Chapter Eight

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Olivia ended up passing out on the couch and woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking. She climbed off the couch and slowly walked into the kitchen. Amanda was busy flipping pancakes as Fin struggled to open a bottle of syrup.

“What are you two doing?” Olivia whispered, as she looked past Amanda and saw that it was nearly ten at night.

“We are making you dinner. So pop a squat and relax.” Fin sighed as he looked at the bottle in his hand.

“You didn’t have to do this, guys. I’m fine. Today was just rough, and all I want to do is sleep.” Olivia frowned as she reached out and took the bottle from Fin and opened it easily.

“Well, we don’t feel good about leaving you here alone, baby girl. So once we eat and clean up, Amanda is going to crash here tonight and then tomorrow I will crash here.” Fin spoke, and Olivia sighed softly before nodding.

She leaned back in her chair before starting to think about all the shit that was happening. How Nick was the man that she picked to father her child, even before they met. Olivia was beyond angry, since now she was sure Nick would try to be involved. As if he was more than just a sperm sample in a cup.

“Liv, you gotta eat.” Fin spoke, and Olivia blinked a few times before seeing the full plate in front of her.

“Okay… thanks, Amanda. They look great.” Olivia breathed. 

She cut into one of the pancakes before deciding to tell her friends about what had happened earlier. Why she suddenly panicked and almost collapsed.

“Nick’s the father.” Olivia blurted out.

Fin’s dropped from his hand, and Amanda started to cough as she choked on her bite.

“W-what?” Fin struggled to ask.

“The reason I got so angry before and freaked out is because Nick told me that I picked his profile. He stole it from my desk… and he is the donor I used to get pregnant. So right now, I am growing a baby that was created with a man that I hate.” Olivia breathed.


Amanda and Fin didn’t really know what to say, so they dropped it. But once Fin left for the night and Olivia had gotten the couch made up for Amanda, there were questions that needed to be asked and answered.

“So did you know that Nick was the donor?” Amanda whispered, as she sat on the edge of Olivia’s sofa.

“Do you think I would have picked that profile if I had known?” Olivia frowned.

“No, I guess not… but Liv-”

“He snooped through my desk and found the profile. He stole it, and has hid it from me for weeks… if he would have told me sooner I don’t think I’d be this angry, but now I’m incredibly pissed off.” Olivia sighed. 

She sat down beside Amanda before leaning back against the sofa. She placed her hands against her stomach as tears burned her eyes.

“Liv, just forget about him. He may have donated the sperm, but he isn’t going to raise the kid with you or anything. Nick doesn’t even have rights to the baby, so you don’t have to worry about that.” Amanda smiled as she tried to make things better.

“Let’s say I picked someone who I actually didn’t know. Like some random guy that doesn’t even live in New York anymore… then I wouldn’t be worried about going to work. But this is Nick. He knows who I am, where I live and work, and he knows that he is the father. He knows that next year I will be giving birth to a baby that will look like both of us. Not just me and some stranger.” Olivia whimpered as tears finally slid down her cheeks.

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