The calm before the storm

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Kenjaku struggles to hold himself up after consuming the tenth Sukuna finger thirty minutes ago. Sukuna is fighting to gain over Kenjaku's body. Kenjaku digs his fingernails against the stone pillar. Beads of sweat litters his forehead and skin. The feeling an undesirable one.

It feels as if Kenjaku's skin is on fire and each inhale he takes is a thousand needles attacking his lungs. His head throbs and his vision is a blur if he strains to keep his eyes open. Kenjaku slowly falls to his knees, clenching his teeth from the pain. "You're a stubborn one." An unfamiliar voice speaks in Kenjaku's mind. He isn't too surprised to hear another voice asides his own.

"It's not time for you to come out." Kenjaku's words seethe out between his teeth. His brows knit together and he slams his fists into the pillar. Kenjaku's underlings silently watch him from a safe distance. He warned them prior to be on their guard incase he loses his sanity.

"I'm not someone you can boss around, boy." Sukuna growls out. Face markings begin to form on Kenjaku's face, leaving a permanent look on his skin. Two pairs of eyes fly open on Kenjaku's face, the eyes looking around curiously. "So, why am I here? You've made me remain silent for a few months now."

Kenjaku's breathing is harsh when he tries to form coherent words. "Today's finally the day for you to have some fun Sukuna. There will be a large crowd gathered in Shibuya to celebrate Christmas. It's the perfect time to announce ourselves to the world." Sukuna cackles at Kenjaku's statement.

"Our? I only work alone. Say goodbye to yourself when I gain complete control. Kenjaku was it? Have we crossed paths before? Your name sounds familiar." Sukuna hums out, he finds the situation he's in entertaining. Kenjaku slowly regains his strength. He pushes himself off of the ground, standing up with one hand resting on the stone pillar.

"The name should sound familiar to you Sukuna. The two of us are well over 1,000 years old. Our goals are the same. Wanting the end of humanity." Kenjaku gets cut off when Sukuna hisses out. Sukuna clicks his tongue multiple times.

"I can give two shits about humanity. I just want to kill children and women. Those things just so happen to be apart of your plan. The difference is, I'm not too picky if they're human or curses. I hope you're aware that I may kill off your comrades if they're in my way." Sukuna speaks in a firm tone. His eyes glance over to the allies that stand at a reasonable distance.

"That person there with the white hair, is that a man or a woman?" Sukuna asks Kenjaku. Kenjaku remains silent, his mind going blank to avoid Sukuna from reading his thoughts. Sukuna scoffs from the silent treatment. He closes his eyes and murmurs one last sentence to Kenjaku before leaving. "Seeing as though I'm not getting anymore attention, I'll disrupt the peace later."

A chilly silence fills the underground warehouse Kenjaku is in. Uraume slowly approaches the man. With a blank expression, Uraume speaks loosely. "He's as arrogant as I expected." Kenjaku flicks his eyes over to Uraume, straightening himself up after feeling the pain disperse.

"Be mindful Uraume. He can hear everything despite not revealing himself. We should make our way to the others. They should be preparing for the battlefield as we speak." Kenjaku strides past Uraume. An overwhelming feeling bubbles in his stomach.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Mahito sits on the edge of a rooftop building. His eyes stare at the busy streets of Shibuya beneath him. He finishes off the last bite of his cookie before humming out happily to himself. "Foolish humans. Laugh it up now. Your end will arrive soon."

Jogo looks above him. A large barrier begins to drape over Shibuya, trapping everyone inside of it all the while blocking out anyone else from coming in. "Looks like Kenjaku and his team are on the move." Jogo rests his eyes on the back of Mahito. Mahito twiddles his feet in the air, the corner of his lips curling into a wide smile.

"We should get a move on as well." Hanami speaks up from behind Mahito and Jogo. He takes his leave, jumping off of the roof without a second thought. He bounces from one roof to the next until he blends himself in the shadows of an alleyway. Jogo is the next to leave.

"Make sure to make it out alive Mahito." Jogo says one parting sentence to the patchwork face before disappearing from his spot. Mahito stares at the empty sky, stars no where to be seen because of the city lights. "Silly Jogo. There's no way I'm dying tonight." Mahito chuckles.

Mahito leans forward, purposely causing himself to fall from the high rooftop. A devilish smirk forms on his face when he feels the harsh wind ruffle through his grayish-blue hair. A loud splat rings out when he makes contact with the ground. A wave of shrieks and gasps surround him.

Petrified eyes stare at him as he pretends to be dead. A man hesitantly approaches him, his eyes wide and wavering. "I-Is he alive still?" A woman that clings onto the mans arm speaks up, her tone shaky. The man shrugs, he leans down to check Mahito's pulse.

The moment Mahito feels the mans fingers against the coldness of his neck, he stares at the man. "Hello." Mahito speaks in a sleazy tone. His greeting causes the man to jump back in horror. But no other words are exchanged when Mahito blindly kills the people surrounding him.

The beautiful sound of screams and the smell of blood fills Mahito's nostrils and ears. "Oops, looks like my finger slipped." His hand morphs back from being a blade. Speculators begin to run and the sight only excites Mahito further. He takes his time to walk towards the panicked crowd. "Run all you want, no one is getting out of here alive." Mahito snickers under his breath, his tongue gliding against his cold lips.

Choso shakes his head as he observes Mahito from a back alley. "It's not even 6PM yet and Mahito's already starting to have his 'fun'." His two brothers hide behind him, the two grimacing at the sight of the innocents dying. The three brothers together have a strong hatred towards Mahito. The guy only using the three for his benefit.

Y/L/N quietly walks past the three. She stares at the trail of blood Mahito's left behind. She's beyond furious that he's enjoying every second of this. But she's unable to reveal herself. The timing isn't right. Y/L/N raises her fingertips to her nose bridge, pinching the area in frustration.

She turns around to look at her own group that's supported her these last five months. Choso, Eso, Kechizu, and Junpei. The five together make an odd bunch. But she's learned to be a reliable teammate because of them. She rests her gaze on each person, one at a time.

Inhaling deeply, you close your eyes for a moment. "I'm not one to be incredibly sappy but. I don't know how things will turn out tonight. So I'd like to thank you all for being here tonight. It would be stupid of me to think all of us will make it out alive. But I hope we all do."

Junpei grows uncomfortable at such depressing thoughts. He casts his eyes down to his feet, pursing his lips. You continue on with the speech. "Whatever happens tonight, I'm proud of all of you." You open your eyes to look at the four. A tiny smile forms on your lips. "Let's fight for your freedom."

Eso hums in delight, clapping his hands while Kechizu laughs in amusement. Choso nods in agreement to your words. You notice a lack of response from Junpei who avoids your eyes. You carefully walk over to him, resting your hand on his shoulder to give his shoulder a squeeze. Junpei raises his green eyes over to you. "Hanging in there Junpei?"

Junpei silently stares at you, not uttering a word. It's safe to assume that he's nervous and you're nervous too. But being the leader, you hide your true feelings to not worry the team. "Want a hug?" You tease playfully, a lighthearted laughter. You're surprised to see Junpei nod to your words.

A small smile grows on your face as you envelope Junpei into a hug. His arms slowly wrap around your waist and you feel his forehead rest on your shoulder. "Whatever happens tonight, I won't let you die Y/L/N." Junpei's tone is a hushed shaky whisper. You giggle in response, stroking his hair.

"I think I should say that to you Junpei. You have more of the world to see. I'm pretty okay with the experiences I've gained." You pull away from Junpei, staring at his green eyes with a smile. You peer behind him towards the other three, inhaling deeply. "Shit's about to hit the fan. Be prepared and if you're cornered, run or fight to death." 

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