A new face

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Five months later, December.

Things are going too well on your end since you've joined the villains side. You've been sent out on frequent missions with Mahito and Kenjaku's lackeys'. Your job only to observe them and aid their backup. You couldn't stoop low enough to kill the innocents. But you weren't better than your own "allies" by watching the innocents suffer.

Oddly enough, you never encountered Gojo or Nanami on these missions. You learned how fast these villains worked. But you're also working quick in your own plans. Each new lackey that joins would mysteriously die during a mission. You're smart enough to not use your bullets on these idiots.

Since working with these villains, you've learned to control your hand to hand combat better. Some things are much easier without a gun involved. Especially when everyone has a hand or two. A hand that can wield other weapons such as a blade. Junpei would assist you on these kills, making the job much quicker.

The two of you are mindful to spread apart the deaths of your allies to not cause suspicion. The hardest ally to accidentally kill would be Shigemo. The man was as slippery as an eel when he caught on to yours and Junpei's plan. His death was on mission number ten. Asides from killing allies, you've managed to gain a few on your side.

You're unsure how you've managed to do so. You couldn't offer them much. Maybe they admired your tenacity to backstab Mahito and Kenjaku. You weren't too sure. Choso, Eso, and Kechizu sided with your cause. The three no longer wanting to be forced along by Mahito's definition of a "new world".

But this leaves you with two allies of Mahito's that still follow suite with everything they're told. Jogo and Hanami. The two are too blinded by this "new world". On the otherhand, Kenjaku has his own team that would carry out on his missions. You've never personally met them within your stay here.

They seem to come and go like the wind. Besides Shigemo who was assisting in a mission Kenjaku speculated to be too difficult for you. You're only aware that there may be six more allies on Kenjaku's side. This leaves eight in total against five.

You stare at the moon from the balcony in silence. You wonder if the Jujutsu sorcerers gave up on claiming you back. If so, what will you do after this? Your main goal was to break the villains plans from within. With only eight more enemies in front of you, what will you do after?

You're not even accounting Mahito and Kenjaku fighting against you the moment they realize what's going on. An empty feeling grows in your chest. Snow begins to fall around you and you gasp at the pretty sight. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, the weather remains the same as back home. You extend your hand out, catching any snow that falls into your palm.

You pull your hand back when you see a mist form around you. You grow tense, looking up to see someone with chin-length white hair, an odd line of dark plum pink streaking on the back of their head sitting on the rooftop. The mist around you freezes and shatters around you. "So this is the woman that Suguru fancies." The person wears a blank expression.

"And you are?" You raise an eyebrow, staring at them. The stranger jumps off of the roof, landing gently beside you. Upon closer look, you're unsure whether to refer to this person as a she or a he. You refrain from using the wrong pronouns.

"Uraume. Someone loyal to Suguru." They speak in a soft tone. Your breathing sounds louder than their voice.

Someone loyal to Suguru? This Uraume person refers Kenjaku as Suguru. Is it possible that they must've known Suguru before? You've never met this person at all. You startle when the person rests their fingertips under your chin.

Your attention zones in on their dark pink eyes. "It's a shame this is how we first meet one another. Suguru would speak highly of you when him and I were off on our missions. Before he never came back on the mission that you partook that night." You knit your brows together, certain that this Uraume person did know the old Suguru and not Kenjaku.

You feel their fingernails dig in your chin, anger apparent with their actions. You're quick to swat their hand away but your hand doesn't make contact. "Uraume. What are you doing here?" The voice of Suguru, Kenjaku, sounds in your right ear. Kenjaku grips tightly on Uraume's wrist, lowering their hand to their side.

"I told you before to not linger around here, have I not?" Kenjaku speaks firmly. You feel his hand rest on the palm of your back. Out of habit, you step in front of Uraume. Your initial reaction seems to be shielding others. Not like Uraume needs you to shield them from Kenjaku. The two are allies.

"Uraume didn't do anything wrong, Geto." You look up to Kenjaku. Kenjaku wears a blank face, his hand extending to your chin. He lifts your chin up to see red marks from where Uraume dug their nails. "Your skin says otherwise, Y/N." Kenjaku carefully takes hold of your wrist, pulling you back to his side.

He sends a chilly glare towards Uraume before ushering you to go back inside to stay warm. You're not one to retort when you feel the tense air from the conversation. Kenjaku remains outside when he watches Y/N close the sliding doors behind her. He then averts his attention over to the white haired monk.

"Why did you appear in front of her?" Kenjaku speaks in a harsh tone, his brows furrowing. Uraume wears a blank expression, a slight shrug to their shoulders. "I'm only curious to why both you and Suguru love her." Kenjaku scrunches his face, his teeth grinding against each other.

"Suguru loves her. My emotions towards her is an act. Don't get it twisted Uraume. Our plan is progressing smoothly so I best not see you near her again." Kenjaku turns to leave Uraume.

Uraume parts their lips, uttering in a soft whisper. "It doesn't look like an act to me. Are you sure you'll be able to kill her after consuming all twenty Sukuna fingers? I feel like you've only kept her here by your side so you're able to live out these last few happy memories. False memories you're building for yourself."

"Shut it. I've heard enough from you." Kenjaku hisses out. Uraume however continues to speak. "If you don't finish the job, I'll kill her. Unlike you, I have no emotional attachment to that woman. If anything, I despise her for not being able to protect the real Suguru."

Kenjaku refrains from continuing the conversation. He leaves Uraume outside on the balcony. Uraume flicks their eyes over to the closed sliding door. They then lower their eyes to their fingertips. "I'll never forgive her for letting Suguru die so helplessly."  

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