Chapter Twenty-Nine

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July faded into a warm August, and not long after the leaves fell into a chilly September. Nick had been undercover for two months now and Olivia had heard nothing of his return from Captain Cragen or Captain Vargas. She took it as a good sign to not hear from Captain Vargas, but it also didn't make Zara's persistent questions about her father any easier to answer.

"Zara, sweetie, it's time to get up for school, " Olivia cooed, rubbing her back. 

"Mama, " Zara grumbled, "I don't wanna go to school."

"Why not? I thought you liked your new teacher?" Olivia questioned, holding a sleepy August to her chest.

"I do, but I don't like library day, it's boring, " she protested with a noisy yawn.

"You guys get to start checking out books this week though and if I remember correctly you told me, Miss Penny set aside a few books you wanted to take out last week for you." 

"Wait, that's this week?" Zara questioned, her brown eyes wide with excitement.

"Yes, " Olivia nodded, "so get up and get dressed, breakfast will be ready when you come down."

Olivia kissed Zara's head before making her way downstairs. Cesaria was already in the kitchen, slaving away at breakfast for her granddaughter and Olivia who she so lovingly referred to as hija now.

"Hija, coffee or juice?"

Olivia giggled, still shy about the new nickname, "juice."

Olivia moved around Cesaria fixing Zara's lunch, as she did so Silas nursed. She'd gotten a rhythm down with her sons that also somehow included being able to get Zara off to school. With Nicholas undercover and Olivia still on maternity leave they were navigating this crazy life as a family. It wasn't unusual for members of the squad to stop by and see the kids and Olivia on the weekends and that helped break up all the time Olivia was spending with the kids.

"Zara?" Olivia called, wondering what was taking the little girl so long this morning.

"Mama, " Zara poked her head from her bedroom door, "I need help."

"Coming, " Olivia smiled, climbing the stairs.

"I'm stuck, " Zara shrugged.

The little girl's dress had gotten caught on her waist as she stepped in from the neck.

"Oh sweetheart, " Olivia chuckled, helping Zara out and back in, "there you go, now hurry, we might be late but you need to eat."

Zara took off down the stairs as Olivia gathered her pajamas and slipped them into the hamper. Normally she would've made Zara come back up to do it, as well as pull the covers up on her bed and bring down her water cup, but they were behind schedule so Olivia did it herself. 


"You made it to school alright?" Cesaria questioned as the door opened.

"Just in time, " Olivia smiled, coming around the corner to see a ghost in her kitchen.

There he stood, his thick black beard at the longest she'd ever seen it. She knew she'd gone rigid and maybe even paled a bit because now he stood inches from her face, his strong hands holding her hips.

"Hola, mí amor, " he smiled.

"Nicholas?" Her voice quivered, her arms finding his strong ones, gripping his tee-shirt.

"Hi, baby, " he whispered, dropping his lips to hers. 

Olivia's hands tightened on his shirt as his arms enveloped her body. From her tiptoes, she engrossed herself in the passionate kiss, letting herself become breathless before sinking back onto her feet.

"What are you doing here?" She questions, wondering if he was able to slip out or if he was home for good.

"I'm home, " he smiles, "we closed the ring last week. I had to do a bunch of clearance work before I could come home though."

"I'm just glad you're here, " Olivia sighed, wrapping her arms around his chest and snuggling into him.

"I'm heading out to the church, then to lunch and bridge, I'll be home to make dinner, " Cesaria called from the door.

"Silas and August are down for morning naps, they'll be out for at least another hour, " Olivia suggestively winks, biting her bottom lip.

"Lead the way, " Nick smirks.

Olivia takes his hand leading him up the stairs and to their room. She spins and shuts the door before moving over to him. Her hands waste no time unbuttoning his jeans as she drops to her knees.

"Liv, " Nick protests.

She shakes her head and moves his hands, "stop it, I've missed you."

She licks her lips and frees him from the confines of his jeans and boxers. Without hesitation her hand grips him, moving slowly up and down his shaft. It's not long before her mouth catches salty pre-cum on her tongue, swirling his tip before taking him deep in her velvety throat.

His hand finds her hair, a fistful of it becomes tangled in his fingers as she works him closer to the edge. He watches her, the way she looks up through her makeup-less lashes her lips plump as they go up and down his shaft.

"Liv, " he growls, warning her.

She hums, sucking harder, moving her lips and hand faster. His other hand finds her head as he thrusts himself into her mouth, twitching as he becomes undone. She swallows, the motion nearly sending him over the edge again and she lets him go with a pop, her hand continuing to move against him as she stands.

"I missed you, " she hums as his hands move up under her tee shirt.

"I missed you, " he smiles, pulling the fabric over her head and dropping her lips to the spot under her ear.

After an afternoon of rolling around in bed together, only breaking apart when the boys needed to be fed and changed, they decided to make dinner together. Cesaria picked Zara up from after-school care so Nick and Olivia could have enough time to shower and start dinner.

"Mama, " Zara squealed, running into the house book bag in hand. She stopped dead in her tracks much like Olivia had earlier, "Daddy!"

"Hi princess, " Nick smiled, swinging her up into his arms.

His little girl burst into happy tears which only caused Olivia to also shed a few tears. Nick's absence had been tough on them all, from sleepless nights and endless worrying, but with him back where he belonged it once again felt like everyone could breathe.

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