She's insecure

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"What the hell happened to the three of you?" Hanami wraps bandages around Junpei's torso. There's a deep open wound on his back from Nanami's blade. Junpei remains silent, not replying to Hanami's question. He's still fueled with anger about his failure to kill that woman, Y/L/N.

Mahito exhales, a smile on his face as he lays in bed. "We encountered three peculiar Jujutsu sorcerers. They're quite entertaining." Mahito draws his eyes over to Kenjaku who's bandaging his lower abdomen.

"Looks like she didn't fall for your tricks Kenjaku. Even though you've made yourself at home in her fiancé's body, she pulled the trigger without hesitation. Her mind doesn't seem as weak as you've speculated. What should we do now?" Mahito airily speaks, his body slowly healing itself.

Kenjaku grits his teeth, his brows tightly knit together. "No, we'll resume the plan like usual."

Mahito sighs, his eyes closing and his hands clasping over his stomach. "Do you really think we'll be able to persuade her to join our cause? Just because you look like her ex lover? Those two guys with her wouldn't let that happen."

"Her mind still has a weak spot for the man I look like. She hasn't completely moved on or healed. I observed her fight with Junpei. The girl is ready to do anything if it means she'll die in peace." Kenjaku drapes his black yukata robes over his broad shoulders.

Junpei intervenes the conversation by clearing his throat. "I'd like to be the one to kill her, if that's something you two will allow me to do."

Mahito leans up from the bed, a half-smile on his patchwork face. "Three times the charm, right Junpei?" Junpei silently nods his head, his eyes darkening over to a pitch darkness.

"As long as you keep her away from those other two, I won't complain. Her rationality will be swayed if her two companions are by her side." Kenjaku mutters in a low raspy voice. He turns his back to the others to leave. "Next time we're taking that Sakuna finger from them. Whether all of us return or not."

The room grows eerily quiet when Kenjaku takes his leave. The sound of the sliding wooden door closing behind him. Jogo begins to speak when Kenjaku is out of earshot. "Mahito, why are we following orders from Kenjaku? Are you not the leader of this group?"

Mahito shrugs. He crosses his arms behind his head and leans himself back on the bed. "Does it matter if he's the leader or I am? We both have the same goal. To collect all 20 of Sakuna's fingers so we can all eradicate humanity. Having Sakuna join our cause will make the process ten times quicker."

This is the first that Junpei's heard of this.

Ending humanity?

Junpei doesn't give two shits about other humans but when he thinks about his mother who was unremorsefully killed one random evening, he feels a bit hesitant with this plan. But he avoids showing his emotions around the others. These cursed spirits are his only "family" that he has left. It's best to not upset them.

What he should focus on is getting stronger. He's sure the woman named Y/L/N will be out of the picture to heal. He did do a number on her body. While she's out of commission, Junpei will focus on his self growth.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

You're bedridden in the infirmary for a month for your body to heal and for your own self protection against the cursed spirits. You've heard an earful from Yaga this morning about your irrational actions. He was considerate to avoid questioning you last night but this morning his politeness was no where to be found.

You groan with an arm over your eyes. The last thing you want to be is useless in a mission. A very important mission that the seniors scouted you out for. Yeah, you weren't pleased to rejoin missions again but not finishing your job is just as bad.

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