Chapter Thirteen

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Olivia made her way into work on New Year's Eve knowing her co-workers were in for a long night. They'd be answering domestic violence calls, reports of sexual assaults, and assisting patrol with traffic stops and tickets. While her colleagues would be working out in the field Olivia would cozied up at her desk fielding phone calls and being kept far from the action.

"Benson, honestly you don't even need to be here, " Cragen sighed, approaching her desk with his steaming cup of Joe.

"I had a feeling that you would say something along those lines, " Olivia chuckled, discarding her jacket on the back of her chair before locking her purse away.

"Why don't you just go home? Take today as a rest day."

"No thank you, Captain. Little bean and I are going to stay here until six and then we'll go home and tuck ourselves safely into bed to stay away from the New Year's Eve craziness happening below in the streets."

"Fair enough, " Cragen nodded, "but you don't go out into the field anywhere today, understood?"

"Loud and clear, " Olivia smiled, patting his shoulder before getting settled at her desk.

Cragen moved to his office and left his squad to work. While Olivia booted up her computer and prepared to work on composing some lineups and finishing up some paperwork Nick entered the squad room undetected. He'd been testing the waters on how to approach this fresh-ish start with his attractive co-worker, but he wasn't sure how far he could go without crossing lines. Nick amped himself up before approaching her desk.

"Uh Olivia, " Nick interrupted her writing, a hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes, Nicolas, " Olivia dragged out his name in a questioning tone.

Nick laughed nervously looking at the floor before looking into her deep chocolate eyes, "uh, I was wondering if you had any plans for tonight, it is New Year's Eve, and all I wasn't sure if you might want to come to celebrate with me and Zara?"

Olivia smiled, finding his boyish nervousness slightly attractive, "thank you for the invitation, what exactly are the plans?"

"Just a small 'party', " Nick used air quotes, "at my place. Zara wants to do pizza, nachos, root beer floats, and she wants to toast to sparkling wine at midnight."

Olivia thought it over briefly, thinking if his daughter was there what could be the harm.

"Is your mom joining us too?" Olivia blurted out, feeling slightly unsure about the three of them being together alone.

"Yeah, Ma will be there."

"Sure, I don't see any harm in it. I can't promise I'll make it to midnight though, " Olivia smiled.

"You say the word and I'll drive you home, okay?" Nick offered, slumping his less nervous body into the chair beside her desk.

"Oh, I was under the impression I could just follow you to yours after work."

"Oh, uh, you can if you want to, but I figured you'd want to change out of your work clothes. Figured I'd pick you up so you're not out driving with idiots on the road."

Olivia smiled slightly, "you know, that isn't a bad point. I told Cragen I'd leave at six, but if you won't tell anyone I'll leave at five-thirty and you can pick me up at six, does that work for you?"

"Sounds good to me. So, I need to know what kind of pizza you like, what you like on your nachos, and what you want to drink."

"One question at a time, Speedy Gonzalez."

"Sorry, " Nick chuckled.

"Lately, " Olivia hummed, "it's been barbecue chicken pizza with cilantro, red onion, and pepperoncini peppers."

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