Shared bed

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After Nanami's shower, the two of you spend some time watching television in bed. The atmosphere is awkward after the confession hours ago. The time is now well near 10PM. Three hours is long enough for Gojo, right? You feel like you've bothered Nanami enough for one day.

Summing up the courage, you speak up. It's odd for you to be so coy like this around Nanami. It's as if you forgot how to be yourself. You hate this shy side of you. The feeling is a weakness. "Do you think Satoru is asleep by now? It's late."

Nanami pulls his eyes away from the television, his eyes gazing at your face. You gulp from nervousness of being under his gaze. You subconsciously clutch onto the blanket that you sit on top of. Nanami shrugs, his eyes glancing at the clock on the wall. "Knowing him, he can probably go at it all night. I don't know how he has so much energy."

You grimace at the thought, shaking your head to rid of the image that starts to cloud over. Nanami looks deep in thought before he speaks up again, his eyes a little distracted. "If you want, you can sleep in my room for the night. I'll sleep on the floor."

You quickly retort to Nanami's suggestion, your hands waving in front of you. "No, you can't do that. I came over to your room, I should be the one to sleep on the floor." You turn around, dangling your feet on the side of the bed. But Nanami grabs hold of your wrist, pulling you back. The action takes you by surprise, making you fall back.

Your head plops onto Nanami's lap, his eyes staring down at you. "You're behaving very awkwardly Y/N. Are you nervous around me now since we're dating?" You purse your lips, casting them to the side. The heat in your cheeks burn your face.

Nanami chuckles dryly under his breath. His fingers slowly and carefully runs through your hair. "I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm also nervous. Right now my heart is pounding against my chest. It's a scary feeling." Nanami continues to speak his thoughts aloud, not hiding them from you.

You slowly relax when you listen to Nanami's feelings. Even Nanami is nervous. But he's much better at hiding it than you are. You reach up to grab hold of Nanami's hand that runs through your hair. He raises a brow, confused by your action but he doesn't say a word.

While looking directly in Nanami's eyes, you place his hand over your heart. His eyes widen and he sharply gasps. You part your lips and whisper into the quiet hotel room. "My heart too. It's pounding wildly because of you Kento." Your eyes waver and your entire face burns a deep crimson from your words.

Nanami struggles to keep his eyes on yours, he darts his attention elsewhere while shakily pulling his hand away. "God, you're so cute Y/N." Nanami mutters under his breath, clenching his teeth together. The corner of your lips curl into a small smile. You slowly sit up, cupping Nanami's cheeks with both hands.

Snickering under your breath, you flash him a wider smile. "So are you Kento. Your face is as bright as a cherry." Nanami crinkles his nose in response, his lips turning into a pout. "Teasing me now, Y/N? That's not very nice of you when I was trying to cheer you up."

A giggle bubbles out of your throat, your hands squish his cheeks together. Nanami still keeps his eyes away from you, they glare daggers at the blanket beneath of him. With the lighthearted conversation, you feel yourself reverting back to your usual self. You feel a small surge of confidence grow in you. Leaning forward, you kiss Nanami on the tip of his nose.

You apologize in a low whisper, "Sorry. I shouldn't tease my boyfriend." Nanami quickly shuts his eyes closed, his Adams apple bobbing from the saliva he's just swallowed. You feel the heat in his face radiate against your palms.

Grunting, Nanami speaks weakly. "It's so strange to hear you call me your boyfriend. But I love it." Your heart skips from his words, a delicate smile etching onto your face. You adore the way Nanami speaks his thoughts so freely around you.

𝓐𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 | Kento Nanami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now