Moving forward

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A week has passed since the destruction in Shibuya. News reporters and civilians alike were unaware of the events due to the curtain around Shibuya that night. Without a trace of the culprits available to the police, the event is said to be created by an unknown force. The case goes cold and this leaves the citizens on their toes for another similar event to happen. Hopefully that will never be the case.

Yaga and the other sorcerers plan to lock up the current fingers they've collected with only a handful knowing the location. The rat was never to be found and it's best to keep the information to a small few. The few being Gojo, Nanami, and Y/L/N. After discussing the new location, a funeral was held two days later. Four names were mourned that day.

Gakuganji, Suguru, Eso, and Kechizu.

The day was a silent one. Tears were shed and blessings given to those who were close to the four. Shortly after Nanami, Gojo, and Y/L/N all requested time off from work. Yaga granted their request, wanting the three to take all the time they need. The mission he tasked them with was a long and excruciating one. He wasn't heartless enough to toss them into another mission after the things they've gone through.

Asides from the three, Choso and Junpei were pulled away for interrogation. The two found to be innocent from the events of that night. But they're under surveillance as they reside in Tokyo Jujutsu High. Choso is granted to become a sorcerer while Junpei is enlisted as a student. This news gives Y/L/N great relief. She promised the two freedom from being under the control of the villains.

But she couldn't control the fact that there are others within the sorcerer group who have their guards up around them. But the two knew that going in. They comfort Y/L/N, telling her to not worry too much and to enjoy her much needed vacation. Everyone who's taken part in the Shibuya night are recovering and carrying on with their lives. Slowly but surely everyone is adapting to this new era of freedom.

No one knows how long this freedom will last until another group of high leveled villains will be formed. But until then, everyone will take life one day at a time.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Vacation?" You're dusting your apartment. The place being empty for the last five months. You have to thank Yaga later for covering your bills during your absence. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a home to come to.

Gojo makes himself comfortable on Y/L/N's couch, his arms resting on the top of the couch. He tilts his head backwards, staring at her back. A smirk laces on his lips. "Did Nanami not tell you? The three of us are going on vacation once the mission is wrapped up. Seeing as though Yaga said we're free to enjoy ourselves, what better time than now?"

You walk over to the living room, resting the duster on the coffee table. "No, he did not mention a vacation to me at all." Your eyes wander over to the tall blonde haired man who's pulling your curtains open. You grimace at the brightness to which Gojo chuckles to. Nanami turns around, a tiny smile on his face from your reaction.

"You really need to brighten up the place in here Y/N." Nanami walks from one window to the next, pulling the curtains open. The bright rays of the sun pours into the dark apartment. You purse your lips, quietly sighing. Gojo perks up, sitting up straight.

"Since when have you started calling Y/L/N on a first name basis?" Gojo hums out, a devilish smirk on his face. Nanami widens his eyes briefly, his hand frozen on the curtain. He gulps, turning around to look at Gojo.

Nanami's unsure what to say but he doesn't have to say much. Y/N lightly hits the top of Gojo's head. "Are you just going to sit there or are you going to help me clean up, Satoru?" Gojo's attention easily drifts away from Nanami when he hears Y/N call him by his first name. "What did you just call me?"

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