Location acquired

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Three weeks have passed since their encounter with Mahito and his lackeys. Nanami and Gojo have only accumulated little to no new information. The only solid evidence they have is that Mahito is continuously consuming humans for his techniques.

Each report of missing groups leads to a cold trail with barely any evidence for the authorities to solve the cases. Nanami and Gojo are unable to trace Mahito's tracks from each crime scene. The two are also aware that it may be the other's who are sent out to kidnap the victims.

Asides their main mission, Gojo and Nanami are on the lookout for more Sakuna fingers. It's obvious that Sakunua's fingers is part of the villains plans. Gakuganji suggests that the villains will revive Sakuna to end humanity. The idea doesn't sound too far fetch with how easily they kill humans without a second thought.

Gojo groans loudly besides Nanami, his hands shoving into his pockets. "We're running around in circles." Gojo grits his teeth, his cheerful personality fading into one of annoyance. Nanami completely understands Gojo's anger. The two have provided nothing new to the seniors after three weeks of running around.

Not only that, the two are unable to show Y/L/N their progress with how standstill everything is. From the sounds of it, Ieiri's told the two that Y/L/N's mood has only deteriorated each day. She wakes up, applies her ointment, eats, and sleeps like clockwork. Each time Ieiri insists for her to walk around in her room or to open the curtains, Y/L/N would reject the idea.

The two have also been requested to not visit her after the day Nanami's apologized to her. Gojo was the first to put up an argument about the idea but whatever the patient says-- goes. Nanami keeps his strides short when he walks closer to the infirmary. Gojo raises an eyebrow when he hears a ruckus from down the hall.

"Wonder what's going on." Gojo murmurs beside Nanami. Nanami shrugs, a lackluster expression on his face. A female's voice rings out from an open room. "MS. Y/L/N, STOP. WE'RE THREE FLOORS UP."

Gojo and Nanami trade glances before turning the corner towards the commotion. "Excuse me, what's going on?" Nanami's voice is clear when he looks at the frantic nurse. She startles from his presence. Her eyes darting from Gojo and Nanami's, her arms clutching onto a clipboard. She wordlessly points to the window.

By the time Nanami and Gojo avert their eyes over to the window, they briefly see Y/L/N's hair. "Did she just jump out of the window?!" Nanami's calm behavior is rattled when he speaks aloud. The nurse yelps from his statement, her eyes forcing closed. She rambles under her breath about something incoherent. Nanami and Gojo both dash over to the window, their hearts in their throats.

You brush yourself off after landing firmly on your feet. Without looking back, you begin to sneak off of Tokyo Jujutsu High campus. The past three weeks were excruciating. You'd think you'll find peace by resting up for four weeks but you broke at week three. Doing absolutely nothing in one room is torture.

You're actually refreshed to feel the sunrays against your skin. So you take a moment to take it in. "Y/L/N!" You shrivel up the moment you hear a man's voice. One that you've had the pleasure of not hearing. Thunderous pitter patters of footsteps rush up from behind you.

A rough yank on the back of your robe collar jerks you backwards. "And where do you think you're going?" The steely tone of Nanami's voice booms in your right ear. A sigh slips past your lips, your hands prying his hand off of your collar. Nanami releases you and you straighten yourself up.

"I'm feeling much better now. I don't need to stay cooped up in that room anymore." You run your fingers through your hair, pursing your lips into a fine line. Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose, a groan rumbling from his throat.

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