Lost in his thoughts

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The sound of chirping birds pulls Nanami out of his nap. He's done nothing but sleep and eat today. Something he's absolutely not comfortable doing. With all this free time, Nanami's forced to wander in his thoughts. As much as he hates work, that's all he knows. He lives to work and it's such a sad mindset.

He's nearing his 30's in less than three years. What does he have to show for it? Other than being a Grade 1 Jujutsu sorcerer, Nanami has nothing. No family. No significant other. Maybe a friend if that's what Gojo is called.

"When was the last time I went on vacation?" Nanami mutters under his breath. He casts his eyes over to the window. A gentle breeze flutters the white sheer curtains. Nanami takes in the entirety of the room.

This was where Y/L/N stayed cooped up in for three weeks. He can understand her urgency to escape the room. Nothing is more scary than being trapped in your own thoughts alone. Nanami's never had so much free time to do so. He drops his eyes down to his bandages.

She purposely missed his vital spots. Why? If she were to join the side of the villains, wouldn't killing him off be better in the long run? Nanami couldn't follow Y/L/N's thought process. To be fair, he never really understood anything she's done.

Nanami groans. He forces his eyes shut, his left arm covering them. He replays yesterdays event over and over. Wondering what he could've done different to change things. But it's helpless to do so when the reality of it all is Y/L/N is gone. "I swear to god I'm not letting you live this down Y/L/N."

Nanami forms a fist with his hands. He slams the right fist that rests by his side against the bed. Nanami's so entranced with his inner thoughts that he's unaware of a guest in his room. "Your heart rate is high for someone who's just laying there." The voice of Ieiri pulls at Nanami's attention.

Nanami removes his arm that covers his eyes. His beady brown eyes adjust to the light, they focus on Ieiri. She wears a small tight smile. "How are you feeling? I came by to check up on you." Her eyes flick over to the heart monitor, Nanami's pulse lowering back down.

"I could be better." Nanami answers bluntly. Ieiri slowly nods her head. She presses the back of her hand against Nanami's forehead to check his temperature. She then lifts his blanket up to check the bandages.

"Better than hearing you say something depressing like Y/L/N. Everything looks fine so far. I'll have a nurse change your bandages later." Ieiri jots down an update on her clipboard after pulling the blanket back over Nanami. She turns to leave but Nanami stops her.

"Wait. What things would Y/L/N say when she stayed here? It might have something to do with her betrayal." Nanami speaks hastily. Ieiri turns around, noticing Nanami's heart rate jumping back up. She scoffs, amused at the sight.

"She'd complain about the light that seeps through the curtains. Or how it was uncomfortable to feel peace. That she feared no one will love her because of her scars and whelps. Things like that. I don't think tedious things like that caused her to change." Ieiri answers Nanami's question before leaving his room without waiting for his response.

Nanami exhales, his face scrunching. He never knew Y/L/N was so insecure and depressed. And all he did for her was argue with her. When the thing she needed most was probably someone to lean on. To listen to her. To compliment her.

"I'm such a dick." Nanami groans out. He runs his fingers through his blonde hair messily. Why is it that he realizes these things the moment it's too late? He can't imagine what's going on through Y/L/N's mind right now.

At first, when everything unraveled, Nanami was furious. He genuinely felt disgust by Y/L/N's actions. But now with his emotions calm, he slowly sees why things turned this way. Y/L/N fell deep into the darkness. It's obvious she would walk down that path eventually.

Nanami begins to grow guilty that he may have pushed her closer to that path. He squeezes his eyes shut, exhaling deeply. He wishes to stop his mind from spiraling. And his wishes are answered when his door swings open, a frantic Gojo standing there. "Y/L/N! I saw her today!"

Nanami snaps his eyes open, he sits himself up, pain littering his body from the quick motion. A groan escapes his lips. "What did you say?" Gojo hurries over to Nanami's side, ushering for him to lay back down.

Gojo's cheeks are flushed red from running from the parking lot to the building. He recollects his thoughts and tries to calm his heavy panting. "I was out to clear my head and to find something sweet to eat in Harajuku. By coincidence I saw Y/L/N. I wasn't completely sure if it was her or not so I followed the person around. She was walking around with a guy."

"A guy?" Nanami knits his brows together. Gojo rolls his eyes. "Let me finish Nanami." Nanami remains silent to let Gojo continue.

"The guy was Junpei. The two were just casually shopping around for clothes. It's as if they're living normal civilian lives. I called out to her the moment I found the two alone. But she wouldn't turn around to look at me. Junpei pulled up that weird portal thing like that Suguru guy. By the time I tried to pull Y/L/N out, the portal closed."

Once Gojo is finished with his story, Nanami begins to speak again. "Why is she with Junpei of all the villains? He seemed blood hungry to kill her on sight."

"I wondered the same thing. But from observing them, they seem to get along fine. Maybe the two were putting on an act the entire time. If so, that really means Y/L/N was the rat all along." Gojo clenches his jaw tight. He ruffles his hair in annoyance. Gojo couldn't accept that.

"None of this makes sense." Nanami drags out a sigh. He flicks his eyes up to the ceiling. The two grow silent, their thoughts piling on top of one another. "Did you hear anything from Yaga today?"

Gojo shakes his head back and forth. "Not a word. He's apparently locked up in his office. No one knows what he's up to. I tried to inform him about seeing Y/L/N but his teddy bear creation blocked the door."

Nanami downcast his eyes to the blanket that drapes over him. "I'll try to recover quickly so the two of us can find Y/L/N. Something just doesn't add up. Y/L/N is smart but I doubt she's smart enough to trick us like this."

Gojo snickers under his breath, amused to hear Nanami compliment and diss Y/L/N at the same time. "You can never compliment her without dissing her at the same time, can you?" Nanami rolls his eyes, a click to his tongue.

"The last thing I will do is compliment her when I see her. I'll interrogate her with questions first. Then I'll follow it up with a lecture on how much of a dumbass she is. That's if I can even get a single word in before she snaps and attacks me." Nanami rambles under his breath. He easily sees how things will pan out when the two see one another again.

Gojo hums out, a shrug to his shoulders. "I'd say none of that will happen. You'll be too speechless the next time you see her. Especially given the next time we'll ever see her. It can be days, weeks, or even months."

The thought of not knowing when the two will see Y/L/N is up in the air. The best thing for the two to do is find her before her mind is too corrupted. Or worse, the villains turning against her if they deem her worthless to their cause.

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