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You're unsure how long it's been as you're dragging yourself to dodge and charge towards Jogo. The sound of your heavy breathing fills your ears. You feel like absolute shit. The adrenaline rush once again gives out and everything crashes on you in an instant.

You hear a shriek of pain behind you, one sounding like Junpei's and not Nanami's.

Thank god that's one person down.

You jump in midair, your gun aiming directly on the inner opening of Jogo's volcano head. With your mind made set to shoot, your finger fails to work along. Your vision begins to blur and you inhale a sharp breath of air. Everything slowly becomes a dark mass.

Looks like your time is up.

Your body is finally catching up with exhaustion. You feel your heavy eyelids close and you anticipate the rough ground you'll make contact with. Or your flesh burning, whichever comes first.

"Y/L/N!" You barely hear Nanami's scream. If you had the energy, you'd laugh right now. It's the first time you've heard Nanami say your name with such fear. So he does care about you after all. Or it at least sounds like it.

Instead of meeting the rough surface of the concrete, you feel the warmth of a person. "Now, now. We shouldn't hurt the lady that's guarded the Sakuna finger with her life." The low voice forces you to snap awake. You sense an immense power, one that sends a chill down your spine.

Your initial reaction is to pull away from the man, to protect the Sakuna finger you've hidden away underneath your blouse and bra. But instead, you're speechless and numb. The color in your face pales over and your breath hitches sharply.

The man before you is a spitting image of Suguru. The only difference is the stitched scar through his forehead. His voice sounds deathly close to Suguru's. Your mind is confused at the sight in front of you.

The man forms a gentle smile, his eyes not straying away from your wavering ones. "What's wrong? It's like you've seen a ghost." The gentle smile turns into one of arrogance. He grazes the back of his hand against your cheek. "Surreal isn't it? To see your fiancé like this?"

"Y/L/N! THAT'S NOT SUGURU!" Gojo's voice shrieks out into the air. You're too captivated by this 'Suguru' to look for Gojo. The silver haired man quickly dives down from the sky, roughly slamming against the concrete.

It's not Suguru? Than who is this man and why is he in his body?

Your mind grows confused and you're unable to think clearly with everything you've gone through already. The only thing you can think about is how much you missed seeing Suguru. You act on your emotions.

You raise one hand up towards the hand "Suguru" grazes against your cheek. You squeeze his hand while resting your head against his chest. Goosebumps litter your arms when you feel his warmth.

The man glares at Gojo and Nanami who attempt to inch closer to him. The two are hesitant to approach any further. If they were to close the distance, two outcomes can come forth from it. The man can either kill Y/L/N or kidnap her.

Gojo knows better than to reason with Y/L/N. It's impossible with the information he's learned last night. She's still recovering from her heartache. Seeing this Suguru here right now must be a miracle for her. Gojo's brows twitch in irritation.

What does he do here?

Gojo's one of the strongest sorcerers and yet he's helpless in this situation. Nanami must feel just as annoyed. Gojo's unsure what's led the two to work together before his arrival, but he's sure Nanami wouldn't live it down if Y/L/N is captured now.

You feel a pair of arms embrace you tightly, a kiss to the side of your head. "Let's go home. You've had a rough day Y/N." Your heart sways easily when you hear this Suguru call you by your name.

Home. With Suguru. That sounds lovely.

If only this is reality.

You slowly pull away to look at Suguru. His gentle smile causes you to feel bittersweet. The corner of your eyes sting with tears to which you try to fight back by fluttering your eyelashes. "I'd love to...but."


You pull the trigger of your silent pistol in your right hand into the man's lower abdomen. You've distracted this Suguru enough when you made skin contact. He believed you were easily fooled to think he's the real Suguru.

His teeth clench together to muffle out his groan. You force yourself away from the man and a familiar gravity pull surrounds you. Gojo drags both you and Nanami away from the scene without taking a second glance back. The three of you soaring straight into the sky.

Your glossy eyes glue to the Suguru man that glares at you from below. You force your eyes shut, feeling the wind ruffle your hair. You slowly exhale and inhale. The last thing you wanted to do today was shoot a man who looked like your fiancé.

Nanami silently stares at Y/L/N. Her body is lifeless as she lets her body flail in the wind. If he didn't know any better, he'd think Gojo was pulling along a dead body. He's never seen this side of Y/L/N.

A side that's quiet, lonely, and down right in pain. He's comfortable with her cocky attitude, sly tongue, and her sporadic actions. He's witnessed today that the Y/L/N he's known nine years ago is not the same one he's staring at. The one he sees today is one that carries a deep wound.

A wound deep enough for her to smile at the thought of death. 

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