A confession of hate

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You notice Nanami reach for his back, before you can move yourself, Choso is quick to move you aside. The sound of a gunshot rings out loudly in your ear. You turn to cast your eyes to a pistol aimed where you previously were. Nanami is swift when he aims the the gun at you again. You refrain Choso from attacking by stepping in front of him.

"What are yo--" Choso's words fall when he stares at you pressing your forehead against the end of the pistol. "Y/L/N!" Choso is not one to raise his voice so to hear him do so for you is a bit heartwarming.

"Go help the others Choso. I can handle this." You speak calmly, not a hint of fear in your voice. Choso debates whether or not to leave your side. He swallows his saliva, uttering a last few words before running off. "Don't die on us Y/L/N. We're seeing this through together." Choso dashes off to where he came from.

You stare at Nanami, a silence filling the air. "I see you picked up a new weapon." You speak first, pointing to the gun. Nanami presses the pistol further on your forehead, his teeth clenching.

"Move and I'll shoot Y/L/N." Nanami growls out. His eyes glare at you, a deep anger wavering in his beady eyes. You purse your lips, exhaling slowly. "That's an odd way to say you miss me."

Nanami's nostrils flare out at how nonchalant Y/L/N is. She left and joined the villains five months ago. Stating that she's the rat of the group and shot him multiple times to state a point. He doubts she thought about him--the others. And what's this about being the boss's lover?

"Why are you here Y/L/N? Why are you acting as if everything is fine between us? Have you forgotten the things you've done?" Each question echoes louder in the alleyway. Nanami glares daggers at the woman before him. She stares at him blankly before curling a tiny smile.

Why is she smiling? Nothing about this is a smiling matter. Is she not taking him serious? Has she ever?

Seeing Y/L/N all over again causes anger to bubble out of Nanami. Gojo was only partially correct about Nanami's reaction when seeing Y/L/N again. Nanami grinds his teeth together, shouting at her once more. "Answer me Y/L/N!" Instead of a coherent answer, Nanami's responded with a lighthearted giggle.

"I missed this." Y/L/N whispers. Nanami grows confused from her statement. His hand loosens it's tight grip on the pistol. Y/L/N notices this and she reaches up to his pistol. Her eyes remain focused on Nanami's face.

You inhale sharply, a smile still on your face. "I thought you said you'll shoot me if I moved, Nanami?" You move your hand away from the pistol, resting it on his hand that holds the trigger. His body stiffens in response. "If you're so upset with me, go ahead and pull the trigger. I did promise to let you kill me after all."

Nanami readjusts his hand on his pistol, returning the tight grip. He feels Y/L/N's hand drop to her side, her eyes slowly closing. "I'm sure you're curious to where I've been so I should fill you in before you kill me." She purses her lips, drooping her shoulders. "We're limited on time so I'll keep it short."

Y/L/N fills Nanami on the details from her conversation with Kenjaku on the rooftop the night of the nightclub incident. She then unveils the plan Kenjaku and Mahito plans to undergo tonight. She also informs Nanami about how she lied about being the rat. That the actions she's taken was necessary for her to gain allies on her side while being housed with the villains.

With all this information, Nanami's anger begins to waver. He's split between anger, amazement, and guilt. Angry at her for pulling this stunt. But also amazed she managed to do this all alone. And yet also guilty that Y/L/N carried on this solo mission to help him and Gojo.

You finish your final sentence with Nanami remaining silent. He doesn't utter a word. You can't even tell if he's breathing with how silent he is. The pistol against your head slowly pulls away, a cold draft replacing it. You're then thrown back against the wall, Nanami's hands gripping your biceps. A clatter sound of his gun hits the ground.

You're startled by his roughness, your eyes shooting open. Your breath hitches when you're met by Nanami's face. You gaze at his scrunched face. His eyes wavering with mixed emotions and his brows tightly knit together. "You're a fucking idiot Y/L/N." Nanami hisses out.

His low tone and choice of words stab you directly in your chest. The feeling hurting you more than you expect. "I hate the way your mind works sometimes." Nanami continues to diss you. You chew the inside of your cheek, knowing full well you deserve his criticizing.

"I hate how you go off on your own. I hate how you shoulder everything by yourself. I hate how you're so independent Y/L/N." Nanami's voice slowly begins to rise. He forces his eyes shut, his hands gripping tightly on you. "When will you learn that you're not alone?"

You grow confused by Nanami's words. His words no longer sound hateful to your ears. If anything, his lecturing sounds more like...

Nanami slams you on the wall once more, his anger spiraling. You grunt from the feeling, clenching your teeth. Your train of thought stopping suddenly from the shock. You startle when you feel Nanami's head rest on yours. "I fucking hate you the most for leaving me."

Your eyes widen when you stare at Nanami. Your jaw drops slightly from his words and the pain that reflects in his eyes. You didn't imagine your departure would shake up Nanami to this extent. You figured he'd be glad to have you gone. A silence fills the conversation as your eyes nervously stay on Nanami's face. You don't remain still for long when you sense a dreadful presence.

"Nanami, move." You shove the tall blonde man away from you. Nanami grunts when his back hits against the opposite wall. A shadow emerges from the other end of the alleyway. Their steps slow without any urgency.

You know this presence well and you're not surprised when you see Kenjaku reveal himself. An upset expression seems to rest on his face when he stops a mere feet between you and Nanami. "Now what is this? Why are you here Y/N? Did you not tell me you'll patiently wait for me back at home to celebrate Christmas together?"

You notice a peculiar black marking on his face, one you've never seen before. You're unsure how to respond to Kenjaku. Your mind is drawing a blank. Nanami walks over to your side, grabbing hold of your wrist and pulling you behind him. You stare at Nanami's back in bewilderment. "What are you--"

Nanami tightens his hand on your wrist, ushering you to stay silent. "That's not the same guy you know Y/L/N. Sukuna's awaken." You flick your eyes from Nanami to Kenjaku. Hearing the name Sukuna causes Kenjaku to grind his teeth. He's scrunching his face in pain, his hand reaching for his forehead.

"Release my fiancé." Kenjaku growls out to Nanami. His brows twitch and his nostrils flare out. He tries his best to restrain Sukuna but his strength seems to dwindle as the time goes on. The last thing Kenjaku wants is for Sukuna to kill Y/N. Kenjaku kneels over, grunting. "Fuck." His fists pound the ground beneath him.

You grow horrified from the immense pressure that fills the air. In a blink of an eye, Kenjaku's flurry of curse words grow silent. His trembling body stops and he's kneeling in silence. Nanami whispers under his breath, his hand reaching for his blade behind his blazer again. "Get ready to fight Y/L/N."

You nod your head, feeling Nanami release his hold on your wrist. You reach for your pistol on the side of your belt. Kenjaku's body looks lifeless as he gets off the ground. His body stands still and his eyes flies open. A menacing cackle from Kenjaku's throat echoes in the alleyway. A smirk plasters on his face. "It's time for me to have some fun. Starting with the precious woman that Kenjaku loves dearly."

You falter slightly from this mans voice. His voice completely different from the one you're familiar with. His statement as well sounds farfetched. Did Kenjaku genuinely fell in love with you? How foolish of him to be swayed by such soft emotions. 

𝓐𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 | Kento Nanami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now