My knight in shining armor

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You sense something change within the air, stopping you from your small talks with Nanami. Something urges you to leave your safe area and you do so. Getting up to your feet, you pat the back of your pants. "Y/N?" Nanami calls out to you in confusion. Your attention is too focused on the outside, making you unconsciously ignore him.

Nanami exhales, a small smile on his face when he watches Y/N go off on her own again. He slowly gets up on his feet, following after her. The sight he sees before him takes his breath away. Snow begins to fall around the two and the curtain that drapes over Shibuya slowly falls. But what captivates him the most is the bittersweet expression on Y/N's face. She bites her lower lip, fighting back her tears.

There's a glow in her eyes. One mixed with happiness and sadness. If the curtain is falling, that must mean the others have won. Nanami wonders if everyone survived or did he lose more comrades along the way? He halts his thoughts when he sees Y/N's shoulders shiver. She chokes back her tears.

Nanami walks over to her, resting a hand on the small of her back. Y/N hides her face in her palms, sniffling and whimpering. Her sadness causes his chest to ache. The two have done a lot of crying tonight. Both for different reasons. Nanami slowly rubs her back, hoping it gives her some comfort.

"Y/L/N!" An unfamiliar voice shouts out from Nanami's left ear. He's the one to react to the voice instead of Y/N herself. Nanami casts his beady eyes towards the owner of the voice. There he sees three figures slowly come into view.

Junpei, Gojo, and someone Nanami's yet to meet. It must be one of the blood brothers Y/N told him about. Nanami steps back, pulling his hand away from Y/N's back. He didn't want to be in the way of a reunion. Nanami remembers clearly the agony in Junpei's voice moments earlier. Junpei's relationship with Y/N's changed since their time together.

You pull your hands away from your face when you feel Nanami's presence back away. The voice that shouted out earlier, was that Choso? You're unfamiliar to his loud tone. Before you can turn your eyes over towards the voice, you're met by a rough collision and four arms around you. You grow shy, not used to the sensation of hugs.

"Y/L/N." Junpei cries out your name. He mutters your name over and over. Choso remains silent, his arms holding you tightly. Their heads rest on each side of your shoulders. You start to feel like a sardine and even more so when Gojo decides to join in on the group hug.

You squeeze your eyes shut, begging the three to let go of you. "G-Guys, please. I can't breath. Unless you want me to die for a second time?" You know the timing for a joke isn't now, especially the whirlwinds these three went through during your absence. Junpei hits you lightly on the back of the head.

"You're so bad at jokes Y/L/N. Now isn't the time for the dark humor." Junpei grumbles out, his arms squeezing you tighter. Choso nods his head, muttering by your ear. "I'm not listening to you the next time you tell me you got a handle on something."

Gojo hums out, a smile on his lips. "Seems like you made some friends while you were on the other side Y/L/N. I'm a bit jealous." You scoff, squirming to pull yourself out of the group hug. The three release their hold on you seconds after.

Gojo extends something towards you, pressing it against your stomach. "I brought a gift for you." You look up at Gojo, staring into his crystal blue eyes. The smile he wears is small and genuine. You then cast your eyes down to the gift he's extending towards you.

Your breath hitches when you stare at a familiar black yukata robe. When you extend your hand out, it shakes violently and only does it settle when you feel the silk of the robe against your fingertips. Tears easily well up in your eyes, causing your vision to blur. Choso and Junpei lower their eyes, each biting their lip or inner cheek.

You force your eyes shut when you embrace the robe against your chest. Gojo's eyebrows knit together, a sad smile replacing his previous smile. Nanami slowly steps towards the group, his eyes casting over to Gojo. He silently mouths the words thank you to him.

Gojo nods while gulping the saliva that builds in his mouth. There's a moment of silence within the group asides the crying from Y/L/N. Gojo strains to voice out his thoughts to lighten the mood. "Suguru's at peace now Y/L/N. Now it's your turn to find happiness again."

You nod your head to Gojo's words. Your cheeks stain with tears and the faint smell of Suguru lingers on the robe. The snow heavies and it begins to stick on you. Each snow that falls on your face feels like another tear.

Junpei raises his eyes up to the sky. He let's out a staggered exhale before inhaling deeply. "What a Christmas this was..."

Choso nods beside him. "I only wish Eso and Kechizu were able to see this." A bittersweet expression grows on Choso's face when he sticks his hand out to catch the falling snow.

"We lost a few warriors tonight but we banished many more enemies. We'll be sure to give your brothers a proper funeral as well." Nanami speaks up after remaining silent for sometime. Choso casts his eyes to the side to look at Nanami. He gives him a firm nod. "I appreciate that."

"In the meantime, let's all head back to Tokyo Jujutsu High. The five of us need to be looked over and bandaged up." Nanami looks at the group in front of him. Not a single spot has been left unmarked on everyone. The person he's mostly worried about is Y/N.

Gojo claps his hands together, an idea popping in his mind. "Instead of walking, let's fly there. I'm sure you haven't seen the beautiful sights of Tokyo above ground level, right?" Gojo glances from Junpei to Choso, the two shaking their heads. "Alright then!" Gojo snickers. He sweeps Y/L/N off of her feet, carrying her in his arms.

"Let's go princess. Your knight in shining armor has finally come to protect you." Gojo teases, a cheeky grin on his face. Y/L/N rolls her eyes, sniffling and wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

"I replaced you with someone else." You whisper under your breath, clutching tightly to the robe in your arms. Gojo gasps, his feet levitating off the ground and his gravity pulling the other three up with him. His hands grip onto you tightly.

"And who did you replace me with? Choso? Junpei?" Gojo looks to his left and right. The two raising their brows, clueless to the conversation Gojo and Y/L/N share. They pull their attention away to look at the sights below them.

Pursing your lips, you stare at the robe. You raise your eyes up towards Gojo who patiently awaits your answer. His eyes never stray away from your tearstained face. A nervousness swirls in your chest when you part your lips to answer him. "Neither."

Gojo raises a brow, cocking his head to the side in confusion. You find his reaction cute, a giggle slipping past your lips. "My new knight in shining armor..." You turn your attention away from Gojo, leaning your head back to stare at Nanami who floats behind Gojo.

Nanami is looking down at the aftermath of Shibuya and he must've felt your eyes on him. He slowly turns his attention towards you. The corner of your lips curl into a smile. "Kento." You say his name easily, your heart jolting in response.

Nanami raises a brow, confusion written on his face when he reads your lips saying his name. You look back up to Gojo, his eyes smiling from your response. "Kento is my new knight." 

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