Chapter Nineteen

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Olivia took Zara’s hand and got into the backseat with her as Maria went nuclear. Maria started her physical assault on Nick, escalating the situation by smacking and clawing her soon-to-be ex-husband. Olivia kept Zara’s head in her lap as the screaming and cussing continued outside the car’s door. It was becoming increasingly clear to Olivia that Zara had probably been exposed to abuse like this in her young life and that’s why she found so much comfort in Olivia’s maternal nature.

“Why does Mommy do this, Livvie?” Zara sobbed, clinging to Olivia’s legs.

“I think your Mom is very sick, Zara, and I think she needs some help. Everything is going to be okay now though, sweetie, I promise.”

“I want, Daddy, ” Zara sniffled as sirens drew closer.

“Daddy will be here in just a minute, Z, just keep your head in my lap, okay?”

“Okay, ” Zara whimpered, resting a hand on Olivia’s belly.

The small hand pressed against her swell brought Olivia’s attention to herself. She had to admit she felt queasy about the whole situation taking place less than twenty-five feet from her, and she’d be lying if she said she felt fine because she certainly didn’t. Her chest felt tight, her back was tight with pain, and her breath was becoming labored.

“Livvie, are you okay?” Zara questioned, looking up to find Olivia’s eyes screwed shut.

“I’m — okay, honey, ” Olivia breathed, caressing Zara’s braided hair.

“Livvie, are you hurt?”

“No, Z, I’m — okay, ” Olivia whimpered, trying not to panic the young girl.

“No you aren’t, ” Zara snapped, opening the car door before Olivia could react, “someone help!”

“Zara, get back in the car, ” Fin spoke gently.

“No, help, Livvie needs help!” Zara cried out pointing to the car.

“What?” Fin questioned, moving toward the car with Amanda on his heels.

“She’s in pain!” Zara yelled, catching Nick’s attention as he spoke with a police officer.

“Olivia?” Fin questioned, approaching the open car door.


“What’s wrong, baby girl?”

“My b—back, ” Olivia whimpered.

“Baby girl, ” Fin’s tone dropped to deep concern, “what can I do?”


“Hey Nick!” Fin hollered, turning to find his co-worker right next to the vehicle.

“Liv, I’m right here, love, what’s wrong?”

“My back, ” Olivia croaked, reaching the hand that wasn’t bracing her back out to Nick, “I think I need to get looked at.”

“Okay, ” Nick nodded, feeling panic rise on the inside as he put on a calm facade for his daughter and Olivia, “Fin, can you take Zara home to my mother, please?”

“Of course, I’ll take her home and meet you guys at Mercy.”

“Thanks, ” Nick sighed, getting down to Zara’s level, “be good for Fin and on your best behavior when you get home to Grandma, okay?”

“Is Livvie gonna be okay, Daddy?”

“Yes, but she needs to go see the doctor, okay? But Livvie and I will be home in a little—”

“Nicholas, ” Olivia groaned in pain from the backseat.

 “I gotta go, Z, I love you, ” Nick rambled, kissing his daughter’s forehead quickly before shutting the backseat door and hopping behind the wheel.


“I need help!” Nick yelled into the crowded ER, holding Olivia up against his side.

“What’s the problem?” A nurse questioned, approaching the couple.

“My girlfriend, she’s nearly twenty-one weeks pregnant and she’s experiencing intense back pain.”

The nurse nodded as another nurse approached Nick and Olivia with a wheelchair.

“Miss, go ahead and take a seat for me, we are going to take you upstairs to be looked at, okay?”

Olivia nodded, only letting go of Nick to sit down in the chair. She quickly took hold of his hand once she was situated. Olivia was admitted to the hospital and put under close watch by the on-call OB/GYN and several nurses.

“How are you feeling, babe?”

“Better, ” Olivia yawned, running a hand over her belly.

“I’m sorry this is where today ended. She wasn’t supposed to be here until next week. She wasn’t even supposed to be near you.”

“Babe, it's okay. None of this is your fault. She's toxic and this is what toxic people do, I know that better than anyone.”

“What do you mean by that?” Nick questioned, moving from the window sill he'd been leaning against to his girlfriend's side.

“Just that my life hasn't always been, hasn't ever been, sunshine and rainbows. I've been through a lot, Nicolas, more than you could ever comprehend. Just know I understand it.”

“Olivia, ” he spoke softly, placing his hand atop hers on her belly, “you can tell me anything, you know that, right?"

“Yeah, I do. When I'm ready, you'll know about it.”

“Okay. Let me see if I can't spring you out of here and get you home.”


Nick was able to get Olivia discharged into his care after a little persuasion and a promise that she'd be put to rest when she got home. The couple headed to Nick's home, both of them knowing Zara needed them in every capacity tonight.

“Nicolas, is that you?” Cesaria called as the front door creaked open.

“Yeah, Ma, it's us.”

“Honey, how are you feeling?” Cesaria questioned as soon as Olivia was in her sight.

“I'm okay, ” Olivia smiled tiredly, “just worn out and sore.”

“Babies are okay?”

“Perfect as ever. I had some braxton hicks due to my high blood pressure. Everything is good though and everyone is staying put.”

“Good, let's get you upstairs and resting, ” Cesaria smiled, helping her son's girlfriend up the stairs.

Nick trailed into the living room and found his daughter fast asleep on the couch, clasped across her chest a picture of Olivia. A picture even Nick had never seen before, a small polaroid of Olivia from what he could assume were her uniform days.

“Fin gave her that when he dropped her off and said he wanted it back once Olivia was home.”

“That was nice of him, ”Nick nodded, scooping his little girl into his arms.

“Livvie?” Zara questioned, her eyelids opening halfway to make out her father's face.

“Livvie's upstairs, we'll go say good night before you get tucked in.”

Zara nodded, letting out a soft yawn before waving goodnight to her grandmother.

“Goodnight, Ma, ” Nick whispered, placing a soft kiss on his mother's cheek before carrying Zara to bed.

It had been a long and stressful day for all, so Nick allowed Zara to curl up on one side of his body while Olivia snuggled into the other. Both of his girls were insanely exhausted, Olivia drifting off to sleep as soon as his presence was felt in the bed and Zara falling asleep shortly after that. Once he was safe with them both he knew he could finally let sleep take him far away from all his problems coming in the following days.

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