Junpei's trust

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You wake up to the sound of a knock on the door. Kenjaku last night delivered your food to you and briskly left without uttering another word. You groggily wake up, staring at your bedside. The bed is empty, alerting you that Kenjaku never slept in the same bed as you. "Come in." You strain to speak up.

There's not a single clock in the room, so you're unsure how long you've been asleep for. From the looks of how bright it is in your room, it must be at least noon. You expect to see Kenjaku entering the room but instead it's Junpei. His lips form a fine line when the two of you make eye contact. He holds a bag in his hand.

With your mind a bit hazy, you quickly realize that you may look like a mess right now. You raise the blanket over your head. Junpei raises a brow, confused by Y/L/N's reaction. He walks over to her, setting down the bag on her end table.

"Kenjaku wants me to take you out to buy some clothes. There's a t-shirt and sweatpants in the bag for you. I figured you'd feel more comfortable wearing those out in public than the yukata."

Junpei hears a muffled okay from Y/L/N under the blankets. He pulls his eyes away from her, turning back around towards the door. Is she embarrassed or something? Junpei shakes his head. "I'll be waiting outside your door."

You hear the door click close and slowly pull your blanket away from you. Your eyes cast over to the bag Junpei left behind. Despite the guys being villains, they're considerate of your feelings. You reach for the clothes in the bag when your finger grazes against a note. You pick up the note that rests on top.

"I'll keep your secret."

Your eyes widen when you read the note. You reread the note several times to process it. Junpei will keep your plan a secret from the others. Does that mean he's going to help you? Or is this just a sentiment that he's still pondering over the plan. Either way, you're grateful he hasn't snitched you out.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, you quickly get changed in the bathroom connected to the room you're in. The sweatpants are slightly baggy on you but they're more practical to go out in. You'll be gawked at if you were to stay in the yukata. Once you're freshened up, you head over to the bedroom door, opening it up to see Junpei staring at his phone screen. He stashes his phone away when he notices your presence.

"No school today Junpei?" You try to make small talk. He shakes his head without verbally answering you. You keep your distance, following behind him. You can't help but notice the slight wince he makes with each step he takes.

He shouldn't be up and about the next day when you've shot him on both legs. You stop in the middle of the hallway, Junpei quickly noticing. He turns around to stare at you, a perplexed look on his face. "Do you have a wheelchair somewhere in this house?" Junpei lowers his eyes to your legs when he listens to your question.

"Probably in one of the rooms that we made into an infirmary of sorts. Did you get hurt yesterday?" Junpei turns the corner, heading straight there. You remain quiet, unsure how to tell him that the wheelchair is more for him than you.

"We have an infirmary in here? What else do we have in this huge mansion? I'm afraid I'll get lost." You murmur, keeping your pace with Junpei.

"You'll probably get lost a few times. But things will be easier to navigate. I'm guessing Kenjaku didn't give you a tour of the place last night?" Junpei turns another corner before he walks towards a door. He opens it, stepping aside to let you in first.

You're amazed to see the room is much larger than you expect. Junpei walks past you, grabbing a wheelchair from the corner of the room. He rolls it over to you. "It was late last night so he suggested I get some rest." You thank Junpei for showing you the infirmary. "Um, could you make sure it's strong enough to handle my weight?" You make up a horrible excuse to get him to sit down in the wheelchair.

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