Let's go on a date

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You're enjoying breakfast with Nanami under an umbrella by the poolside of the hotel. Waking up beside him this morning was startling and welcoming all at once. You startled at first because you forgot that you slept over last night. But welcomed his warmth and the smile he flashed you when you woke. You wear a silly smile on your face as you stare at the Kaya toast on your plate.

Nanami's husky voice fills your ears when he returns from grabbing you two drinks. "Are you smiling at the toast, Y/N?" Nanami chuckles softly. He sets down a glass of apple juice in front of you. You snap out of your thoughts, turning your attention over to Nanami.

Pursing your lips, you shake your head. You answer honestly with a smile. "I was thinking about you." Nanami's eyes widen briefly before he darts his attention elsewhere. A streak of pink stains his hollowed cheeks. He crinkles his nose adorably before clearing his throat with the back of his hand covering his mouth from the smile that grows.

"It's too early for you to say something so cheesy, Y/N." Nanami murmurs between clench teeth. His nostrils flare and he grabs hold of his cold glass of water, sipping on it to calm the heat on his face. You hum out, smiling at the reaction you've received from Nanami. As the two of you silently eat your breakfast, a tall white haired man finally arrives.

You lower the toast you've taken a bite of, your eyes catching sight of Gojo. He's grimacing with his fingers rubbing his temples. The shades he wears slips down his nose bridge. Looks like Gojo's had a rough night from the way he looks. His hair is in disarray and he wears the same outfit from yesterday.

"Fuck...mornin'." Gojo pulls out the chair in front of you, sitting himself down. Nanami leans back, sipping on his water again. You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes on Gojo with your lips forming a fine line. Gojo glances from you and Nanami. "Something wrong?"

You exhale, unfolding your arms. "Did you have fun last night? You never texted me if I could come back to my room." Gojo's lips part slightly, wordless. He squeezes his eyes shut, clapping his hands together in a plea.

"Sorry, I forgot. You didn't stay out all night, right? Did you come back to sleep?" Gojo sputters out one sentence after the next. He sweeps his hair back, resting his eyes on your face.

You silently trail your eyes over to Nanami. He locks eyes with you, unsure where you're going to take this conversation. With a tug on your lips, you smirk at him before resting your eyes on Gojo. "I spent the night with Kento."

A glimmer shines in Gojo's eyes followed by a smirk on his own. "Oh?" He raises one brow, turning his attention to Nanami. Nanami chokes on his water, startled by your choice of words. Gojo slaps Nanami's back, pretending to help him. "Did the two of you have your own kind of fun?"

"S-Shut up." Nanami shoves Gojo's hand away. He then places his glass of water down on the table. "And don't purposely word things like that Y/N." Nanami grumbles out, his hand reaching over to pinch your ear.

Seeing him flustered like this is adorable. You continue to tease him. "Am I lying though Kento? I did come over to your room and--" Nanami slaps his hand over your lips, your giggles muffled in his palm. Nanami grits his teeth together, glaring daggers at you.

Gojo hums out happily, his eyes staring at his two friends in front of him. "Can I assume that you two are an item now?" Y/N's giggles die down and Nanami's glare on her softens. The two stare at one another in silence. Gojo's no idiot when he sees the way they look at one another has changed. Once before their stares were one of hatred but now there's a gentleness behind them.

He exhales loudly, clapping his hands together. "About damn time. Now I don't have to babysit the two of you anymore. I declare for the remainder of this vacation that Y/N is banished from sleeping in her own room. I also declare that I find some food and let you two spend today together."

Nanami drops his hand away from Y/N's face to look at Gojo who stands up. "We came here together, shouldn't the three of us spend some time exploring as a group?" Gojo shakes his head, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"As much as I'd like to be a third wheel, I'm alright if we spend the last day together. I'll live up the bachelor vacation life for the next few days. There's plenty of things for me to do by myself. Like finding a new girl to sightsee Malaysia with." Gojo winks, flashing a smile before darting off.

You and Nanami are unable to say a word before Gojo sprints off. Nanami sighs, his shoulders drooping. "He could've at least ate breakfast with us." Nanami murmurs. You extend a hand, squeezing Nanami's shoulder to grab his attention. His eyes cast over to you, a relaxed expression on his face.

"Satoru was only trying to be considerate. Since it's just you and I again today, what should we do?" You drop your hand back to your lap, your other hand picking up your toast again. Nanami takes a bite of his breakfast before lowering down his fork. His eyes stare out at the pool before returning to your face.

You silently stare at Nanami while chewing on your toast. "Let's go on a date Y/N." Nanami speaks firmly a serious gaze piercing through you. You giggle from how tense Nanami looks. Extending your free hand out, you stroke his cheek. He visibly relaxes after jolting initially.

"Okay. That sounds fun. What should we do on our first date? Neither of us know any places around here. Should we do some research or something?" You finish off your toast before reaching for your phone beside you. Nanami stops you, his hand on yours gripping tightly.

He shakes his head before speaking up. "Let's just do something spontaneous. We're always planning things. I'd like to just wing it once in awhile."

Your eyebrows raise, a smirk on your face. You whistle in amazement. "Who is this Kento and where did the Kento I know go? Adventurous? I didn't know that was something you knew how to do."

Nanami scoffs, his eyes rolling playfully. He leans forward, nipping your bottom lip. Your heart skips and your eyes widen from the shock. He grumbles under his breath, his eyes staring through you. "You're not the only one who's full of surprises Y/N. I can be adventurous when I want to be."

Your vision is full of Nanami and you're unsure what to retort back. The slight pinch on your lips fade when Nanami replaces it with a kiss. Your face burns and you're sure the look you're making right now is embarrassing. But Nanami doesn't poke fun of you. Instead he's smiling from ear to ear. "Let's head up to our rooms and change. Make sure to wear something comfortable Y/N."

His raspy breath tickles your lips and you mentally cry out when you feel him pull away. It's startling how touch deprived your body is. But you push the thought away and stand up from your seat. The two of you grab your plates and glasses to drop off in the dining area before heading to your perspective rooms to change for the date. 

𝓐𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 | Kento Nanami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now