Chapter Twenty-Four

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The ride to the hospital was more urgent now that Olivia was bleeding. Cesaria was busy cleaning up the puddle on the floor when they left, a prayer leaving her lips as she scrubbed.

“N-nicholas.” Olivia moaned, as she squeezed her boyfriend’s hand tightly.

“Baby, you are doing great. We will get to the hospital shortly.” Nick spoke, as he blinked away tears and ran red lights.

“I’m so scared, Nicholas! What if I don’t stop bleeding?! What about August and Silas?!” Olivia sobbed, as she looked over at Nick.

“Don’t think like that, Liv. I’m not losing any of you!” Nick exclaimed, as he pushed their vehicle faster than it ever should have gone.

By the time they pulled into the ER, blood had soaked through Olivia’s clothes and through the towel she had been sitting on.

“We need help!” Nick screamed, as he almost dragged Olivia into the ER. She was dead on her feet at this point, and her face had lost all of its color.

“Sir, we are busy- we need a gurney right now!” A nurse yelled, once she had spotted Olivia.

“She’s thirty-five weeks pregnant with twins… she went into labor almost two hours ago and started bleeding about twenty minutes ago.” Nick sniffled, as a few other nurses rushed to their side.

“We are going to help her, okay? Just help us get her onto the gurney and we will figure out why she is bleeding… okay?” The female nurse spoke, as she grabbed onto Nick’s arm.

“Please don’t let her die. Please.” He whispered, as Olivia cried out.


Nick was forced into a chair and was told to not move. If he got up and wandered off, then no one would be able to tell him when there was news about Olivia.

“Hey, what are you doing down here?” Amanda smiled, as she walked into the ER with Fin and Cragen in tow. After their suspect was taken to the tombs, they all decided to wait at the hospital for news on the two newest members of their family.

“Amaro?” Cragen asked, since Nick was silent and his eyes were focused on his hands.

“Is that blood on his hands?” Fin whispered, and Cragen nodded slowly.

“Nick, where is Olivia? Is she okay?” Cragen asked weakly.

“She was bleeding really badly, and no one would let me go with her. I have no idea if she’s alive anymore or if our sons… if they can make it through that much blood loss…” Nick mumbled, before finally looking at his friends.

“I’m going to talk to someone.” Fin spoke, as he turned and stumbled to the nurse’s station. Cragen and Amanda sat down on either side of Nick, as the detective started to sob.

“She is super strong, Nick. I think that this was just a hiccup. They will be coming down soon to tell us that Olivia is ready for you to join her.” Amanda smiled, but she didn’t even believe the words coming out of her mouth.

If Olivia was bleeding enough for them to whisk her away and for that blood to stain Nick’s hands, then something was seriously wrong with her. Something that may take her life and the lives of her little boys.


Hours went by as Nick and the rest of the crew settled down for a long night. Cragen was in charge of answering calls from Munch and Cesaria, but he didn’t have any news whenever the phone rang.

“Do you think she’s still alive?” Nick asked, as he raked his fingers through his messy hair.

“If you two are truly meant to be, you’d know if she was dead.” Amanda spoke, and Nick nodded weakly before he stood.

He started to pace the quiet waiting room, as tears streamed down his cheeks. He had tried to pray for Olivia and their children, but he was so hopeless and lost right now. Not knowing was the hardest part of this all. He didn’t know if Olivia was laying in a bed, her heart no longer beating and their sons were the same. Or if they were still fighting. Nick thought it was incredibly cruel that he was left waiting.

“Amaro!” Cragen exclaimed. Nick stopped pacing and turned to look at his captain.


“That doctor has been saying your name.” Cragen replied. Nick turned quickly and saw an exhausted looking woman standing in the doorway. 

“Is she okay?” Nick whimpered, as he made slow strides towards her.

“You are Nicholas Amaro, right?” She asked, and Nick nodded.

“Yeah, but my girlfriend only calls me that… is she okay? Our boys?” Nick asked rapidly, realizing that Olivia must have muttered his full name at one point.

“Olivia is in the ICU. We had to rush her in for an emergency c-section. Unfortunately, she lost a third of her blood volume. We have given her transfusions and we are watching her closely.”

“D-do you think she’s going to make it?” Nick whispered.

“It will be touch and go for a while, and for the next few days we won’t be able to predict what may happen.” 

“And my sons? August and Silas?” Nick asked weakly.

“They are weak and in the NICU. I don’t know much more about how they are doing, but Dr. Blanchard will go over everything with you. Now, would you like to see Olivia? She can have a visitor for a few minutes, then you must leave.”

“Please take me to her.”


Nick stayed with Olivia until her doctor forced him to leave. Nick tried to convince someone to let him meet his sons, but no one would take him to the NICU.

“Nico?” Cesaria asked softly, as she came into the living room. Nick had gotten home a few minutes ago, and only had enough energy to slump down onto the sofa.

“Hey, how was Zara?” Nick replied, as he tried to play off the fact he was numb and incredibly anxious about the current situation.

“She doesn’t know what has been happening, but that isn’t what we should be talking about… why are you here and not with Olivia and the boys?” Cesaria asked.

Nick let out a sigh before leaning forward and scrubbing his hands over his face.

“Olivia didn’t stop bleeding, Ma. She started bleeding harder and by the time we arrived, she was pale and weak. Liv ended up having an emergency c-section and lost a third of her blood volume… she is in the ICU and the twins are in the NICU. They won’t even tell me what is wrong with the boys and I am about to freak out.” Nick whimpered.


“I can’t lose them, Ma. I have never loved someone as much as I love Olivia. Our sons… I haven’t even met them yet and they may be dying! Let alone the fact that if Olivia dies, Zara won’t have a mother. I can’t let her lose another one.”

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