Peace at last

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It's been minutes since everyone's lashed out attacks on Sukuna. None of their attacks seem to do any damage to the man. And if it did, the damage is minimal. Gojo grows impatient, he calls out to the others to step back. Gojo wants nothing more than to end things now. His thoughts continue to stray back to Nanami, Y/L/N, and the others who are risking their lives.

Sukuna smirks, a glimmer flashing in his eyes. "Tired of playing around with me, Gojo?" Gojo scoffs, his eyes rolling. He cracks his knuckles before raising his right hand up, curling his pointer finger on top of his middle. In an instant before Sukuna can counteract, Gojo sets up his domain expansion.

Unlimited void.

Sukuna's struck with endless information in his mind. He's rendered paralyzed in his spot. Mentally he's screaming out at how much of a fool he is to not expect this kind of attack. A snicker rings out in his mind.

Deep within Sukuna's thoughts.

Kenjaku snickers under his breath, shaking his head. "So this is how we're dying. By the hands of Suguru's best friend. I figured this would've happened." Kenjaku sighs. He tilts his head back to stare at the black abyss in front of him.

"You knew this all along?" Sukuna grumbles, he stands up from his throne. His eyes narrow on Kenjaku who slowly closes his eyes, a smile on his face. Gritting his teeth, Sukuna slowly walks down towards Kenjaku who stands at the bottom of the piled up deceased. He roughly grabs the robes of Kenjaku, shaking him around. "Answer me!"

Kenjaku grimaces from Sukuna's boast. He slaps away the mans hand, fluttering his eyes open to glare at him. "Did you really think we would make it far into our plans without it being disturbed? The Jujutsu sorcerers will never allow that to happen. I sealed this thought away from you the moment you were able to take control."

Sukuna grinds his teeth, turning his back against Kenjaku. "That's fine. There's still 10 other fingers of mine." Kenjaku's scoff catches Sukuna's attention. He quickly turns around to see what's so funny.

Kenjaku covers his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes looking over to Sukuna. "You really think they're going to let anyone consume those fingers? After tonight's fiasco, that's the last thing they will do. If anything, they'll lock your remaining fingers elsewhere from other villains from looking for it."

Sukuna's eyebrows twitch in frustration. He's been resting for years for this very moment to destroy the world and it's being taken from him by an amateur like Gojo Satoru. He screams out in annoyance. "You're taking this more calmly than I expect Kenjaku. Are you not furious as well? You've worked this far for your plans to crumble. Does that not annoy you?"

"Of course it does." Kenjaku coldly responds. He crosses his arms, turning his back away from Sukuna. "I'm beyond livid. This plan of mine that I've stuck by for thousands of years is easily shut down by a single man." Kenjaku scrunches his nose, locking his jaw tight.

A silence drapes between the two before Kenjaku speaks up again. "But another part of me is glad. Anger can only fuel a person for so long in life. It'll eventually become a nuisance. To live life filled with so much hatred."

"Sounds like you've gone soft over time, Kenjaku." Sukuna clicks his tongue, glaring at the mans back. Kenjaku shrugs, a small smile curling on his lips. He turns around to look at Sukuna, upset that this is the last person he'll see.

Maybe Sukuna is right about Kenjaku growing soft. He surely did when it came to a certain someone. Y/L/N Y/N. He only wishes he was able to thank her for giving him the chance to experience the true happiness of the little things. "Looks like I won't be able to go home for Christmas."

Sukuna furrows his brows, glaring at the man. "What?" Kenjaku doesn't answer Sukuna. The two stare at one another before a bright light of white fills the space. Their time is up. What felt like a long conversation in Sukuna's thoughts is a mere 0.2 seconds in reality.

"Good riddance, Sukuna." Gojo bitterly clicks his tongue, tearing off the head of Suguru's lookalike. "And may you now rest in piece Suguru Geto." Gojo's domain closes the moment Sukuna's confirmed dead. The body falls lifelessly on the ground, sounding like a bag of potatoes.

Everyone in the surrounding area stares in bewilderment the moment Gojo returns. No one utters a sound at first. The curtain above Shibuya then starts to fall and that's when everyone snaps awake. "Y-You did it Gojo." Yaga stammers out in surprise, his eyes not believing the sights in front of him.

Gojo kneels down towards the lifeless body, his eyes closing when he rests a hand on the body's chest. He catches his breath, exhaustion littering his body. Gojo gently rests the decapitated head on the ground. Thundering footsteps hurry to his side. "Job well done Gojo." Yaga pats the silver haired man on the shoulders.

"Are you crying old man?" Gojo weakly chuckles, his blue eyes flicking over to his left side. Yaga gulps, his nostrils flaring out as a tear falls from his face. "Can I ask you to bring Suguru's body away to a safe place? I'm sure Y/L/N would appreciate it greatly." Yaga nods to Gojo's request. He looks over at Ino who gives a short nod before lifting the body up.

Ino jolts when he sees the decapitated head on the ground. Mei Mei walks over with her arms crossed, a smirk on her face. "Nicely done, Gojo. Thanks for saving everyone. I can't believe I'm thanking you for once." Gojo rolls his eyes to Mei Mei. He slowly stands himself up, stretching.

"Don't thank me too quickly. We still have the chance of Sukuna reviving himself. We'll have to think of another way to keep his fingers away from the wrong hands, Yaga." Gojo speaks more seriously than usual. Yaga stands up to his feet, nodding to his words.

"We'll talk more about that some other time. For now, I'm sure you're desperate to go see Nanami and Y/L/N. Where did you bring those two anyway?" Yaga raises a brow, staring at Gojo's excited expression. Gojo perks up, feeling his exhaustion leave him from the mention of his friends.

Gojo glances over at Suguru's body, muttering an apology to what he's about to do. "'scuse me Ino, I'll be taking this off of him. Not like he'll need it anymore anyway." Gojo strips Suguru's body of his robe. "Gojo!" Yaga sternly scolds Gojo who ignores him.

"I'll be leaving now." Gojo raises one hand up, waving goodbye to the others. "Make sure to tell those students that everything is fine now. I'm going to spend the remainder of Christmas with friends." Gojo wears a grin, his legs dashing forward.

But a voice calls out to him, stopping him in his tracks. Gojo raises a brow, turning his head back slightly. Junpei and another guy he's never seen before runs towards him. Before the two can make their way to him, Tsukumo raises her arm out. "Where do you two think you're going? We're taking you both with us for an interrogation."

Junpei glares daggers at this blonde haired woman. He shoves past her, hurrying off to Gojo. Tsukumo is about to retaliate but Yaga's stern tone stops her. "Yuki, let them go. Those two are friendly. They belong to Y/L/N's squad."

"What? But they're villains." Tsukumo looks baffled, her brows knitting tightly. Yaga shakes his head, his back turning to her. "Let them go. We have to meet up with the other students. I'm sure they'd love to hear the good news of our success." Tsukumo bites her bottom lip, her eyes casting towards the two villains who walk up to Gojo. She tears her eyes away to follow after the others.

Junpei huffs and puffs harshly, his hands on his knees. "W-Where's Y/L/N? Can we go see her with you? I need to see with my own eyes that she's alright."

Gojo wears a playful smirk, whistling out. "What's this? Junpei wanting to see Y/L/N and not kill her? What a 180 from the Junpei I remember. Care to introduce your other friend here?"

Junpei scrunches his nose at Gojo's teasing. He looks over to Choso who slightly bows his head. Choso quietly introduces himself to Gojo. "Choso. I'd also like to see Y/L/N. She's done a lot for me and the least I can do is thank her." Choso pauses, his lips parting again to speak up. "And thank you for saving us all."

Gojo smiles, a rumble of laughter pouring out of his lips. "No worries. I had a promise to keep with Y/L/N and Suguru. I'm glad I carried out that promise. Now let's go tell her the good news." Gojo waves for the two to follow him. There's a pep in Gojo's step when he thinks about the expression Y/L/N will make when he tells her Suguru is at peace now. 

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