Breaking the news

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"Should I turn on the light? It's dark in here." Gojo looks around in the darkness of the living room. "Maybe the heat too. It's chilly even though we're in the beginning of summer. Why is your apartment so gloomy?" Gojo speaks freely as he makes himself comfortable in your apartment.

His never-ending questions are too much for you right now. You silently slurp on the ramen he's brought over. Purposely eating to avoid answering his questions.

Gojo finds the light switch near the front door, he flicks them on with his pointer finger. Before he turns around to look at Y/L/N, he notices a photo frame by the door. It's a beautiful photo of Suguru and Y/L/N during cherry blossom season. The smile on their faces is something to envy.

A small smile tugs on Gojo's face when he sees how happy the two are. He then casts his eyes over to Y/L/N. She's remained quiet ever since he entered her place. His blue eyes snoop around his surroundings. The only shoes by the foyer are Y/L/N's. That's an odd sight to see if Y/L/N and Suguru are an engaged couple.

To be honest, Gojo couldn't even sense Suguru's existence here in the apartment. An eerie thought starts to creep into Gojo's mind but he banishes it. He didn't want to assume anything.

Gojo adjusts the temperature of the apartment before joining Y/L/N on the sofa of her living room. He picks up one of the ramen bowls towards him, blowing on the noodles before slurping them down. "So, when is Suguru coming home? It's been awhile since I last saw him. I bought his favorite too."

You stiffen when you listen to Gojo. He's completely blinded to the situation that Suguru is gone. The moment Suguru passed away, up to his funeral, it all happened so quickly that you couldn't even manage to tell Gojo the news. Your life became a blur and it's now six months later since the event.

Gojo carries on the conversation despite your silence. He nudges his shoulder against yours. "Does he know you're not wearing your engagement ring? He's not going to like that. I was there when he picked it out, you know. That guy had no clue what to get you. It was hilarious and I guess cute too." Gojo chuckles, a wide smile on his face.

"He was fretting over the idea of proposing to you. That maybe you'd reject him and tell him the timing wasn't right since the two of you have been so busy with work." Gojo places his chopsticks into his ramen bowl. He exhales with a gentle smile on his face when he recalls the memories back then.

Gojo sets his ramen bowl onto the coffee table, his head turning to his left to look at Y/L/N. "The two of you have found time to spend together, right?" His words fade into a soft whisper when he's surprised to see Y/L/N silently cry beside him.

Her tears trickle into her ramen and her lower lip is stained with blood from the amount of pressure she bites down. A coldness drapes over Gojo and a rare occurrence of fear haunts him. "Hey. What's wrong?" Gojo speaks in a more serious tone, his playful behavior gone.

You couldn't bare to look at Gojo. You're upset at yourself for crying when you swore not to. An iron taste touches your tongue from the blood on your bottom lip. As much as you'd like to keep this information to yourself, you have to tell Gojo. Suguru is someone important to him as well.

You couldn't keep him in the dark about the whereabouts of Suguru. Sniffling, you recompose yourself by taking deep breaths. You set your ramen down and clench your hands into fists on your lap. Your lips part slightly and you say the words you wished you never had to.

"Geto, he died six months ago on a mission." Your teeth trembles but you force yourself to speak. "A mission with me."

Y/L/N's words go out from one ear to the other. Gojo's unable to wrap his mind around the news he's been informed. There's no way that someone as powerful as Suguru can be killed. It doesn't make any sense. Suguru's a Special Grade like him. There's absolutely no way.

Gojo experiences denial as he sits frozen in his spot. He grabs onto Y/L/N's wrist, his eyes wavering. "There's no way. You're lying to me. Tell me you're just playing around Y/L/N and I'll forgive you. I know I've messed around with you today but this is by far worse than my teasing."

Your glossed over eyes stare at the man in front of you. Gojo's emotions are frazzled from the news you're sharing with him. He's going through denial just like you have gone through before. The pain in his eyes reflect in your own and your heart aches at the sight.

His tight grip on your wrist is weak compared the pain of your broken heart. Gojo knits his brows together, his voice raised. "Y/L/N, tell me right now that you're lying." His steely tone echoes in the silent apartment. The color of his knuckles turns into a snow white while your wrist blooms a color of red.

"He's gone, Gojo. Geto died for me and I can only wish it was me instead."

"I don't believe you!" Gojo yells out. Frustration laces in his voice. He releases his tight grip on Y/L/N's wrist.

"Then let me explain from the beginning." You speak hesitantly, not wanting to resurface the memories.

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