table in the living room, you stare at the unopen envelope. You walk over to pick it up between your fingertips. The feeling of dryness rubs between your fingers when you drop the envelope into a trash can in the kitchen.

You then walk towards the single bedroom in the sunset glow of your apartment. The blackout curtains and blinds are worthless in keeping the light out. You couldn't even live in complete darkness like you want. The squeaky sound of the bedroom door fills the silence around you.

The sound is unbearable in your ear and your headache returns. An excruciating pain that causes you to kneel down, your back against the bedroom door. "Fuck." You utter out. You've managed to go the entire day without any food. Seems like you've been running on adrenaline. But you lacked an appetite. The only thing you want right now is unobtainable.

"I miss you." You whisper these words between clench teeth, your eyes tightly shut. Your fingernails dig into your palms when you feel the slight tingle of anxiety run through your body. You swore to never go on another mission after the last one you accepted six months ago. The very mission that broke your entire world. The mission that took away the love of your life, Suguru.

Your body trembles involuntarily when you have the slightest thought of that day. You shake your head to rid of the memories. The blaring sounds of an ambulance, your frightful whimpers and screams, the gentleness of Suguru's voice that tried to calm you down. Even with his last breath, he didn't complain about the situation. He continued to console you despite being the one hurt.

"You idiot. I should've been the one to die." You weakly whisper into the empty bedroom that the two of you once shared. The one time you actually worked as a team is the very day things messed up. It's uncanny how things turn out like that. You slam your fists onto the wooden floorboard.

The faintest sound of a tap on the window catches your attention. Your ears twitching in response to the noise. You push aside your sadness, alarmed from the noise. You lived on the top floor of the building so it's odd for anything to make contact with your window.

It's the middle of June so hail is out of the question. A bird making contact with the window would've been much louder and followed by a squawk. You carefully stand up on your feet, cautious when you walk closer to the window.

Your eyes scan your bedroom for a weapon, you couldn't be too safe. You did encounter one of the members of the villain group today. Maybe they've already set out an attack towards you. You reach under your pillowcase for a handgun before standing on the right side of the window.

You pull the curtain aside without presenting yourself incase the assailant may have a gun of their own, ready to aim at you. There's no action made when you tear the curtain aside. Inhaling deeply, you ready your gun when you stand yourself in front of the window.

Your stiff shoulders droop the moment you realize who your enemy is. Gojo floats in the sky, his blindfold removed from his eyes as he taps his thumb against his phone. He casts his attention towards you, a smile on his face. You lower your gun when the two of you make eye contact. Gojo floats closer to the window, pointing at the lower half to tell you to open the window for him.

You blankly stare at Gojo. You're exhausted and having him around will only wear you out further. You turn your back to him, your hand on the curtain to pull it closed.

"Wait! Don't be so cold, Y/L/N. Is that how you treat someone who's bought you dinner?" Gojo's voice is heard on the other side of the window. You remain still from his words.


Your stomach growls on queue. You shut your eyes, cursing yourself for needing sustenance to survive. Sighing, you turn around to open the window for Gojo.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Nanami fumes with anger as he loosens his tie around his neck. He grips tightly on the dotted pattern necktie before slamming it on the quartz sink counter. A groan erupting from his throat. He's still annoyed by Y/L/N's words to him.

If she were to die, would he genuinely feel relieved?

The woman has put him through hell during their high school years. Y/L/N would go off on her own the moment the three were given a mission to work on together. She didn't stop for a moment to discuss how they should tackle the situation. Her mind was set and stone with her own plan and it didn't matter if she got hurt along the process. Not only that, danger didn't seem to be in her vocabulary.

Her way of handling business is the opposite of how Nanami takes things into consideration. He thinks before he acts. He pushes aside his own personal emotions when it came to missions. He's serious and prefers to takes things in a practical approach.

Everything Y/L/N is the opposite to.

Because of this, the two would clash against one another. It's a surprise the two ever complete their missions despite getting in the way of one another. Nanami would frequently lecture Y/L/N about putting everyone's lives in danger because of the miscommunication. She would shrug it off and tell him, "We're alive, aren't we?".

Nanami grimaces when he remembers that sly smile of hers when she would say those words to him. His life span must be cut in half because of her. He's afraid to find out what his blood pressure is like during those times.

Without her around these past nine years, life has been calm. Everything is as it should be in Nanami's life. Nothing is out of the ordinary in his schedule. He's used to his own regimen. But now with this reunion and this important mission at hand, Nanami is destined to have his life turned upside down.

It's only been a single day that he's been with Y/L/N and he's already at his limit. Nanami raises his hand up towards his chin. He rubs under it, a phantom feeling of Y/L/N's pistol digging into his skin.

She's definitely a dare-devil. A stupid one at that.

Nanami removes his sunglasses and sets it aside. He runs the sink to splash water on his face to cool the heat that grows. He hates how easily he lets Y/L/N rile him up. But what ticks him off is how ready she is for death. The Y/L/N he knows would defy death in any way. That's one thing that's changed about her since their nine year separation.

Nanami stares at himself in the mirror. The water droplets fall from his sharp jaw line. He tries to calm his thoughts and steer it away from Y/L/N but it's hopeless. He grunts under his breath, his hand turning the sink off. There's no way for him to clear his head other than to take a shower and head to bed. 

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