Chapter Five

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After a week Olivia realized just how anxious she was to know if she was pregnant or not. Her doctor had told her that she should wait until her first missed period to take a test, so Olivia was trying to be patient waiting to see if her flow would arrive.

"Olivia, " Amanda yelled at her colleagues across their desks.

"Huh?" Olivia questioned, jumping slightly at Amanda's voice, "did you say something?"

"Yeah, but don't worry about it. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be, " Olivia sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.

"You just, you seemed pretty spaced out there, you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, " Olivia rolled her shoulders back and picked up her pen to return to the paperwork in front of her.

"Okay, " Amanda sighed, "uh I was going to tell you Melinda called and said she had something for us on the Weber case. Do you want me to go alone or-"

"No, I'll ride with you, let's go, " Olivia spoke, grabbing her jacket and following Amanda from the room. 

Once Nick was sure the elevator doors had closed and that the captain's shades were still closed he made his way to Olivia's desk. He was looking for anything that would help him rekindle a relationship between him and his coworker. He wanted more than anything for Olivia to like him so that they could at least work together civilly. Maybe he wanted something more, but for now, he'd take an amicable work relationship.

He searched her desk high and low for anything that would tell him her favorite flower or candy. He knew how she liked her coffee, but she hadn't been drinking it lately which was a flag to him, and while thumbing through her top desk drawer he quickly found the reason she hadn't been indulging in her caffeine addiction.

"Shit, " Nick swore under his breath, opening the file and reading the description he'd written years ago. 

Nick quickly shut Olivia's drawers and got out of her chair. He locked the file into his desk before running his hands over his face. He felt the quick flutter of his heart coupled with sweaty palms and knew that he wasn't going to be able to hide his shiftiness from anyone.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Amanda questioned, pulling out her chair.

"When did you get back?" Nick questioned, trying to hide the shake in his voice.

"Thirty seconds ago, now why are you so nervous."

"No reason."

"You're such a bad liar, Nick, what the hell did you do?" Amanda pressed as Olivia moved into the room.

Nick's eyes quickly ran over her body. The pace of his eyes didn't go unnoticed by either of his female colleagues, and Olivia noticed as his eyes locked to her stomach before he quickly looked away and rubbed his hands down his slacks.

"Nick, seriously, " Olivia grumbled.

"What?!" He snapped.

"Don't raise your voice at me. You know what, and you know exactly what I'm going to say so fuck off."

"Olivia, " Nick sighed, standing and slowly moving towards her, "can I talk to you in private for a moment."

"No, " Olivia grumbled, slipping into her chair and huffing as she returned to her paperwork.

"Olivia, please, " Nick begged, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Olivia felt her blood nearly boil through her skin. Immediately she felt territorial over her child that may or may not exist yet and she quickly acted on the emotion.

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