Chapter Seventeen

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Olivia understood the storm of emotions that were going to arise upon the arrival of Nick’s soon-to-be ex-wife Maria. It was clear to her that things wouldn’t be easy in the coming weeks, hell the torrent waves of emotions had already begun. Zara was taking the homecoming of her mother the hardest, she’d begun acting out, and even for Nick and Cesaria it was too much to handle, and for Olivia, it was beyond overwhelming. 

“Hey there you are, ”Nick sighed, closing his bedroom door behind him, “are you okay?”

“No, ” Olivia spoke plainly with a shake of her head, “my heart is racing, I feel hot and nauseous, I can’t keep being the middle-man the referee in these screaming matches with a five-year-old who thinks she’s going on sixteen.”

“Olivia, ” Nick spoke softly, knowing all too well that she was overstimulated, overwhelmed, and plain just not feeling well because of the energy surrounding her.

“I can’t, Nicolas, I’m sorry but I can’t do this. I can’t be in this position right now, it’s not good for me or them, ” Olivia sighed, cradling her bump.

“Hey, Hey, Hey, ” his soothing voice was able to break through her closing walls, “what do you need? What can I do to improve the situation?”

“I need space from Zara for a little while. I think you and Maria need to sit down and have a chat with her about all that is going on. I think Maria’s impending return on top of finding out she’s going to be a big sister and having me around is too much for her.”

Nick approached her seated figure slowly, only wrapping his arms around her frame as she reached for him. It becomes increasingly clear to him that he needs to deal with Maria and Zara and all that comes with it, and he’d have to do it soon to not lose his sons or Olivia.

“Do you want to stay here tonight, or do you want me to drive you home?” Nick asked as Olivia clung to him.

“I want to stay here, but I don’t think I should, ” Olivia whimpered, rubbing circles on her swell.

“Understandable, ” Nick sighed.

“Please don’t be mad, “ Olivia whimpered.

“Livvie, I’m not mad, “ Nick whispered truthfully, “I’m upset with myself for not taking control of the situation sooner.”

Before Olivia could respond a gentle knock sounded on the bedroom door.

“Come in, ” Olivia sniffled.

The doorknob turned slowly to reveal a shrunken Zara with bloodshot eyes and tears still streaming down her cheeks.

“Daddy and Olivia, can I talk to you, please?” Zara questioned softly.

“Sweetie, I don’t think right now is a great time, ” Nick spoke, running a hand over Olivia’s back.

“Nicolas, it’s okay, ” Olivia assured, reaching out for the little girl, “Come’er Zara, what is it you want to talk about?”

“I don’t want to live with Mommy when she comes home, I want to live with you and Daddy and my baby brothers, ” Zara cried, climbing onto the bed, snuggling into Olivia’s side.

Olivia passed Nick a quick look before speaking, “Zara, I don’t know what the arrangements are between your parents, but what I do know is that you will be present in your brother’s lives, okay?”

“Why does Mommy even have to come back?! She doesn’t love me!”

“Zara, “ Nick quickly scolded.

Olivia could feel the impending screaming match and knew she couldn’t stomach another one tonight. She was already feeling overworked for today on top of feeling wildly overstimulated from all of the screaming and yelling that had taken place earlier in the evening.

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